Amelie Celeste aka the hope bean...

Dysco I suppose anything under 2 h would be ok. But it takes some tries for them to start liking it so at the beginning I am using it for short periods of like 20 min until she is comfortable there.

At the moby she stays more cuddled and my baby has a shit fit every time you restrain her hands or legs... Probably that's why she hates it. Once she hits like 2 m and has better head control I will try her in a sitting position there she may like it better though I seriously doubt it...
Feeling so emotional today :(
I month ago I was in labor....

I can't believe that Amelie is one month old already. I was looking at those first 5 min pictures of her and can't believe that I am blessed with her.
I will never forget though the horrendous pain of those last minutes of labor and the extreme worry that sth bad will happen to her...

this is the very first moment picture

And this is this morning

I think you've been amazing! And Amelie gets more and more beautiful! Xxxx happy one month Amelie xxx
God Hope has it really been a month???? It feels like just yesterday Amelie arrived.

things are starting to calm down...i would say that the hectic newborn days are mostly behind us...we still have problems with day, night confusion resulting in a sleep deprived mummy but the difference between those first 2 weeks and now is amazing...
today i managed to make apple pie and dinner and also to finish an article :roll:

ofc that probably means that after she slept so long during the day she will have none of it during the night but we will see.

my parents will also be here in 5 days and that will be such a blessing. cant wait for some properly cooked greek food and desert and washed, ironed clothes and a clean house...oh and they will leave us before they leave a freezer box full of cooked frozen meals :D
basically as my mum said i have to do nth more than enjoy myself and amelie... that and finish some articles, some book chapters, some abstracts and get some studying done...

after they leave i will properly start dieting again :) can't wait reall;y :)

this week i also have my 5-6 weeks check up at my gynaecologist :) though i am pretty sure everything will be ok. thinking about that and considering the shitty labor i had i was quite lucky lol, i got no piles, i have perfect bladder control, i didnt need an epishysiotomy, my stitches have never been sore, i didnt have troubles to pee or poo immediately after birth, no need to even lean forward or spray with bleeding was never more than a normal period flow, i got no clots at all, no pains and the bleeding turned to spotting at 2 weeks and stopped completely at 3-4 weeks.

we also kind of resumed sex life, we didn't attempt any aheam penetration yet as i am just waiting for the ok this week and then we just need amelie to sleep lol for this to happen...

i also asked my oh to look down there (at 2 weeks ) and he said everything looks normal, just a bit loose :roll: he couldnt see any stitches so i still wonder where my stitches are???????? as i couldnt feel them at all (scared to death to look lol)
i will ask the gynaecologist as i dont even know where i tore?????

that was a huge random post lol!!!
I can only hope my post birth recovery is as good as yours hun! although you deserve it after such a troublesome pregnancy! at least something has gone textbook :) I bet you can't wait for your parents to come over, i bet they can't wait for amelie cuddles either! You will get some really precious time then I bet xxxx
hey hun just caught up on you and your little princess!

she is so cute so glad things are getting to some kind of normality for you now lovely!!
I am glad to hear after the troubles of pregnancy and labour your lady bits are doing OK :lol: :lol:

I bet you are so excited for your parents to arrives, sounds like you and Amelie will be spoilt rotten

So Amelie is almost 6 weeks and today I had my final check up.
she had a look, I had an ultrasound and a PAP test.
She said everything is healing great and that everything look nice and tight lol :roll: and to go ahead and have sex :roll:

Scared much lol?????

So I now only have to contact her when I want to stop expressing to get a pill to stop lactation and ofc she will contact me if anything is wrong with the smear

I actually feel a little sad that I will not see her for quite a long f time lol?

Oh and how weird was the ultrasound to look in there and to be no bean there :faint:
It was quite surreal :faint:
6 weeks aready! wow how is time flying by when i think of you and Nat and going so slowly for me!
Ready to go meet the grandparents for the first time at the airport. Do you think they will like her :lol:

No Hope, I don't think they'll like her...

They'll LOVE her!!!!!


Passed out after a long day...
It's a hard bean life...
She's SO adorable! I love those star shaped blankets! Bet her grandparents are besotted! Xxxx
Lovely to read your journal, and see some pics. She is a cutie. Love her outfit to pic up the grandparents.
Totally random question, which part of the uk would you live in? I know it's a weird question xxx
Hey Lolly :)
Obviously I don't know all the uk regions but I think Scotland would be for me :) I just love outdoors, mountains, climbing etc :) and probably there are more possibilities there for that kind of lifestyle :) couple that for my very busy social life and probably anything around Edinburgh would be great lol :)

Amelie has a tough week... Comes afternoon she can't drop off ending up crying inconsolably for hours :( I ended up in tears everyday the past week. It's just so hard to see her crying so much.
God if I knew how much my "heart will hurt" from love I would have consider twice getting pregnant...

In a different note she is now 6.1 kg jumped at the 97 centile from the 90 one :roll: and she is above centiles for height :faint:
She is a tall girl outgrowing in length already the 6m clothes :wall:
Anyway I will flat down the next person who will say that she is fat... Not that I can diet her right????

The grandparents are completely besotted but I end up being as tired as before as I just can't let her with them and sleep when the past days she has been so unsettled :( not that they don't know how to take care of her but I just can't stand to know her away from me ( make the definition of away the first floor while I an in the second :roll:)
Hope lovely, the right answer would have been Cardiff ;). We are 30 mins or less from sea and mountains and closer to big cities :).

Sorry to hear she isn't settling well in the afternoons, that must be hard. Hope your parents are helping in other ways though and maybe with time yu will start to feel ok with her being away from you for a little, you need that break Hun. Xxx

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