Been pushed into the 2ww, kicking and screaming

Sorry Cosmic! Was following this thread with great hope for u!
Sorry Hun, I'm keeping everything crossed for this month, no flu to deal with this month, it will happen for you soon I'm sure, xxx
Sorry she got you hunn, wishing you loads of luck and baby dust for next cycle x
Oh no cos! :-( at least you can start a fresh with a new cycle and leave this annoying one behind xx
:( So sorry! But as Princess81 said, at least you can put this cycle behind you now and start afresh!!
Oh no! Rubbish

A2 least you know where you are now...good luck for next month
:hugs:Sorry she got you, but as others have said at least you can start afresh now with all you ttc kit at the ready! Lots of luck this cycle. xx
Sorry she got you but I'm glad you can get on with a new cycle now I bet the limbo was getting very annoying. Is this month good for a girl on your chinese chart?
lots of love and luck for next time xxx
Hello all
New to site! Getting hitched in 5 weeks and currently trying for baby number 2 - so thought Id get online and see how everyone else is doing!
Cosmo - sorry to hear it hasnt happened for you this time. Keep positive!
Teri x

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