2ww for ladies testing end of Oct x

Morning Dee. :) (if it's ok to call you that?)

I just poas. My OPK has gone so light already compared to last night.


So I must have OVd overnight or I will this morning.
Masssive congrats mo2 xxxx

I have horrible cramps this morning aswell as boosting and a wave of yuck when al made me my morning cuppa I have no tests so I have to wait until tomorrow. How is everyone else today? X
you can call me anything cupcake :D lmao, sounds like last night was the night then re the opks :) fx the egg has been caught hehe!!

Amy, i am feeling quite yuck today, it was more of a burpy sicky feeling iykwim this morning now its just a burny sicky feeling bleurgh :( hope its all for a good cause :) xx
Oooh Amy and Dee look at your symptoms. Wish I was closer to testing day!

I read this week that normally implantation is 8-10 days dpo and anything earlier is very rare.

So now I have to wait 9 days and any symptoms before that are just going to be in my head!!!

Remind me of that in 5 days when I'm complaining about my boobs!!
well i was wondering about implantation bleeds as i had one sunday (i think it was) browny/pinky coloured cm for a couple of wipes, i wasnt supposed to ov while last wednesday but i did have some ov pains on the monday before which is making me think i am more dpo than i should be but then i would have thought that implantation bleed would have been a little early :/ its all very confusing!! xx
Ooh could be though.

Sometimes I get a bit of spotting a couple of days after Ov. Think it tajes a day or two to get down from there.
Oooh lets hope it was that :) roll on poas day hehe!! xx
Morning ladies, looks like loads as gone on while I was AWOL yesterday! :lol: Today I have the feeling of not seeing myself as pregnant, and not worried or sad if the witch was to arrive :shock: not really sure why, probably calms down my irrational mc fears!! Still getting niggly pains and aches on my right side ovary area though not sure what that's about!!

I would definitely say u ov'ed cupcake :dance:

Sorry ur oh is being a pain the bum leesey, to be honest I an surprised my oh has been so good this month especially with me telling him we need to bd!!

Deedee fx ur symptoms are a good sign :) xx
thanks kanga :) i had niggles on my ov area after ov for a good few days up until that spotting on sunday, could be a good sign :) xx
aww thanks ladies im still in shock!! leesey men are annoying sometimes they dont understand how horrible it is to keep getting negatives all the while. my advice which has worked with all 3 is have sex 3 times a week and relax you will all get pregnant and i will be keeping my eye on this thread so i can pass on my congrats to all you lovely ladies when u get the news your waiting for. and if any of you need a clearblue digital test when time comes let me know and i will send it to you as i had a 2 pack which i wont use now. no charge :) xxx
aww thanks ladies im still in shock!! leesey men are annoying sometimes they dont understand how horrible it is to keep getting negatives all the while. my advice which has worked with all 3 is have sex 3 times a week and relax you will all get pregnant and i will be keeping my eye on this thread so i can pass on my congrats to all you lovely ladies when u get the news your waiting for. and if any of you need a clearblue digital test when time comes let me know and i will send it to you as i had a 2 pack which i wont use now. no charge :) xxx

3 times a week? I wish!

We managed an afternoon delight on Monday, but that's all I've had since last ov!! Once in over 4 weeks. Hence my maddened state.

I informed him this morning that I was extremely unhappy, and would remain unhappy because he couldn't bother his arse to dtd during my fertile period, and in fact any other time of the month.

I'm home for lunch and still giving him the cold shoulder, he's not getting away with this.
Aww i dont blame u for been mad then hun, i got miffed with my oh last week when i had ov pains and ewcm, he didnt wanna dtd as he said he was tired so i just said "well if were wantin another baby were gonna have to do it" we didnt end up dtd that night but after that he was a more willing participant lol xx
my chap had no choice really cus im so random with my
cycles we had to make sure every week was covered. plus i told him i was gonna be a miserable cow and go on strike if he didnt participate and i kept my promise he was too tired to try so i was too tired to wash his boxers!! xx
hehehe mommyof2 love it :D that is sooo the way forward lol x
My DH doesn't seem to get the whole thing that its important to do the OPKs and all to make sure we hit the right window. He doesn't get it that Ovulation is not a straight forward thing. I star ted out by telling him all the stuff i'd researched and found out on Preg Forum - its like being back in school!! Then he freaks out that its all too clinical knowing all the details etc. SO I don't tell him and then he freaks out cos I'm not telling him anything! Its a no-win, no-win situation! Although what I find is a good way to seduce / entice him to bed is to wear a sexy neglajee (SP). Anyhoo, thats worked for me a few times.
my chap had no choice really cus im so random with my
cycles we had to make sure every week was covered. plus i told him i was gonna be a miserable cow and go on strike if he didnt participate and i kept my promise he was too tired to try so i was too tired to wash his boxers!! xx

Ha ha. Thats v funny!! Unfortunately, my dh knows that if he wants anything washed urgently he has to do it himself. I'll only wash the clothes in the wash basket. ANd thats only when i get around to it.
My DH doesn't seem to get the whole thing that its important to do the OPKs and all to make sure we hit the right window. He doesn't get it that Ovulation is not a straight forward thing. I star ted out by telling him all the stuff i'd researched and found out on Preg Forum - its like being back in school!! Then he freaks out that its all too clinical knowing all the details etc. SO I don't tell him and then he freaks out cos I'm not telling him anything! Its a no-win, no-win situation! Although what I find is a good way to seduce / entice him to bed is to wear a sexy neglajee (SP). Anyhoo, thats worked for me a few times.

I've deliberately not told him any of the clinical details as I don't want to freak him out, last night was the first time I even mentioned ovulating. And that was when I told him he'd really let me down and I was very upset with him. I figured I didn't have anything to lose as he'd decided we weren't dtd anyway.

Negligee would normally work, but we've just moved house and my sexy undies are all packed away!!
More oddness to add to my cycle ladies!!

I think I'm getting an extra egg!! My ov pains last night were firmly on my right side, to be expected cos last month I was left ovary. And that stopped last night, so I knew I had ovulated (much to my dispair as we hadn't dtd enough in my opinion).

Today however I'm having left ov pains!!! So am I getting a bonus egg? :D

It's like the bonus ball in the lotter I guess, more chance of winning ;)

So, as a result, I'm being sweet to dh so I can try get my way tonight!!
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I'm just checking if anyone knows - I know you can release more than one egg per cycle, but does it have to be the same ovary??
I just googled it to check if my theory was mad. You can release more than one egg in a 24 hour period, and ovaries can alternate, but it doesn't say if they can both release one in the same cycle.

I may be sounding like a total numpty!!
Duofertility website:
"In fact, it is very rare to ovulate from both ovaries in the same month (which could result in twins)."

I guess it means it is rare, but does happen. There you go!

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