2ww for ladies testing end of Oct x

i'm still feeling very positive taffyrose :D had some back ache and lower abdo cramps/twinging tonight so i cant help but get quite excited eeeek!!! roll on testing time :D xx
Just done an OPK.

My wee was pretty weak but I just can't cope without a drink as my throat is still sore from my cold. :(

But considering my wee was weak I dont think this is a bad result an am counting it as my + if I don't get darker this month.


Which means I Ov tomorrow. Which means we BD'd on -3 and -2 hope that's enough as I doubt I'm getting any more today!!
That is a strong line for weak pee cupcake, fx it means u are ov'ing.

I'm struggling to feel positive today after panicking myself over my LP length. Don't know if I can get out if the rut I have got myself in with ttc. At least I have getting married to keep me occupied. :) xx
Oh dear....

I got so excited over how nice the red nappy is that I just bought 2 more in different patterns by the same seller. They are just amazing quality for the £2.50 they cost!!

Good news is Mr C watched me do it and helped with the pattern choice so it's not just me!!!
Thanks Kanga and DeeDee.

Kanga don't feel down. :( TTC is such an emotional ride. Give it a day or two and you'll feel right again. You've got the perfect combo of wedding planning and TTC so when one pisses you off you can focus on the other!!!
That is exactly what I have done today! Not even thought of symptom spotting today! :)

I'm sure tomorrow I will be feeling so much different, probably doesn't help that I'm at work bored waiting for 8pm to come around. Glad I have tapatalk on my phone to keep updated on PF! :) xx
Glad you're feeling positive Dee :)

Ah Kanga like Cupcake says give yourself a couple of days of chilling and you'll feel much more positive.

Cupcake - what are you like :) xxx
Cupcake - what are you like :) xxx

Oh I know......

Never mind. I can always sell them for a profit if I change my mind. :)

And I made like £40 on eBay today so it's not that bad really.........lol.

Or I'll just keep telling myself that!!
I did get this dresser/changing table for free on freecycle. :) £120 worth and it's in perfect condition:


View attachment 10286

I have that!!! Well, I have the dresser, but I need to get the changing attachment from Ikea.

So far I've got:
Petite Star travel system £115 rrp £400
Mothercare Carry Cot/ Cocoon £10 rrp £49
Chicco Go baby carrier £3 rrp £30
Mamas and Papas crib £20 rrp £99
Loads of sleepsuits and babygros for £1-£4 in Next/Tesco/Gap
Can't remember anything else but I've got loads of stuff so far, can't seem to stop!!
You girls are such a bad influence I am now looking for bargains everywhere! I even decided on the bottle set I want (I plan to breast feed but want OH to be able to feed and just in case) and am now searching for better prices, so far Amazon (randomly) is winning. It's currently taking all my restraint not to buy anything but I think I will cave soon. I'll just get it delivered to work (I own my own business) and hide it there as I think my OH would look at me like I was nuts if baby stuff started arriving.

Saying that we do have a cot in the loft as our neighbours gave us one when their little boy went into his big boy bed.

I'm just thinking it makes financial sense to start collecting bits and pieces :) xxx
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You girls are such a bad influence I am now looking for bargains everywhere! I even decided on the bottle set I want (I plan to breast feed but want OH to be able to feed and just in case) and am now searching for better prices, so far Amazon (randomly) is winning. It's currently taking all my restraint not to buy anything but I think I will cave soon. I'll just get it delivered to work (I own my own business) and hide it there as I think my OH would look at me like I was nuts if baby stuff started arriving.

Saying that we do have a cot in the loft as our neighbours gave us one when their little boy went into his big boy bed.

I'm just thinking it makes financial sense to start collecting bits and pieces :) xxx

It definitely does. If we manage to make a sticky bean this month, I'll be due in the summer holidays and I won't get paid through the holidays (supply teacher) so money will be tight for about a month or two. It makes so much more sense to buy things now, a bit here and there so you don't notice the dent in your pocket!!

I also forgot to add that I got a gro swaddle for £4 rrp £12.50 :D
Yay Taffy!!! Welcome to the club?

Which bottles?

I've got Playtex Drop Ins. :)
Also. I think I've definitely O'd.

Only a little pain today compared to yesterday and now today I have White creamy CM.

Fx it all went as planned!!!

Pleeeeeease please please be this month!!!!
I like the MAM ones. There's a starter pack deal and they self sterilise in the microwave, which I can imagine could well be a life saver. They come in funky colours (it would have to be green as we won't find out the sex) and have pretty good reviews.

I love to shop and looking at baby things has become my new hobby, god know what I'll be like when I fall!

I'd so love for us all to go to tri 1 together! xx
Oooh i have seen those MAM ones on their facebook page i think they are fab :D xx
Have you looked at cloth nappies??

It's my huuuge obsession!!!

The self sterilising is a great idea.

Why I like the drop ins as you only sterilise the teats. And they get no air in them. :)
Are those ones good for colic cupcake? i can remember gettin some anti-colic ones with my DD avent i think they were and she still got it bad! xx
Ooh I'll have to have a look at the facebook page Dee :)

Yeah I'd never heard of the drop ins but just googled and they look great, especially the no air.

My mate used cloth nappies with her first and he looked so cute in them, like a little budda and the coloured wraps you put over them are great. My mum used cloth nappies with us and swears by them. I'll def have to look into them. I just thank god for velcro as I could see our kids having pierced belly buttons very young with my OH trying to use safety pins :shock:

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