A cosmic 2ww

Do you think it's a hormonal thing? x
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I think what is happening to you is hormonal, yes.

I think that you haven't ovulated and therefore you have not had a rise and fall of progesterone that causes the lining to thicken and then be shed as a period.

I suspect you a well into your next cycle by now and hopefully you will ovulate soon and get the subsequent period when it should be due.

There are other things that can cause a late period such as lifestyle changes, but i think this one is the most likely :)

Maybe the boobies are an ovulation sign - making your boobies round and appealing to any horny males ;)
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Definately get yourself some OPKs :)

If you pretend your period came when it should have, what cd would you be now?
Going out tonight in White pants :shock:
Come and get me witch!! (oh, and I'm taking no sanitary products with me and it will be very embarrassing if you turn up!!!) x
oooh, very daring hun teasing the old witch like that. Have fun tonight, fx for that bfp. xx
lol, if anything will do it, that should ;)

Have fun!
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hope you fun, relax and forget about all this for a while. Hoping the white pants entices the witch!x
ur brave cosmic. a good old BD session is what brought on my AF. good luck hun. x x x
Gah to the BFN! :gun:
Enjoy your night out hun, white pants and all :lol:
Have you been BDing incase Louise is right about what could be happening with your cycle. x

Louise Im taking that advice on what to say if and when I see the Dr next. Thank you. x
Well af didn't come :(
No, not going to bd again unless I get some ewcm and a positive opk, hopefully I won't need to bd again for at least another 9 months :) xx
Cd 48, thought the witch had arrived this morning but no, just loads of creamy cm :(
I have my eyes peeled for ewcm, I'm trying to think of it as cd 18 rather than cd 48, and go from there.
Dr on Wednesday but not feeling hopeful. Still destroyed by hayfever but very reluctant to take anything til I know for sure there's no one inside xx
I understand how you feel with the hayfever mine was killing me yesterday. My oh asked if I wanted a tablet but i refused cos like you want to be sure!! I really hope something happens for you real soon hun, I think sometimes its the unknown that is the hardest because you don't know whether your coming or going xx
I have actually been so bad with hay fever that I have been in bed all afternoon! First time in the 30 years I have been a sufferer that I have actually been in bed with it!! Roll on dr appointment on Wednesday! x
Oh no :( that sounds terrible. Hope the Dr can advise on something for your hayfever. x

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