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1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2006
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Tummy pics are always popular on pregnancy forums - why not upload a picture of yours? Remember to let us know how many weeks you were when the photo was taken!

OK I thought I would post my tummy pic,
and see if any one else does too,

I am only 7wks6days in this pic taken Thursday Night


You seem quite big for only 7 weeks! Do you think you might be carrying more than one?????

HI I have had twins Beofer, in Dec 04 infact but they died due to extreme premiturity, And I can Diffenatly say that no I am only having one this tiome round unless of course one was HIding when I had my scan,

I am slightly larger as this is my forth pregnancy, also the fact that I am slightly over weight to begin with and also my uterus is still stretched from last time


You seem quite big for only 7 weeks! Do you think you might be carrying more than one?????

Thank you !......That pic is a little mis-leading .. I look alot more slender there...... then I do in person ... i think it is all the black..... lol ...
Cute bellies girls, Im only 7weeks 3 days and no bump but I will post when theres something to see, and when I work out how to do it!
Laura x
Thats my problem I dont know how to put my pic of bump on here. Any one who can help out there please do.
I am not too sure how to do It either... LOL
But you have a bump already.. ahhh. How cute... I am Due Dec 3rd and I have no bump. UHH... I wish I did....
Love Danielle and Bubble xx
No theres no bump yet at all which is strange as last time id put on a stone in the first 3 months.
What I say Is be happy... You might just get a little pot belly and loose the weight easily... I know that you are not very far on... But do u ever try to guess weather your having a Boy or a Girl? Do you have any names Picked? In your photo you look very slim anyway so you should not have a problem loosong the weight LOL.

Love Danielle and Bubble xx
No it took about 6 months last time to lose the weight, all 4 and half stone of it.
Im just hopping that this time round I dont get big as I didnt like it at all and hated every minute of being pregnant.

I really want a girl this time round but i have this feeling its another boy. All the family and hubby say a girl but hey its 50/50 so someone will be right LOL.

What would you like?
I am not really bithered as long as its healthy... actually I am lying I would love a boy... I have a feeling its a boy... But i Just dont know... the names i have picked are Joshua-Lewis and Anna-Rose.... I know u might think its too soon but I am soo exited...
Not at all. Its great to be excited by it all. My first boy, hes called Joshua James, hes 8 yrs old now.
We've choosen a name if its a boy, JORDAN, hubby thinks Micheal Jordan is the best, not knockers Jordan LOL.
As for a girl we have no idea but would like something unusual.
Those are cute names....me and my husband decided if it's a girl we would name her either Ainsley or Alison.....but we haven't decided on a name for a boy yet every time I ask him he's like I don't know, and the names I came up with for boys he doesn't like or he knows guys that already have that name also with the same last name as ours! So and even though I'm the one carrying this baby I want him to be as much involved with naming our baby as I am....I just think it's fair....but everyone's different.....we already came up with the theme for the babys room and I'm only like 5weeks5days along....but this stuffs exciting and is soo much fun! :roll: :oops:
Kandi & XmasAngls,

Great pics.....

Kandi, you are tiny!!! I'm soooo jealous. I'm trying to pursuade myself it's a slight bump (slight is not the right word to put here?) but I am fricking huge! Yes, I know - look at my dates below? Hubby is panicky that we're having twins - and yes, they are in my family. I also read on another forum of a woman expecting twins - her symptons were, early detection of HcG in prg test (yep, I was positive 4 days before I was due), no morning sickness just nausea (yep, me too....don't feel bad at all) and she had a history of twins her family.....mmmmm. God imangine that!

I'm with you XmasAngls - that is me now! I daren't place a pici of me on here yet - maybe after Aug/Sep?

And finally, I am feeling excited.....last week, I was dreading the whole thing and wasn't looking forward to any of it - hormones I presume.

Good luck girls and keep chatting!

Gosh Layla I so can't wait till I begin to show just like you! What a pretty bump! Hope all is going well.


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