50/50 chance of mc

Ah seriously thank you so much, apart from my mum you ladies were the first to know!

Thread stalking others had given my grey hairs in the past and you have all been so supportive. I think i may need a little word with this baby beam to behave!xxxxxx
I have only just seen this thread and am SO SO happy to get to the end and see such great news! I am really sorry for all you've been through, it must have been horrendous and I am just over the moon that things are all ok. YEY!!!! xxxxx
Aww fab news hunny. :) I was really worried when I read this thread but so glad for a happy ending. Now where's the ov of u eating ur hat :lol: and lil beams too xx
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aw sunbeam, just got home from work and read your update - so happy i have cried!!! xxx
Yayyyyy!! This has brightened up my crappy day! Can't wait 2 see hat eating pic lol. Congrats :) xxxx

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I cant find my hat!

But not one to back down from a dare I am happy to stick up an embarassing photo and baby beams!!!

My photo in the hat was a hen do in Tiger Tiger, needless to say that pose and air guitar was done under the influence of alcohol to Jon Bon Jovi!



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Oh my goodness i can see little arms and legs, how gorgeous is that ? Well done little sunbeam :love:
Omg! I'm so pleased.:) I was thinking of you earlier.
See, its always best to stay positive :) xxx
Great news! So glad all's well for you. A few good words with bean are definitely in order!
YAY! So so happy to read your post hun! :D oh you must be so over the moon. Lovely pics too, both bubs and hat! Xx
Aw, this has made my Monday. So chuffed that everythin is ok. X
So happy to hear this Sunbeam, really delighted for you! Now you MUST relax for the next 7 months!! :D xx
Such lovely news hon, so happy for you! I know exactly how you feel as we went through all of this last week (baba all doing well with a good heeartbeat) following our miscarriage last year


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