Kandi & XmasAngls,
Great pics.....
Kandi, you are tiny!!! I'm soooo jealous. I'm trying to pursuade myself it's a slight bump (slight is not the right word to put here?) but I am fricking huge! Yes, I know - look at my dates below? Hubby is panicky that we're having twins - and yes, they are in my family. I also read on another forum of a woman expecting twins - her symptons were, early detection of HcG in prg test (yep, I was positive 4 days before I was due), no morning sickness just nausea (yep, me too....don't feel bad at all) and she had a history of twins her family.....mmmmm. God imangine that!
I'm with you XmasAngls - that is me now! I daren't place a pici of me on here yet - maybe after Aug/Sep?
And finally, I am feeling excited.....last week, I was dreading the whole thing and wasn't looking forward to any of it - hormones I presume.
Good luck girls and keep chatting!