***2016 babies***

Today is my birthday and should've been my original due date lol but Anna is a week old now and I've got to go and have my staples out... Just what you want to be doing on your birthday haha.

Nice to meet everyone in here :)


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Hi mummies, finally getting more and more time back to chill now hubby is back to work. My little Niamh is nearly 6 weeks old!
Anyone been forced to stop breastfeeding? I had to stop feeding lo at 3 weeks and was heartbroken as It was something I really wanted to do. Z
Hi all can I join you? From April mummies 😃 I had Jacob Benjamin on 15th April 41 weeks weighing 7lb 9oz. Last week he was weighed by MW on discharge and was 8lb 1oz. I'm still BF him and he's so content and happy.


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Hi Chrissi are you able to express or are you now using formula? I'm still bf, I can imagine that being awful if it's what you really wanted, so sorry to hear that! 3 weeks is good going though especially if it was a struggle, and a very good start for your little one :D.

Hi Ruth, welcome :) xx
Anyone with toddlers? OMG my 2.5 year old is a total nightmare. She pushed a little girl at nursery because the girl had come over to see Erin. I was mortified. I couldn't get out the nursery quick enough. And she's so fucking stubborn and wouldn't of apologised. She's been playing up this evening. She actually made me cry. It takes a lot to make me cry xx
My son is 2yrs 2 months and he's crazy... He's wonderfully calm with Anna but just runs around like a whirlwind! He's had non issues at nursery yet but he's only been there for 4 weeks
Welcome ruth and hi everyone else. Chrissi congrats! I remember you all the way from Tri 1- so happy to hear about your lovely little girl! I'm sorry about your bf- I have to say I think it is SO hard- even now I am struggling with yet another bout of mastitis even though my boy is 11 weeks- I just seem to be constantly blocking up and it is so painful!
Yeah she's completely on formula now, but we're not sure if she has an intolerance ir reflux or a little colic :( apart from feeding constantly when she was bf she was content. Now on formula she seems constantly full of wind : ( but she's gained two pounds in the last two weeks compared to the 8 ounces she gained while breast feeding in the first three. Hi ruby how're you getting on? Can't believe it's nearly a year ago since tri 1! Xxx
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to pop our heads in! I'm from April Mum's too... Sebastian James was born on 07/04/16 @ 12.59 weighing 6lb 6oz... now 5weeks 3 days old and weighs 9lb as of last Tuesday!
Hope everyone's doing well!! :wave:
Chrissi have you tried coliefdrops? My SIL tried everything with nieces and said thats the only thing she swears ever worked!
We used dentinox last time and it worked beaitidully. I would try it to see if it help how much should a 2 w old take during the day (over 24) my daughter is taking about 28-32oz
Evening everyone - again been ages since I've been on!

I'm still battling reflux with T. He is now 9 weeks and on Ranitidine after the gaviscon gave him constipation and stopped being effective as well. Now the problem is that he hates the taste of the ranitidine and throws that up quite a lot. Today has been awful, I'm still breast feeding but today he has been really fussy, feeding for a few minutes then giving up then throwing up what he did have. Don't know what's wrong. So fed up with being covered in sick!

My 17 month old is doing well, she has been teething a bit so grumpy and clingy the last week but still her cute little self! X
Hi rose, I can sympathise re the sick!!

How is everyone? It's much quieter in here now. Must all be busy mums!

Does everyone's baby also need them to sleep? I'm noticing he'll squirm and wriggle and fight sleep but the second I pick him up he sleeps instantly. .. like before I've even made it to a chair. It's like he needs a cuddle to drop off to sleep!
Hi hope, we tried colief, infacol and aptamil comfort milk. Anti reflux cow and gate and seems so much happier. Now she seems to struggle pooing. One thing after another can't believe my baby is nearly 8 weeks old!
How's everyone else doing xx
Hello girlies. Well i think erins colic is wearing off. Though she still has an unsettled part of the evening. But we haven't had that constant cry where we can't comfort her. She's been so much calmer. This time of night she's so fidgety. And such a hungry baby. She feeds every 2/3 hours, 7oz. Though we have been advised not to use hungry baby milk. I may have a feeling we will be advised to wean early as the HV is looking into the constant feeding. I have to go back in a couple of weeks to see if their is a change in colic and feeding. I must be mad because I've offered to have my nephew over tonight as my sister is going through a split with her boyfriend. *touchwood* both my nephew and daughter are sleeping. Xx
Is anyone else's LO so so hungry? Erin feeds alll the time. Sometimes she doesn't complete a bottle but will cry for another after 2 hours. She's also started wriggling and turning her head away. I read it could be a sign of teething and it's a discomfort.
How is everyone else's getting on? Xxx
What's she like at night?

TBH it sounds normal to me. My friends little boy wanted a bottle every 2 hours even at 6 months. And my auntie got a foster baby 5 weeks ago and he has a bottle every 2-3hrs in the day time and he's 16 weeks old now.
When she first got him it at 11 weeks old he was having them every 2 hrs, now he tends to go between 2 & 3 hrs.
Hi everyone - hope you are all well, been ages since I popped in but I see I'm not the only one - we're all just so busy clearly!

My little boy is still breastfed (11 weeks yesterday) and although he has started to go longer between feeds sometimes it is mostly not longer than 2 hours and sometimes still as little as 1 hour and a quarter. He is a total guzzler and in a feed he only empties one boob but I express one side in the morning so I know that a full boob for me is about 4oz which is exactly what I used to give his sister each feed when she was express breast fed so he must be getting what he needs - the crazy thing is that he downs that in around 7 minutes, sometimes a feed only lasts 5 minutes. This is probably why he has such bad reflux though, he gives himself so much wind eating like that! He is following a weight progression between the 75th and 91st centile (he was 10lb 1 at birth) and so is now around 14lb and already filling out 3-6 month clothes! I feel like some days the reflux is improving and others (like today) he is really bad but he is a very happy smiley baby so don't think it's doing him any harm. Hope everyone else's little ones are doing great x
Hi Everyone!

I thought i would look for a thread to join.

I am a first time momma to a little girl who is now 6 weeks old... she was born at 37 weeks weighing 6lb 2oz and now is 8lb 8oz YAY!

I feed her on aptamil hungry baby as she was going backwards with feeds to begin with, she seems to be very forward and settles best with the cat near her better than anything else...

She is now just coming into 0-1 month clothes...

What i cant seem to wrap my head around there are all these baby companies but how do you know which ones are best???

I did my research with baby milk before she was born... i did try to breast feed but my nipples just weren't upto the job i tried for 3 weeks! I have now completely dried up is this normal??

I am all new to this and trying to be independent and figure things out on my own but i would like to be able to talk to other single mommas
Hey everyone, welcome kitten!

We are doing well here, has been a bit of a rough ride but think we are coming out the other side. Joseph's 12 weeks old now (time flies) and he's a happy smiley boy most of the time. We've moved over completely to formula now as he was refusing my milk which I was really sad about but now the change is done I feel happier as all I was ever doing is feed him then give him a bottle which took a lot of time and it made me sad that I never satisfied him. We've had seriously ill relative to deal with, my partners job is in jeopardy and I have struggled at times with my mood and coming to terms with the huge life change that is having a baby.

But I am feeling much happier now, and I am enjoying every little bit of my little man as I know it will be too soon that he will be a year old and I will be heading back to work :(

Hope everyone else is doing ok :)

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