A cosmic 2ww

Just waiting for the practice nurse to call me back, hopefully she can give me a blood form, very down today :( xx
I'm really sorry your going through this cosmic. Good luck for next week, I'm gald your normal doc is a good'un.
I give up, I admit defeat.
I went to speak to the nurse after work, I told her I didn't understand the clinical significance of making me wait another week. Listen to these gems I was told -
1) drs urine tests are the most sensitive around, I asked the sensitivity - 30miu/mil

2) urine tests are just as accurate as bloods

3) it is absolutely regular that pregnant ladies don't have any hormone in their urine at over 2 weeks late.

I look like I'm pecking them now (I've been there twice and called twice in 2 days), I'm not being taken seriously and I'm so upset.
I argue my point, course I do, but what can you do when they just tell you point blank you're wrong??? On fact, the nurse actually said "I'm busy, I have to go" and walked off.
I now have been told to hand in fmu (which I refuse to do) and wait til next Wednesday evening to maybe get a blood test to then wait god knows how long for results. Any advice ladies, I'm desperate xx
oh bloody hell..this is awful for you :(

when did you last test? xx
Today, fmu with frer - bfn.
I actually am not upset at the bfn's I just want a definate with a blood test so I can move on. How can that nurse spout so much rubbish with so much confidence when my own sister had bfn's on hpt's but was pregnant with twins! x
i know...its crackers,,,what are we paying taxes for!!! xx
You can't argue with ignorance can you, I can't face another 6 days in limbo. It will probably be more than that once I get bloods back. I worry I will wait so long to be told I'm not pregnant and still won't know what's going on.
They are making me feel like a nuisance, like I'm pestering them and over reacting. Suppose I'll have to just wait, and wait some more, fx af shows up this weekend xx
My initial response was keep pestering them! oops

Would they not be more willing to get you a blood test if you pop the urine test in tomorrow? x
Sorry your having such a rubbish time, i feel like i am constantly coming up against Dr's and nurses who dont know what they are talking about these days. It seems when they dont know something they make it up.

Hope you get bloods done soon. xx
I'm going to get them done privately, I'm not giving that bitch of a nurse the satisfaction! x
That's so naughty of them Cos, you know I'm still having bloods tomorrow and I'm not even late and am having a suspected chemical.

It's crazy that you have to but you need to complain to someone to get what you want.

Can I ask Hun, do you get any kind of line on a FRER, I'm just curious as mine today has what looks like an EVAP, yesterdays is still much pinker though.

That's so naughty of them Cos, you know I'm still having bloods tomorrow and I'm not even late and am having a suspected chemical.

It's crazy that you have to but you need to complain to someone to get what you want.

Can I ask Hun, do you get any kind of line on a FRER, I'm just curious as mine today has what looks like an EVAP, yesterdays is still much pinker though.


No, not a sniff! So obviously not pregnant :(
I just can't believe it til I have bloods to prove it, particularly after what happened to my sister xx

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