***2016 babies***

Hi ladies! :wave:
Havent peeked in for months...
Hows everyone getting on??
Hey everyone, I don't know if you'll remember me but I joined your March 2016 Mu.my's thread when my Feb baby was overdue and rolled into march! Elke is 4 months old now (18 weeks) which has just flown by, I can't quite believe it.
All going well though, she is really long and tall but quite slim, I haven't had her weighed since her last HV visit since they weren't concerned but can see there's definitely nothing to worry about weight wise! She is still exclusively breastfed, though I did give her some solid (sweet potato, spinach and carrot puree) to try a couple of days ago, that was fun!
Anyone else have a baby that doesn't poo much? Elke hasn't from day1, she does maybe 1 every 2-3 days, sometimes more and sometimes less. The longest she's gone was 10 days!! She's not constipated, her poo is runny and she doesn't seem uncomfortable, HV said some babies are just like that, just weird I don't know anyone with a similar baby!
I'm still very anemic which is weird 4 months post partum so that doesn't help. Also anyone else co-sleep? I do and would like to get her into the cot, but it's easier said than done. She pretty much hates it every time I encourage her to sleep anywhere but on me or next to me!
Anyway, hope you are all doing well, just thought I'd give you my little update :)

Hi Molly.
My baby was born on the 5th of July.

We co sleep, but I have no intention of getting her into a cot lol. I like co sleeping & am happy to do so until she's around 2 and can go into a bed.
I co slept with my other kids too, but this time round we are in a small 2 bedroom house so will have to move in order for her to have her own room & bed, so am happily putting it off as long as possible lol.
I'm also exc. BFing and the co sleeping makes night feeds so much easier lol. I'm too lazy to be getting up in the night. This way she only has to start grunting & fidgetting and I move closer to her so she can latch on, feed, and we both go back to sleep (as long as she doesn't poo).

I am hoping she will go longer between poos. For a while she was only pooing once or twice a day, but more recently it has been 4 or 5 times a day! I'm so glad she's in cloth or it'd be costing me a fortune. I get through 8 to 10 nappies in 24hrs most days. I bought newborn size as she is small still (11lbs now which is actually almost 5lb over her birth weight) and the birth-to-potty ones are quite bulky even though they fit, but the last few days she's been pooing so much I'm havng to use some of the BTP nappies anyway while the smaller newborn ones are being washed and dried.

Hopefully it's just a phase and she'll go to only pooing every other day or something.
This girpu has gotten so quite. The offer of adding you to my new mum's and dads group. Let me know x
Hope everyone's doing well! My baby is 6 1/2 months old and I can't believe it's gone so fast- I've finally got used to the idea that I'm a mummy... Love it :-) Started weaning but he's not v interested and still feeds a lot- I'm EBF and he still won't have a bottle :-( it's making going back to work hard.
Hope all you lovely mums are doing well and had a fab summer
Ruby xxx
Hi everyone - it's been months since I've been on. I ended up leaving my job and won't be going back. Both my children are doing great and I'm rather crazily pregnant again! Only 5+4 at the moment and a total accident but excited just the same. 3 under 3 will be crazy though! X
Amazing, congrats rose! Glad you're all well, it's such a shame this thread has died a bit would be great to hear how everyone is doing and if there are anymore pregnancys.

3 under 3 ... wow!
Thanks Mel - I know, I'm totally off my head but as I said it was an accident. We were always planning four but were going to use natural family planning to prevent third coming along too soon, so I was doing OPKs every day, was breast feeding so had had one period and was on day 40 of negative OPKs so thought I was safe to DTD...two days later I get a positive and number 3 is on their way! My partner was a bit horrified at first but after the shock wore off he was quite excited too x
Omg Rose!! Lovely news!

We're doing ok here, settling down to a family of 4 nicely. Weaning was a nightmare up until about 3 weeks ago and it just seemed to click with her. Sleeping is a nightmare as you can see from my other thread. Back to work 4 days so I'm currently like a walking zombie most the time. Apart from that it's all good tho. How's everyone else? x
Hey I still hover around here every now and then! Congrats rose, I can't imagine 3 under 3! Me and Joseph are doing good, he loves his food and I found him standing in his cot yesterday so no stopping him now! I've had a hard time with post natal depression, but am on medication and having counselling and things are getting better. Go back to work in April and dreading it :(

Nice to hear from everyone, glad you're all doing well x
Congratulations Rose- so exciting!
I keep thinking I'd like another baby soon ❤ but will wait for this one to start sleeping a bit better!
All fine here apart from terrible separation anxiety that he's had since August. He won't go to anyone and won't be left alone even for a second! I'm going back to work properly soon and don't know how he's going to cope.
Happy new year everyone!
Thanks everyone :)
My little boy is a terrible sleeper. I haven't had more than a four hour sleep all in one stretch since he was born in March. Because I was breast feeding I had no choice but to do all the feeds and he rejected all attempts to take a bottle even of expressed. He was awful to wean too, wouldn't take purée at all and in the end I gave up and just started giving him finger foods and then once he got his two bottom teeth (8 months) he suddenly loved eating food and this month is now accepting mushed/thick purée so finally got somewhere and in the last week switched him to formula as he finally accepted a bottle and my supply had totally gone due to the pregnancy. Unfortunately he won't take more than about 120ml of formula at a time so is still waking in the night for two bottles. I'm now trying hungry baby formula but not seeing much change!

Good to hear from everyone - happy new year! X
I just don't get much sleep either. He often wakes every hour and sometimes more. I think there's been some improvement which coincides with him eating more. If he sleeps for a longer stretch I'm freaked out and going into check as we have a fault with our camera at the moment so I end up disturbing him!

We tried baby led weaning, but more recently concerned about iron intake because he is breastfeeding. I take vitamins but I don't know if he can get iron from me even with that? Anyway long story short at 9 months we are now starting spoon feeding to get more food in for nutrition and hopefully to benefit his sleep!

My baby still feeds a lot at night and partially Co sleeps (usually evening in his cot maybe 6pm-1pm (but he wakes frequently) then in and out of our bed. I've never even tried a bottle. I have to do nappy change(s) during the night which can be upsetting for him.

I love him to pieces though and want another baby!!

Hope all is well rose, you will be needing even more sleep now x
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Mel you sound so similar to me! My little boy goes to sleep at 7.30 but I got in the habit of keeping him downstairs with me as we don't have a camera set up and he would wake often. So he sleeps independent until about 1 but then as you said is in and out of bed with me after that. He also usually has a nappy change - as soon as he pees he just wriggles constantly and can't settle until he is dry x
Rose I'm in a similar situation my lb was born 26th June and I've just found out I'm pregnant again ! Will have a 6 year old 14 month old and a newborn!
My first two had 15 months between them and I won't lie, it has had its tough moments, the worst bit is probably mummy guilt though. She totally loves her little brother so I don't think she ever feels hard done by but I have often felt like she might. I think it's nice that when they are older they will never remember not having their sibilings there x
Mel and Rose- the sleep thing is the same for me! And I can't ever get him to settle on his own- he has to be fed or rocked to sleep.... aaaagh. Anyway I just comfort myself with the fact that I get those gorgeous middle-of-the-night snuggles- I'll miss them one day! Xxxx
It's true Ruby, I already miss cuddles with my little girl, I don't get them often now and I used to spend hours cuddling her and getting so frustrated - I wish I could go back sometimes! X

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