1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!

i keep looking at my tummy, and not being sure if im 6 or 10 weeks cant decide if im getting a bump or just flab :lol:

will take a piccie :)
Looks like a bump to me Keslo! Difficult to say though when I don't know what kind of figure you had pre-pregnancy and if you were holding your breath!

Kirsty - looks like a little bump too! How exciting!

Valentine xxx
:D i hoped so. im hoping its a small bump, as there is more likelyhood im 10weeks rather 6 :)
hev&madi said:
im sure thats a bump to :) id say you were 10 weeks

:D yay. i really hope so. then im not too far from the safer bit :)

i ran to the door this morning when the post came hoping it was my appointment for my dating scan. but nooo :(
its tomorow :D

so if doc is correct it will be my 12 week scan i think.

will take another photo soon :)

Thats great hun cant wait to see your scan pics.
Wheres all the tummy pics?? :(

I like seeing what peoples 'bumps' look like in the 1st trimester so I can compare! :D
im not as far along as i thought, so mine will just be flab lol.

but ill post a pic soon if anything appears :)
Right now don't freak out by my belly - it's enormous lol. Honestly - it's abnormal for 6 weeks pg to be this big!
and yes, I swear this is not a belly shot of when I was pg with Lydia or anything haha - this was literally taken 5 minutes ago.

Maybe it's just fat :? Then again - a month ago I wasn't nearly that size! I'm so confused!

(by the way excuse the pig sty that i like to call the computer room lol)

that is an impressive bump for 6 weeks, very jealous!

I thought I might be getting a little bump - but thought - can't be - I am only 7 weeks....... well there you go, I had no idea I could start to show this early. A girl at work is 5 months and she is tiny still.
topbird said:
that is an impressive bump for 6 weeks, very jealous!

lol it's a freakishly LARGE bump for 6 weeks. It's abnormal! Trust me, you don't want one this big! I dread to think what it'll be like in 34 weeks time! :shock:
people have already scared me by saying that on some other forums I go to lol. I hope not I think I'd have a nervous breakdown! lol
Awwww it looks like a proper bump already!

I love your pink jumper too :oops:

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