Amelie Celeste aka the hope bean...

He he its a very close photo she is chunky but not that chunky lol :p she is as tall as a 5-6 month old though :roll: she outgrew her bath tub already and almost outgrew the carry cot part of the stroller :( I will have to put my "tiny" baby in the big kids stroller :( she is way too little :cry:
Amelie is 8 weeks old :) he is going through a wonder week at the moment hence the crying and everything but knowing what's going on makes it easier to deal with especially for my oh that has kind of an excuse for the babies fussiness and hope that she will soon calm down. Unfortunately this particular leap last a couple of weeks so it will be 2 very very long weeks lol...

Anyway yesterday we bought Amelie a high chair as it was on sales her face when we put her in there was incredible !! She was smiling non stop and chatting away! (Dysco if you read that, I should sent you a short video to see her to get to know her better and fix your Skype woman)
We also got her an activity arc and I really really recommend to everyone to consider getting one even since the first days.
Ours is a tiny love one and can clip in a swing, pram, car seat, stroller etc so you get plenty of use from it. The reason I got that is that Amelie is not interested yet in her play gym and that's because every time you lay her down she screams the place down. That's going on since week 4 I think and after asking around here I found out that most of the babies hate laying down so early. Well that activity arc let her play with it like she would have done on a playmat but on a sitting position!

I also yesterday for the first time we read a story !!! The night before Christmas :) she sat there listening and she eventually fall asleep.

I am currently on a hunt to find a big story book with preferably lots of traditional well known stories inside and illustrations. I want a big hardcover book rather than 20 smaller ones as I had one like that when I was little and felt very precious to carry it around even when I was min older. I think I still have it somewhere in Greece :love:
Unfortunately I can't Just nip at the bookstore and find sth that I like as I need an book in English language and I can't find that here. So I will have to order it and I am a little sad that I do t get to see it before and find sth I really like for her to treasure for many years :(

Books are very important to me and I am going to work hard to assure that she can enjoy books so much as I did and still do.
I ordered the Beatrix potter complete series in one book. The stories are classics so you can't get wrong with those injustice hope that the hardcover and the illustrations are nice :)
I grew up reading Beatrix Potter! Such lovely stories! Perfect!

I am all excited !!!! She will probably have none of it as she is still very little but when she will be older she will already know all those and providing that the book is well made and it will last until then it can be a very nice keepsake.
I will have to find an iPad sth edition too as babies go trough a phase of tearing books apart so we may use an iPad version sth for a while me thinks?

What are you reading your little one Emily? Or planning to read?
Forgot to say that I ordered an amber anklet, no idea if it will work for keeping her calmer and feature teething but a mum can only hope lol :blush:
I havent read to him yet but can't say i have anything particular in mind

Reading tweetys diary I just realized that I need some organizing finally in my life...
Well Amelie will be 9 weeks old on Monday and things are going back to normal (as normal as it can get with a small bean)
So I need to start organizing myself.
Probably I have to start by fixing my garderobe and tidying my closet :faint: I still mostly wear t shirts and joggers when I am out of the house as at home I go around with pjms as they get full of poop and sick way too often to care wear proper clothing lol :roll: I must say that I don't even want to try to enter my old clothes as I am sure I don't fit in any of them...
Saying that my parents are living in 8 days and the continuous food party will finally stop lol. Time for some dieting me thinks and I will start with some carb control meaning limiting the very carby things and eliminating sugary deserts etc :faint: we will see how that will go. Winter is coming and I am always properly ravenous during the very cold months (nobody knows why as I have more than enough fat lol)
I also need to sort the issues with my work as we didn't solve anything yet and see how I will do with daycare.
The idea of already leaving Amelie and going. Back to work is like a knife in my heart :(
I am all excited !!!! She will probably have none of it as she is still very little but when she will be older she will already know all those and providing that the book is well made and it will last until then it can be a very nice keepsake.
I will have to find an iPad sth edition too as babies go trough a phase of tearing books apart so we may use an iPad version sth for a while me thinks?

What are you reading your little one Emily? Or planning to read?

I love beatrix potter, I had the whole set of books and i didn't realise my mum had kept them, so i've got the whole set for LO too! :love: I like the idea of ipad versions for when they are too little to appreciate books though!

You are the best bump buddy in the world!!!!!!!!!!!! I love mine and Ollie's presents! The chest is gorgeous, the blanket wonderfully snuggly for Ollie and my charm is so so special! I don't have a charm bracelet but had already told DH I'd like one for xmas so have now told him what one to get :love: :love: thank you, thank you thank you xxxxxxxxx
Where are you at work wise hun? are you still supposed to be going back at 3 months? you can't if there is no childcare provision, and I cant believe in Norway they are pushing you for that when you are entitled to so much time off which hun you will never get back, those precious moments are so special and if you don't want another, savour this time with her! I know how career driven you are but in this moment you know what your priorities are and a few months with Amelie will mean so much more in a few years than getting back to work earlier. tough choices though hun xxx
I am so glad that you liked the charm. I wasn't sure if you have a bracelet and there are so many choices and styles that I didn't want to choose sth that you will not like :(
But it all worked out with your oh getting you than for Christmas :love: are you getting also a pandora bracelet or sth different?
Funny enough I don't have one and I was telling my oh that maybe will get me one for my birthday to start a charm collection that will symbolize important milestones in my life.
For Christmas I had already picks my present it will be one of the big Ridley wallets (I hope at least that th will ship it in Norway...)
About my work now I will sent you a pm or email as its too delicate of a subject to discuss here let's just say that the pressures are "internal" and they have nth to do with what I am entitled or not.
They can't make me go back but they can make my life a hell when I go back ifykwim ?
But we are working on it...

I am a little all teary today... Or just tired I suppose....but your joy for your presents made me so happy :hug:
:hug: I love, love the presents, they are really beautiful. xxxxx
amelie is almost 10 weeks old (no it didnt fly by lol) and she becomes more and more alert. she listen to you when you talk to her and makes cooing noises all the time :love:
we got her an activity arc that can clip on the moses basket, pram, car seat etc and she really really likes it, spending quite a lot of time every day smiling away at it lol :D

every week is sth different, sth completely new. this week she discovered her hands :P and also she decided that she only wants to sleep on the car seat clipped on the stroller for the night :lol: so there she goes and my oh carries her in her bed upstairs when she falls asleep :)
she is still waking one time per night at around 4 o clock and though i want her eventually sleep through the night before i go back to work, i quite miss her during the night (she sleeps in the nursery next door since 3 weeks old) and i quite happy get up to feed her and cuddle her a little.
also the whole week she got very gassy after the 4 o clock night feed and she ends up screaming in her sleep because of the wind moving around. so she ended sleeping in our bed (well she does because i can't sleep with her in bed) almost every night this week early in the morning as i got sick of getting up and try to comfort her. hopefully no bad habits are forming as she is asleep when i get her to our bed and asleep when my oh gets her down for the day.

my parents leaving this sunday and though i am looking forward of having the house back to myself and have some quiet time (as quiet it can get with amelie and coco around...) i will miss their company and off the food and clean house and laundry and everything lol...

well christmas will be here soon and amelie is getting older and easier to handle every day :)

i already started exploring my options for weaning and start getting organized for both weaning and teething...
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What a day/night...

Amelie woke up screaming at 1 o clock I think se bumped her head on the cot rails :( I didn't see what h it is so I thought she needs feeding and fed her too and the wee monkey woke up at 4.30 too when she normally has a feed :roll: proving one more time that she really Dosent need that feed she wakes up from habit.... After the feed she wouldn't settle at 4.30 she was sleeping and wriggling around so I got get in bed and I was keep cuddling her while she was fussing all over... So no sleep for me the whole night...
Anyway waking up this morning I realized that the basement is full of water!!! It's been raining viciously the past months so it was imminent...
Putting the pump to pump the water out and the hose bursts :roll:
Getting in the car to go buy a new hose and the window wiper flies from the car because of the vicious wind and over a field with cows :faint:
So I am in the middle of a 80 km/h road with torrential rain and no window wipers :roll:
2 h on today and I am still alive...
To be continued....
Oh my goodness Hope! What a nightmare of a day/might you have had! :hug: hope it's all ok and you are safe! Xx
Spoiled rotten by the grandparents


Also getting chunkier every each day :roll::faint:
Blimey hun, what a day you've had! Hope you're ok?

Amelie is just the cutest little lady, i just want to snuggle her chubby cheeks!!

We have been to the mall today :)
Amelie was dressed in a super cute dress and she had pantyhose on and pink shoes.she was looking around and she was cute as a doll resulting of us getting every so often stopped by people that they wanted to look at her or coo over her lol.

She is still on a food strike and making me so stressed...
Yesterday she only had 3 bottles in 24 h :wall::wall:
Today she had more but she only ate 1/2 of her usual quantity :roll::wall:

She also has a very broken sleep and I think all that is part of a developmental leap.

I so recommend the wonder weeks book and application. So spot on on all of her fussy times...

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