Starting my 2ww!! :)

Sazzle - hae you had any PMS symptoms? Do you normally get any symptoms before the witch comes?? The boots tests are rubbish!! I did one yesterday and was :bfn: too!! I have been testing pretty much every day and nothing!! So am not testing till friday now which will be 14dpo for me and day before AF. Been feeling sick on and off this morning, and metallic taste in my mouth so hoping that they are good signs!! Normally get signs that AF is on its way by now and nothing so FX'd! xxx

Don't normally feel any physical symptoms before AF, and in my head I am bright and breezy in temperament too but my hubby says I get short tempered!

This time I have had lots of symptoms that I find hard to believe is wholly attributed to the witch - I have (over the last 13 days and not all at once!) had dizzy spells, had nausea, cramps, incredibly sensitive/sore nipples, back ache, bloated and im afraid to say a bit windy too! I have been feeling exhaused but also very restless on evenings when its bed time, i have lost weight and felt uninspired by food, lack of appetite and seem to smell things that other people can't.

If these symptoms are now my new signal that the witch is coming then I am going to be in for a very miserable life!!!

AF due tomorrow and really hope she doesn't show up!

Glad other people say Boots tests are crap! Makes me feel a little better about the whole thing!

Really keeping everything crossed for all of us on here!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
I can see it too!! :):)

Try a Superdrug Hun!

I want to try one of those tests now lol!

I think i'm gonna give mine a whirl wen i eventually need to pee!!!


went out and bought some superdrug ones!! just did one now and was def :bfn: - made me feel rubbish! Def thinking I am out now, could cry right now! xx
Yeah, i did mine.

Defo BFN too :(

Not out till the :witch: gets us

Totally agree - not over til its over!

Keep trying and keep hoping!

I'm feeling the same too girls- look at my Clearblue +! :(

On a positive Teri's is a definite BFP! :)

Congrats Teri! :yay::pompom::yay:



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Maybe - how many DPO are you? Yeah really pleased for Terri, DEFINITELY a :bfp: YAY!

You're all right, it's not over until it's over!! I am NOT doing anymore test until AF is due! xxx
I'm thinking exactly the same, I'm pretty stressed out now, I need to take a break and chill out! :)

did a FRER test - :bfn: :(

Although (and I may be clutching at straws here!) Im not sure I did it properly - I find it easier to pee into a pot and dip test rather than actually POAS - think my aim is a bit rubbish :rofl: so it might not have worked properly?!

AF should arrive tomorrow - if no AF I guess I will do another one!

10DPo today and......nothing!

2ic's, 1 frer and 1 superdrug test.

Not a sniff of a bloody line!

:dust: to everyone else testing soon

9DPO today. Ordered 2 tests from amazon so as to ensure I don't waste any more before I can actually get a result!

Have been feeling sick the last few days, if I eat then the sickness goes away for a while and I've lost my appetite for full meals.
Yoko, I'm getting same sicky feeling which goes when eating... Got my 2nd faint BFP this morning so hoping it's good news for you too.
Kred, really really hope you get your BFP soon!! Are you getting many symptoms? X
Symptom wise the only main one i notice are still really sensitive nipples.

Slight sickly feeling last night, and horrendous skin atm, really little spots underneath my skin, yuk :(

Not had crampy feeling since sunday, so who knows eh?

Sorry for your BFN's Kred.:hug:

Can I be a pain in the ass and ask you again, if you open up the test now they're dry can you see any White or grey lines on them?

FX for testing tomorrow.

Kred I had bad cramps on Sunday too which have eased right off since. Just having twinges now. Poss implantation cramps???
Really hope you get your BFP soon xxx
Maybe - I know your question was aimed at kred but I can see white lines on my tests when I open them up, what does this mean? Xx
FRER test FMU - :bfn:

AF due today and no sign.

Think I might be out this month. :cry:

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