***2016 babies***

We are also demand feeding and at the moment she seems to want feeds every 2.5-3 hours. But she'll only have around 5 feeds a day! Can take her time sometimes though, up to an hour most times bottle or boob. I watch for her cues to see when she is ready!
Well here's a surprise...i was having trouble with some clotting a week ago and midwives said if I was still worried in a week to go to doctor. This morning I woke up with fresh red blood when it had just been some brown spotting and I was crampy. So I went to doctor...she thinks I'm having a period! Whilst breast feeding! She said it's rare but can happen and fits with the low mood I had over weekend and baby looking like milk doesn't taste normal x
Oh no rose! That's one of the perks of breastfeeding- no periods! What a pain! At least you have a reason for your mood though. Maybe your body wants another one already?! Haha. Xx
Hahaha bubbles, we do want four but we've said we don't want number 3 until number 2 is 2 years old. I don't really feel like it's normal period pains but I suppose I maybe just don't remember, it's been a while - I only had two inbetween babies! I felt like such a fool when the doctor said she was 99% sure I was having a period! X
OMG! I missed so much in such a small space of time :( how are you all doing? Erin is 6 weeks old already. It's flying by. we have kind of had a rough few weeks which is why I haven't been on lately.
About 3 week a go Erin had a high temp of 38 so we had to rush to hospital for her to be seen straight away. Erin had blood tests and even a test for menigitis. All tests were clear, we had a 2 night stay in hospital so Erin could have anti biotic treatment. We were sent home the Sunday and had a phone call on the following Wednesday evening to say erin has a bug/infection growing in her bloodstream. So off back to the childrens ward where we had a further 5 night stay and another course of anti biotics. Cue a very stressed and worried mummy and daddy. Messed up routine from DD1. We have been home for about 2 weeks now. All's well. Erin has been so unsettled today and will only settle on me or OH. So I'm very tired.
I'm trying to catch up with the goings on in here but it seems you've all getting on very well. Congratulations to all. How is everyone finding parenthood?
I wondered where you had been Twinkle , scary times!! I'm glad Erin is ok ....

After Aubree's 5 days of anti b's she will only settle on me! Won't sleep in her crib and has awful reflux! So it's a battle and exhausting ... I find it hard to get out , when I'm not feeding I'm winding , trying to help her pain ,mscreaming , crying , wanting to be fed again ...

I've turned into a hermit .

Hopefully it will get better Twinkle X
Twinkle 6 weeks already?! Thats frightening. Hope everything is going much better for you, sounds like youve had a rough time,!

Birdo, have you tried using a wrap to help you get out if she'll only settle with you? Mine seems to work like magic, in fact 3 weeks in and I haven't even tried my pram. I don't know if you already have one but I got the 'sling by jazooli' which is much cheaper than competitors and he just sleeps fairly solidly when he's in it, I use to it to get housework done or when I'm out and about. Handy and you can also wind her as you go if needed! I find he only stirs at meal times or for a nappy change or sometimes if I stop walking. I watched a video in YouTube of how to do a newborn hold it seems slightly more snug than the hold recommended with the wrap, in fact I have to be careful that he doesn't get too hot!

Understand it might not work for everyone but maybe worth a shot to let you nip to the shop or on on a short walk? :)
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I 2nd the sling Birdo. I've had to use one on Erin. And works wonders. And can still get the off cleaning job done.
Mel I so worry if Erins too hot. I used the wrap on the shopping trip. It was a chilly day so I had a hoodie on aswell and by the time we go back to the car Erin had a small sweat patch haha. But not over hot.
How's everyone sleeping? Erin is only waking once or twice a night so I can't complain atm.
DD1 is loving her baby sister, always cuddling and wanting to hold. She's been having slight tantrums but I think kind of acting out.
Erin started giving smiles yesterday. I don't even think DD1 smiled at 6 weeks lol. Xx
yes twinkle! I left the registry office convinced he was too hot. And I hate when people look at you as a bad parent as if your baby is freezing... When I can feel he is really cosy! In fact sometimes I don't put a hat on him to help regulate his temp, I just pull the sling fabric over if its breezy.
I have a wrap , icant remember what it is ... I've used it once on a dog walk , she seemed OK . Might start using that when I go out , because it's a nightmare and there's only 1 pushchair spot on the bus to my house and if there's already one on its an hours wait with a screaming baby , so I walk home and it's killing me xx
anyone bothering about weight loss just now? My weight fluctuates like everyone's but the other day I noticed a few pounds increase so I cracked out the nutribullet and been walking and I'm semi-logging what I eat. I'm not dieting, just being more aware and trying to eat healthier. I'm breastfeeding too.

this morning id lost 3lb again so the gain must have just been a daily fluctuation. I've lost more than 2 stone since having him, but I def miss the fast daily weight loss from the early days!!

unsure about calorie intake too, I've seen lots of info saying you need 300-500 calories more, and also see info saying you often have fat stores from pregnancy (I think meaning an increase isn't required).

don't really know what I'm asking, just rambling! P.s you all OK?
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My HV said it can really vary what you need for breastfeeding up to as much as 2000 calories! I'm just so busy I forget to eat but weight loss seems to have tailed off at the moment x
Hi ladies... joining from the April mummies thread. DD born 4th via c sec after getting stuck but she's all perfect and cuddly ;) Hope to get to know you and your lo soon xx
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Hi Kk :)

Congratulations xx

How are everyone's babies doing? Aubree is brilliant at night , but suffers reflux during the day so cries a lot , still breastfed and now 11lb 5oz at 4 weeks old .... That's from 8lb 9 at birth . She's beautiful and I'm in love massively ...even when she is crying ... I will post a piccie X
Welcome kk!

That's an excellent weight gain Birdo. I share your pain with reflux - I'm constantly covered in puke :( She's not massively bothered luckily, hope A grows out of it soon. We aren't doing great on the weight gain - just about back to birth weight at 1 month old, so about 8lbs. We are supplementing a little bit with formula. Like 2-3 oz a day when I'm exhausted from all the feeding by 8pm.
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Wow Birdo that's a huge gain! T was 10lb 1 at birth and dropped down to 9lbs 7 in the first few days. At four weeks he was 11lb 9oz. He is also really sicky in the day and I think it's reflux. He also has bad wind that I really struggle to get up so I think that causes trouble too. I'm coated in vomit and leaking breast milk most of the time! X
Hey we doing well here, doing combination feeding which is working well and Joseph putting on weight nicely! I'm still a bit sore from my episiotomy and wondering if I'll ever feel normal again but motherhood is worth every little pain. Having snuggles as I write this, nothing quite like the unconditional love you have with your baby. Glad every one else seems to be doing well x
Aw the reflux sucks , if it wasn't for that then things would be perfect , but you can't have it all can you ? .. Rose Aubree gets the trapped wind that I cannot g up . She screams , I also have exploding poo's? Watery and forceful . Glad all the babes are doing well

Atlantis Aubree never lost any so hasn't had to make up for a loss , being back up to birth weight is good :) well done

Anyone's little have colic yet? I bloody hope you don't expereince it. It's the most frustrating thing a baby and parent can go through. Erin is constant crying. It's so frustrating. Going to try colic drops or bottles tomorrow. It's so expensive though. Oh my life!!
I've got some unopened coleif twinkle that I'm never going to use with Brest feeding , do u want me to post them to you? Xx

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