amelie is almost 10 weeks old (no it didnt fly by lol) and she becomes more and more alert. she listen to you when you talk to her and makes cooing noises all the time
we got her an activity arc that can clip on the moses basket, pram, car seat etc and she really really likes it, spending quite a lot of time every day smiling away at it lol
every week is sth different, sth completely new. this week she discovered her hands

and also she decided that she only wants to sleep on the car seat clipped on the stroller for the night

so there she goes and my oh carries her in her bed upstairs when she falls asleep

she is still waking one time per night at around 4 o clock and though i want her eventually sleep through the night before i go back to work, i quite miss her during the night (she sleeps in the nursery next door since 3 weeks old) and i quite happy get up to feed her and cuddle her a little.
also the whole week she got very gassy after the 4 o clock night feed and she ends up screaming in her sleep because of the wind moving around. so she ended sleeping in our bed (well she does because i can't sleep with her in bed) almost every night this week early in the morning as i got sick of getting up and try to comfort her. hopefully no bad habits are forming as she is asleep when i get her to our bed and asleep when my oh gets her down for the day.
my parents leaving this sunday and though i am looking forward of having the house back to myself and have some quiet time (as quiet it can get with amelie and coco around...) i will miss their company and off the food and clean house and laundry and everything lol...
well christmas will be here soon and amelie is getting older and easier to handle every day
i already started exploring my options for weaning and start getting organized for both weaning and teething...