***2016 babies***

Oh no twinkle sounds awlful! My dd1 had it and I remember it was pure hell. Like you say screaming and us pacing the floors with her trying to stop her until 1am in morning. I hoped and hoped that dd2 didn't get it as didn't know how I would cope with early morning with dd1 as well so I really feel for you. Fortunately we have been clear so far this time. With dd1 I did infant massage as I am trained in delivering the class from work so could do it from early age but if you google Iaim infant massage colic routine vimula McClure it should come up. Also gripe water was amazing! I never got on with infacol and felt that cause it's every feed and I was demand breastfeeding every hour and half, I was pumping a lot of it down her! But some people love the stuff so might be worth a try! Hope you all get some relief soon xx
I've got some unopened coleif twinkle that I'm never going to use with Brest feeding , do u want me to post them to you? Xx

That is so kind of you. Thank you so much. I'll pm you my address hunxx
Evening girls. How are you all? Been moving house today. So bloody stressful :/ erin has been grazing her milk today. Not taking full bottles. Likely off her milk. Started her on comfort milk this evening. Hope it calms her colic down. She has her jabs on Wednesday and if she still bad with her colic, I'll see what the nurse says. Xxx
Hi everyone, been ages since I've checked in. Not much new here, T still very refluxy and we've got gaviscon now which seems to help but is such a battle to get down him. He has got into a good night routine of feeding at about 10, sleeping til 2 for next feed then going til 5 for the next then waking at 6.30. 6 week check for him was all fine and he is now 12lbs - he is the size his sister was at 10 weeks so a sturdy boy! Took both of them to a local free toddler group this week which was great so I'm starting to get the hang of looking after the both all day and actually getting stuff done too!

Hope everyone else is well xx
Not coping at all with the colic. Need to see a HV asap. X
Hi All,

Little one born 24/4 weighing 6lb2oz

Very placid and happy... feeding 3oz on average each feed time.

Waking once through the night usually around 4am

Cord has fallen off now.

I'm a single momma, this is my first and i have some nerves.
Welcome kitten :)

Twinkle, how's the collic? Hope you are getting on better.

My baby is sick quite often but tonight he was sick SO much, that I didn't even know his stomach was big enough to contain what came out. Wondering if it might be reflux, but desperately hoping he's OK. He is still feeding often. Got 6 week checks next week (when he's 7 weeks :wall2: don't know if that's normal).

How's everyone else? It's gone a bit quiet in here, we must all be very busy!!
Hiya Mel. Colic is on and off. We have good days and bad days. We are using the anti colic bottles, dentinox and gripe water. She has her 6 week week check on no day even though she 9 weeks. Stupid me forgot to book it didn't I. So I'll be mentioning the colic but alot have mentioned silent reflux so searched allt about it and she seems to have a few symptoms of that. So will see if we can try baby gaviscon . Xxx
Why does my ticker say Erin is 2 months three days. When she was 9 weeks yesterday? X
Why does my ticker say Erin is 2 months three days. When she was 9 weeks yesterday? X

I would presume because two entire months + 3 (now 4) days have passed? What date was she born?

For example, Willow was born on a Tuesday. That doesn't mean each week passing equals the correct months passed. She was born January 26th - she was one month old on February 26th, but that worked out as 4 weeks and 3 days. If that makes sense?
My 10 week old has an eye infection (only slight)- does anyone have experience of using breast milk to treat it? Midwife told me ages ago that it works just as well as drops, but I don't know how much to use / how often etc....
Hope everyone's ok! I feel like time's flying by now!!!
awh well.hopefully you'll get it all checked out soon twinkle :)

ruby, mine said that too when I thought he might be getting one. I only know to wipe from inside out once with cotton wool/water and throw away then repeat for the other eye. I think it might be recommended to use boiled water that has cooled down? Not sure. Maybe try to apply the breast milk with cotton wool after cleaning with water?

my baby had his hip.check yesterday, it was a hospital referral from when he was born and she seemed to take ages so I was nervous but then she said they are perfectly fine, I think she was just being thorough. So that's a relief.

have to say I'm really enjoying my little one, getting there with the smiles too which is lovely. I haven't cracked the night times, but thankfully I think he is cute enough to get away with causing sleepless nights ��

the weeks are flying by its terrifying!
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Thanks Mel- v helpful- will do all of that today and hope I can nip it in the bud before it becomes too serious.

So glad the hip check was fine- you must be relieved!

I'm loving this time too- trying to make the most of every day as he is changing and growing so much! I'm not sure how old your LO is- think he's younger than mine (10 weeks) but fingers crossed you get some nice long bouts of sleep soon! Things have improved massively for us over the last 2 weeks and he's almost sleeping through now!
Hey everyone, hope you're all getting on ok. We are doing well, feel a bit sad this week though as I think breastfeeding has come to an end. We've been doing combination feeding anyway but the last few days he's been refusing me feeding him and crying and then drinking a whole bottle. I've tried persevering but we both end up crying so think it's time to move on. Just wish I didn't feel so guilty about it!

Does anyone else really miss being pregnant? I love my little boy so much and am so glad that he's here but I just can't stop myself from feeling sad that I'm not pregnant anymore, I miss my bump and get jealous when I see other pregnant people - it's so silly!
hope that works ruby :). Mine will be 7 weeks on Thursday. To be honest he doesn't tend to stay awake for too long at night; he has a late night feed, maybe 2 through the night and an early morning feed at most but they are generally quick feeds. I used to be downstairs a lot, but I try to feed him in bed as much as I can. Mornings he seems quite upset 5am onwards, like he has a sore belly or something.

emcb I know what you mean, I wish I was pregnant again too. Seeing others makes it worse!
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Mel we are pretty similar - T was 7 weeks on Saturday, battling reflux and wind so tends to be uncomfortable quite a bit. I'm breast feeding and he has a feed about 9.30/10 that he will then sleep until about 2 or 3 and then wakes again for a 5am then is up and ready for the day at 6.30. I know that by 10 weeks my daughter had dropped her 2 and 4am feeds so I'm ever hopeful he might suddenly do the same but somehow I doubt it! In the day he feeds every hour and a half still x
Hi ladies hope you're all doing well.. just wondered how long before proper af returned for you. Im getting the cramps and backache tonight and am 5 wks postbirth.. still expressing BM for LO too.
My daughter is a week Old, can I join in jete?
Hi jojo & blueberry :) welcome!

Hope you are recovering nicely and enjoying your little ones :).


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