30 day shred


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2011
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just started this this morning.

Did level 1, and copied the wifey doing the easy version at the back!:lol:

not too bad really. I took all my measurements this morning so I can compate. Hope I can stick it for 30 days!

anyone else managed it?
Day 3 complete

well this is turning into my own personal diary!

Last night I was sore, my legs, thighs, abs, arms and back. Basically almost every muscle ached! but all the good ones. My bingo wings ached. My flabby belly and inner thighs ached. So I LOVE IT

woke up the morning still quite sore, and wasnt sure I would make it through the workout but it has actually helped ease the aches.
i dont think she does enough of a cool down so I spent another few minutes stretching out my calf muscles and thighs.

I actually feel amazing. I feel like I have a lot more energy, and at the moment I am feeling quite confident that I can do this programme.

you never know, if the results are totally amazing I might put up my before and after stats and my photos! (YIKES!)
how long does it take? i have it and it says 20 minutes but realistticlly? i struggle to find too much time to myself you see! x
well its 3 rounds of 6 min circuit. So 18mins actual exercise, with a 1 min warm up and a 1 min cool down.

so it is 20mins. I just do it after LO's first bottle cause I put her in her high chair to keep her upright for 30mins after each bottle anyway (cause of her reflux)

I just give her plenty of toys to throw on the floor!
I wanna do this!! Do you have the DVD or swipe them from YouTube? Also do you need any equipment like a mat or them weight things? I hope OH gives me 20 mins peace to do it at the weekends xxx
I wanna do this!! Do you have the DVD or swipe them from YouTube? Also do you need any equipment like a mat or them weight things? I hope OH gives me 20 mins peace to do it at the weekends xxx

20 minute work out sounds good for mummy's! I might look into this once LO arrives
I just got the DVD for £4 or something from Amazon!

you need hand weights, but I use 2 tins of soup! haha.

just about to do my workout, cant wait actually!!!!
Day 4

Was right up for it today. My muscles dont really hurt anymore, but I can still feel that I have been working out.

Today the whole workout just felt easier. I still find the first cardio section the hardest, and a little bit hard going. The rest of it is fine.

LO got grumpy in her jumperoo half way through so had to take her out and pop her on a pillow on the floor next to me. Was a bit gutted as it was during a cardio section but only missed about 30 seconds or so.

Off to get my hair done today for first time since giving birth so am going to feel a million dollars tonight!!!
Just seen this, I love 30ds! I started day 1 again today! Ive done it a few times and the results are always amazing! I'm considering skipping level 1 tho cos I have to take lots of breaks in the jumping jacks cos my pelvic floor can't hack it :blush:
Oh god everything aches! Even my bum! I forgot what the day afters like! Shows it's working tho!

The measurements I take are calf, thigh, hips, belly, waist, under boob, boob and top of arm! I'm slightly obsessive with it tho :blush:
Oh god everything aches! Even my bum! I forgot what the day afters like! Shows it's working tho!

The measurements I take are calf, thigh, hips, belly, waist, under boob, boob and top of arm! I'm slightly obsessive with it tho :blush:

its great isnt it!! she really does manage to hit every muscle group. haha x
Day 5 complete

Very proud of myself for getting up and doing it on a Sunday morning.

Still struggling with the first cardio section, and the arches of my feet seemed to ache during the 2nd strength section?

But finished strong, and I have noticed I am now doing some of the proper strength moves instead of the modified version.

What scares me though is only 2 more days before I move onto Level 2! yikes.

My plan now is to do the 30 days (or 31 days as I am away next weekend so will miss 1 day) and then take 1 week off. Then go back and to the 30 days again starting at level 1 but not doing ANY of the modified version. Probably getting WAY ahead of myself yet, as not even completed 1 week. I know of people that have got as far as day 20 and given up. Why would you give up then?!?! so close to the finish line

The measurements i took were, calf, upper thigh, hips, waist, circumference around belly button, under bust and of course weight.

I dont expect a weight loss to be honest, I am still eating whatever I want to eat. But I do expect to see a leaner looking body at the end. And bigger muscles burn more calories even when you are sleeping. So I am all for that!
I usually get to day 20ish and then quit :blush: life tends to get in the way! A couple of things hun, I've read some interviews with JM and she says to make sure you take at least one rest day a week and not to necessarily move up a level every 7 days! It was the production team that have pushed the idea of doing it solidly and moving up every 10 days! She says do each level until you're comfortable/want more of a challenge!

I'm desperate to get myself a bikini body! Although I'm not sure I'll be brave enough :lol:
I usually get to day 20ish and then quit :blush: life tends to get in the way! A couple of things hun, I've read some interviews with JM and she says to make sure you take at least one rest day a week and not to necessarily move up a level every 7 days! It was the production team that have pushed the idea of doing it solidly and moving up every 10 days! She says do each level until you're comfortable/want more of a challenge!

I'm desperate to get myself a bikini body! Although I'm not sure I'll be brave enough :lol:

I'm too scared to take a rest day, in case I dont start again!

I will try level 2 and see how I go. If its too hard will go back to level 1 for a bit, but I quite like pushing myself and digging in so will probably just go for it.

just wish I could stop eating crap too........
Rest days are really important for your muscles hun, although I totally get the fear of not starting again! I'm really wondering if I can actually do tonight, walking up the stairs is agony! I went for a walk earlier and at the start I was properly walking like John Wayne, but loosened up by the end!

And don't worry about the eating, take it a step at a time, you've started the exercise, so you're going in the right direction!
So is it best to do a day on and a day off or 5 days on and the weekend as a rest ?
I know in the insanity workout you do 6 days, then take 1 days rest. So I would guess this is similar.

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