Hey everyone, I don't know if you'll remember me but I joined your March 2016 Mu.my's thread when my Feb baby was overdue and rolled into march! Elke is 4 months old now (18 weeks) which has just flown by, I can't quite believe it.
All going well though, she is really long and tall but quite slim, I haven't had her weighed since her last HV visit since they weren't concerned but can see there's definitely nothing to worry about weight wise! She is still exclusively breastfed, though I did give her some solid (sweet potato, spinach and carrot puree) to try a couple of days ago, that was fun!
Anyone else have a baby that doesn't poo much? Elke hasn't from day1, she does maybe 1 every 2-3 days, sometimes more and sometimes less. The longest she's gone was 10 days!! She's not constipated, her poo is runny and she doesn't seem uncomfortable, HV said some babies are just like that, just weird I don't know anyone with a similar baby!
I'm still very anemic which is weird 4 months post partum so that doesn't help. Also anyone else co-sleep? I do and would like to get her into the cot, but it's easier said than done. She pretty much hates it every time I encourage her to sleep anywhere but on me or next to me!
Anyway, hope you are all doing well, just thought I'd give you my little update