
Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2011
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So, I had my 12 week scan this morning and things didn't exactly go to plan!

First I get there and they have lost all of my bloods that were taken on Thursday and I have to be stabbed 4 times for them to get them today!! I then had my booking appt which lasted ages, so by the time the scan came round I was, hungry, shaky and not feeling too well :(

In comes a junior doctor who barely speaks English and proceeds to start scanning me, telling me she will start and then the consultant will come. Now for about 40 seconds after Bubs appears on the screen she says nothing, nada and I start to panic. So hubby asks if everything is ok, to which she replies 'yes' and promptly ignores us again. So she scans away for about 20 minutes barely speaking and I ask again if there is a problem. She says baby is being difficult and she can't get measurements properly. This is NOT good for my anxiety levels.

Thankfully, in comes consultant (who I know so I'm thankful it's an external scan!) and finally a proper scan! He tells us exactly what we are seeing and how everything is and gets the measurements from our reputedly 'awkward' baby first time! I felt so relieved. I've also been put forward two days so due date is now 19th August :)

Pics are not great due to position and Bubs moving around alot and the 4D one looks like a little alien lol!!:) Will try and upload them though.

Next one booked for 16 weeks :)

Here are the pics, couldn't upload them from scanned in images - files must be too big, so have taken screen shots on my phone - so quality even worse!x


  • 12+2 shot.jpg
    12+2 shot.jpg
    103.5 KB · Views: 45
  • 4D Alien! 12+2.jpg
    4D Alien! 12+2.jpg
    102.6 KB · Views: 56
  • 12+2 waving shot.jpg
    12+2 waving shot.jpg
    113.7 KB · Views: 49
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Oh dear, that sounds like a bit of a nightmare appointment to start; thank goodness it all turned out alright in the end and bubs is safe & well. Look forward to seeing the pics. x
Thanks, have uploaded them now, but quality not great!x
Oh dear, not a great start. It's a shame that the first sonographer didn't say every much considering it can potentially be the first time parents meet their baby!

And oooouuuucchh! 4 times?! Poor you, my arm aches just thinking about that.

I'm really pleased all was ok with your LO. The 4D scan is fascinating. It's really clear. I love the last scan pic with bubbas hands up to the face, very cute indeed xxx

the 4d pic looks fab, wish they had done that at mine.
Sounds like youve had a horrible time x
Glad everything turned out OK! I think they forget how scary it is for us! How come you have a scan at 16 weeks too you lucky thing? x
Glad everything turned out OK! I think they forget how scary it is for us! How come you have a scan at 16 weeks too you lucky thing? x

I work at the hospital where I'm having my scans, and my department does them lots of favours so they know me quite well. The Midwifery Matron is seeing me 2 weekly and said today if I want I can have a scan at 16 weeks. I jumped at the chance and said yes! I think she's just being lovely as I'm super anxious every time she sees me!x
WOW Michelle, lovely pictures - glad everything ok. xxx
Thanks Clara, where are your pics?x
Look at him flexing his muscles!! :D Ace!
And he's the cutest alien I've ever seen!!
Awww! The perks of working in a hospital!! x
Aww so cute! Congrats! X

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Look at him flexing his muscles!! :D Ace!
And he's the cutest alien I've ever seen!!
Awww! The perks of working in a hospital!! x

Him/he?? This is what hubby always says too! Can you see something I can't?? :) x
Yes have to agree, very cute alien :) looks smooth down there so I think girl, probably get a better look at your 16 week scan - lucky thing!!! Xx

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