A cosmic 2ww

wot happened your sister? xxx

Oh just seen why! ooooh hun thats very interesting as its in the family xxx
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Well according to nurse knowitall, it doesn't happen! x
Oh Cos, if you can go private then do it hun that nurse is spouting drivel as usual I really feel for you over this :( xx
Thanks hunnie, I've emailed a few private hospitals and asked if they can do it for me, should get some replies tomorrow hopefully xx
I'm just so peeved that I work for the nhs and I'm having to do this privately, it's almost ironic!!! x
Oh what a rough time you're having. Surely they can see how stressed this is making you and it wouldn't be too much fuss to arrange some bloods, what's they point of waiting a week..
..and as for not getting a false negative after 2 weeks..have they never seen 'I didn't know I was pregnant'..

..I really hope when you go private you get a bfp on your bloods. xx
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Sarah, I honestly don't think she cared! I think it's sad when someone who works in a caring profession has little or no compassion for others.
Thankyou hunnie, I will sort this out for myself now, hopefully I'll have a lovely bfp to rub in her face, if not, that's ok, at least I will know zx
I know exactly what you mean, I volunteer on a ward that hs mainly elderly people and some of the nurses are lovely there are some though that makes me wonder why the hell they are nurses, go do something else and leave the competitve uni places and hard to come by jobs for the people who want to care for people.

You go get your blood and make sure your regularly gp knows that you felt you had no choice but to go private..really hoping you prove her wrong. xx
I agree completely, I've said the same many many times (I work in a hospital).
I hope I can prove her wrong xx
I hope you get positive responses tomorrow and manage to get your bloods asap. x
Thanks hunnie, me too and I hope it's not going to cost a fortune :shock: xx
Hahahaha true! I'm thinking around £35-50??? Do you think? xx
Just a thought cos, could you try an NHS walk in cenrte?

I had considered that but assumed they would tell me to go to my gp as it isn't an emergenc?? When I've been to a walk in before, don't get me wrong, they have been great, but I think they are a bit limited in what they can do xx
Cd 46. Thought I was going to get a line on this mornings frer! Two white lines appeared straight away, then the control started to go pink, I thought the other one would too. It stayed white :( x
this is such a mystery ... :s I rezally wish something would turn up either way preferably a nice big fat positive hpt if not that at least AF just to put you out of this misery... this is such a hard game isnt it? xx

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