***2016 babies***

Aww Rose. Well you have another little cuddlebear on the way so you should be well stocked for a couple more years yet! It's the most gorgeous feeling- I wish we could bottle it!
Awww hello Mel. I can't sleep and found myself coming on PF- not even sure why! It used to be one of my most visited websites when I was pregnant and in the early days of mummying. I really miss it actually and it's so lovely to see your name. How are you and how's your little one? George is toddling about now and much more little boy than baby. Kind of desperate to have another one but know it's impractical as we don't have enough space. Hope you're doing really well, and hope everyone else is too! Ruby xxx
Hi ruby!!

My little one is not overly motivated to walk on his own as hes a pro crawler haha! But he's doing brilliantly thanks. Good to see you back in here.

I took a test randomly this week so i could stop thinking about taking one ... but thoroughly convinced i wasnt pregnant. Turns out i am so thats a big shock!

I think 7 weeks but im still breastfeeding a lot and lmp was the first since baby number 1 so not 100% sure how dates work. Obvioisly finding out at potentially 7 weeks has really put me behind for appointments, think the wait will be very hard as currently no convincing symptoms. Eeek!

How old is your little one? Ive forgotten dates! X
Mel that is brilliant news!!! Congratulations! How are you feeling? And how are you managing being pregnant with a little one already in tow? So excited for you ❤️ George is 14.5 months- such a cutie! Aww so happy to hear your news!
I feel fine thanks! the odd mild symptom that could almost be something else anyway. Im always tired as my son feeds like a newborn at night and doesnt often sleep more than 2 hours but im feeling excessively tired, dont know if its all in my head though?

Took another clear blue digital and it still says 2-3 which would be 4-5 weeks whereas the dates if correct put me at 7 so that is making me more nervous. Think my scan might be at 14 weeks so i need to find some patience!!

How does your little one sleep? Xx
Hey Mel congratulations! I'm now 25 and half weeks with baby 3 and just had my glucose tolerance test today. Time is flying! I'm used to the constant tiredness from looking after two toddlers as well as being pregnant :) my little boy is now 14 months and just this past two weeks has started letting go of things to walk - he has furniture surfed for months but wasn't keen to go alone. He'll still only do a few steps but hopefully by August he will be confident. He is very clingy still and wakes regularly through the night - I don't feed him past 11pm but he still wakes for the cuddles he was used to when I breastfed (first 9 months). Hoping I can get him sleeping better soon or I will be exhausted with him and a newborn! X
P.S I only had one period after my little boy and getting pregnant with this one. Even though I was sure I was only 8 weeks at my booking appointment they said they couldn't take the chance I was wrong so would give me an early scan as my last period would have suggested 12 weeks. I was right in the end but it meant I got an extra scan and kept them happy they weren't going to miss the window for nuchal scanning so maybe you'll get the same x
Hi rose, so exciting its getting really close for you! I didnt know you already had 2 toddlers (or i forgot- sorry!)

By the looks of things i could potentially be 14 weeks before my scan which is confirmed but i forgot the date, just waiting for the letters to come through.

She did say after booking in the midwife can change the scan if needed. Just a long stressful time, i hoped that if i really am 7 weeks it would feel really quick until the scan but not so :(.

So good to hear from people in here :D
I would have thought it there is a chance you are further ahead they wouldn't risk leaving your scan too late. Although saying that they gave me the early scan then made me wait til 13+6 for my 12 week scan!

Yep my little girl is now 2 years 5 months and my little boy 14 months. Number 3 wasn't planned to be this soon but he had his own ideas! It does seem to suddenly be getting close very quickly! X
Wow youbare going to be busy rose !! Much fun :D. How did yo find a 15 month gap?

My appointments came through and i wont be as far on as i thought, think i was remembering the first date which showed up and she said could be too far away. Going off lmp im 8 weeks today but i think i could be just 5-6 actually.

I forgot what its like to be so desperate for the scan, its killing me.

Ill be seeing long distance-close family before my scan which is gutting because its probably better not to say anything before scan so i wont be telling them.
Well I'm always busy with a 15 month gap! My little girl found it a bit hard to understand what had happened for the first half day or so - she cried her eyes out in the hospital when she met her baby brother but as soon as we were home she loved him so much - sometimes a bit too much lol. I think you forget how little new babies actually do, I was tired from being up and night and breastfeeding but he was happy to sit in his swinging chair and things and just watch his sister year around like a lunatic for the first few months. Once he could crawl he just chased her everywhere. Getting them both out the house to the shops or something sometimes feels like a big undertaking but it's not really and I know with three it's going to be ridiculous! I think the key to success is probably having a routine, the first few months I was all over the place and would struggle to get out my pjs each day. But eventually I got into the habit of waking up, keeping them both in the bathroom until I was showered and dressed and they were both dressed (about 30-45'mins) and then we go down for breakfast then we go to their playroom and start the day. It means I don't have to go back upstairs with them at all all day as we nap in the living room and we are all ready to go out if that's what we're doing.

In a way this next gap of 18 months might be harder because my son has been slower to walk and still hasn't quite mastered it and is much more clingy to me so I think will find it difficult to share his mummy with another little boy feeding from me etc.

I had the same thing with long distance family, they were visiting about a week before the scan but j was already so big I just had to tell them! X
The difficulty getting out the house thing freaks me out because usually one day at home right now drives me mad!

My son isnt walking and has gone extremely clingy over the last few weeks. Hes a really happy boy outdoors but inside it feels like he's crying all day. I'm really ready to stop breastfeeding he's always been an insane fidget hes on all fours , and stands up and changes sides himself , spins round, he is sooo active all whilst still attached, i hope i can manage it soon because of night time waking. Not just for me, but him too, poor baby must be shattered. Feeding is hurting too, dont know if thats due to pregnancy but it seems to coincide.

Your routine seems sooo good! I cant even imagine how it will be if we dont get through this clingy phase! One of my top worries will be Making sure i get my shower, nothing has stopped me so far bit i dont know how ill coordinate two in a tiny bathroom ��

Do you have any help? I have never left my son more than 20 mins with someone other than my husband. The idea of maybe leaving him overnight to give birth is sooo hard... No wonder he's gone clingy haha
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Well you're doing really well to still be breastfeeding as well! Both times I've got pregnant my milk has dried up almost straight away so I had to stop feeding my daughter at 8 months and 9 months with my son. I was fortunate in that they didn't really seem to notice too much. My daughter was express breast fed and I just added in a formula bottle (apatmil) st night first then switched the others and she never rejected it. With my son he wouldn't take a bottle no matter what I tried - until 9 months so by 9.5 when my milk had totally gone he was fully on formula, occasionally he would still look for a boob but seemed to know he wasn't going to have much luck!

No I don't really have any help. My partner has reasonably flexible working hours so if I need to go to a midwife appointment now that I don't want to take the kids to then he can come home and work from home to make up the time but he quite often works over the weekends too so sometimes it's me all week. He helps at bath and bedtime every night he is in. My parents live 4 hours away and his mum is 73 and pretty immobile so she isn't able to help. His sister is the one the kids go to if we need help but she is a 30/40 minute drive away and my little boy is very clingy so cries anytime he is left although he is starting to get over that a bit more. My daughter loves her aunt and uncle and cousin (cousins are 21 and 16 - my partner was born 13 years after his sister hence why his mum is older and his niece is a grown up!) so when my little boy was born she happily stayed two nights with her aunt. She had never and has never stayed there any other time so I thought she would be freaked out by it but was fine. I am quite sure my son will be an absolute nightmare when we attempt the same though! He won't go back to sleep unless it's me he sees - he will scream until he is purple if my partner goes to him instead! X
I dont like leaving him anywhere and this sudden insanely clingy phase has taken me by surprise! I'm sure we will have to have practice babysit sessions. We are fortunate though that the family or friends that would watch him live two doors down / extremely close, so if he's in bed, he could stay there and they could come to the house. Problem is we need to stop the night waking as i dont know if they could re-settle him. Night waking might reduce if i manage to stop feeding though! Think will have to do sometjing because rocking him endlessly will be hard when im more heavily pregnant.

Its good to hear your experience though. Seems like you are really busy, i have people who would babysit but i just dont leave him. I dont even want practice sessions because i dont want to leave him 😂. It will rub off on him so i need to get over it. Plus a little date night would be nice which we havent done since i was pregnant with him!!

I wonder if anyone else from here is pregnan again! Which month group were you in, same as me? Sorry for forgetting. Think i was april but then i had him in march xx
I think we were in the same group Mel but I was always March as he was born middle of March.

I remember I didn't want to leave my little girl at first and my OH's family literally asked every weekend if they could have her from the week she was born. It was freaking me out so much that in the end I had to tell my OH to tell them it wasn't happening any time soon and the more they asked the worse if was making me feel about it. The first time was when she was 6 months old and we met them at a shopping centre and let them walk her around for an hour and a half while we had lunch and I was still a bit tearful. Gradually I left for longer periods and at 10 months I went back to work for four months before having my little boy so of course she was much more used to being with strangers as she went to a private nursery all day every day. With my little boy I was less freaked out at the thought of leaving him until I saw how traumatic it was for him. Again it was about 6 months I first left him and he screamed himself purple until I came back. It was so bad his aunt and gran were sure there was something wrong with him until I came back and he instantly stopped the moment he saw me.

We are doing as many practice sessions as they can manage at weekends. So today she had them both for about 3 hours and he was totally fine and next weekend she is due to have them for probably 4-6 hours so hopefully he'll be ok with that too x
Sounds like you eased them (and you) into it gently :D. Good idea, must be way harder to coordinate two kids for labour day!

Until recently i would have said he's not bothered where i am, its me that doesnt like being away from him amd he'll go to anyone etcetc. But he's launched into the biggest clingy phase. Its nice that he wants us but when you cant do something simple like take your coat off without tears...its hard eh?!

I think a lot of it is extreme tiredness catching up on him, hes trying to walk which must be tiring but yet he's up or fidgeting almost all night it feels like. And dont know why he has also been going hysterical if i try to move him (asleep) off the boob all of a sudden, not just your average little cry.

Might be a lengthy chat with the hv next week when she comes out. Think i want to stop feeding before thinking about sleep training!

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