A cosmic 2ww

this is such a mystery ... :s I rezally wish something would turn up either way preferably a nice big fat positive hpt if not that at least AF just to put you out of this misery... this is such a hard game isnt it? xx

It's awful, I'm so down, just want af to turn up now :( xx
oh cosmic huni!! how annoying...have my fingers and toes crossed that either AF shows up or you get BFP!!

I cant even pay to get the blood done - need a gp referral! Walk in can't do it. People at work telling me to just wait longer, one saying it's still early and she didn't test til one month late! No one is taking me seriously or worried at all that I'm so late x
I don't know huni!! really wish i could help....Did you see your GP??? it's very strange!:confused:

how late are you? when it happened me i was only 5 days late and then AF showed up....its horrible not having answers!! :hugs: :hugs:
I really feel for you cosmic.

Are you booked in at GP any time soon?
Aww sorry Cos, are you gonna ring and speak to the docs again??

Tell them your breast pain is unbearable and you need to rule pregnancy out...

I'm booked in to see gp next Wednesday, am I being dramatic? xx
Now, you're not being dramatic. It sucks going around not knowing what's going on. Hope af gets you soon! (or that you get a bfp)
Cd 47, thought I'd do a digi (maybe all the frer's in the uk are faulty), shouldn't have bothered :( x
I'm so sorry hun, can't believe you're still being messed around like this :hugs:
Oh my god Cosmic, i can't beleive you are still going through this :hug:

I think if you are going to go back to the doctor that you might want to be more specific on what you want to achieve and how you think that they can do that.

You want to know that you are not pregnant, so you want a HPT.

You want to know why your period has not appeared, probably just talk through the possibilities as most tests tend to need to be on a specific cycle day.

You want to know how long you are expected to wait before they investigate further and why.

Tell them that you are finding it hard to sleep, you can't concentrate and it has been noticed at work just to try and insist upon them that it is necessary to resolve it quickly.
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Thanks Louise, that's great advice, I wish you could come with me.
I am seeing dr on Wednesday evening, I hope af has turned up by then x
Aren't they hideous samsgirl? You should see them when I have a bath, they are like a map! x
Hey! Less of the hideous comments :roll:

My boobs look like that all the time, my skin is practically transparent :blush:
Sorry Lou :flower:

This is very abnormal for me, and the pic doesn't do them justice! x
I remember MissJ posting a pic of her boobies ages and ages ago when her period went AWOL and they were crazy veiny, i'll see if i can find it.

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