amelie is 4 weeks old already...
its been 4 really tough weeks with the first 2 being the most horrible experience ever because of baby blues...
but i can see the light now at the end of the tunnel...
me and amelie are in sort of a routine (getting there anyway). for the nights we have 1/2 of a meal, bath, rest of the meal and then bed. she usually wakes once between 11-7 its not perfect but its manageable. she is heading for sleeping through i think in maybe 1 month.
good think of having a chunky baby is that they can eat more and therefore go longer stretches through the night.
during the day i always make sure that she wakes every 3 h to have a meal, i actually wake her to ensure that she takes a good amount of milk during the day so she dosent have to wake more than once during the night to meet her 24 h needs of milk.
our daily routine still needs some working but that will improve as she gets older and she is able to stay awake for longer periods of the day.
anyway i slowly get my life back...i manage a couple of hours (with many interruptions obviously) of some studying or work related things, and like 1 h of free time to relax.
my parents are arriving in one week and things will get even better and when they leave (1 month later) hopefully amelie will be close to a good routine and to sleep through the night.
right baby steps but i actually met my goals until now.
my first goal was to find some time to meet my personal needs, like washing myself, eat breakfast etc
second goal was to find some free time to relax
then soem time to study
the courage to go out and about alone with her
and the next goal, well beginning slowly obviously is to increase the physical activity i do and after my parents leave to start loosing some weight. (cant really resist some mommy comfort food

going back to work is still in negotiations. we are not really able to arrange daycare for such a small baby so i may not return at all at work if we dont come in terms of a good arrangement and just apply for a better job once amelie is 6 months old and i will be able to have her in a nursery (if we find an open place that is as for now is not looking so promising

the truth is that the hospital is not to keen on having me in the post that i have right now as i am overqualified for that one meaning that they have to pay me double of what they would have paid someone with the right qualifications for the job

they dont want to let me go either so they are trying hard to open a place for me and they keep making me offers that as long as they dont include a daycare plan or maternity leave until at least amelie is 6-8 m old are all denied though the salary is more than appealing and so is the position to the clinic. i suppose we will see how it will go. if they really want me they better consider amelies well been too or i will apply for a different job.
anyway they have 2 more months to make the right arrangements and then we will have to make big plans as applying fr a different job means to actually move to a different city.
actually that will happen regardless eventually as i want to do a phd and thats not possible in the town we live right now...
such a random post lol....sorry for that thought i doubt anyoen made it to the end of it lol
right that was all, my plan for losing weight is carb control as thats the only plan that ever worked for me and i find it quite easy rather than counting calories and staving with low fat low calorie food. that and exercise off.
going to wake miss smelly bum princess, change her and feed her