1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!

Gosh! everyone looks so big already (in a good way of course!)
Its good to see actually, I was worried I was getting fat, but if you guys look the same as me (I feel a bit bloated) I feel much better :D
This is my second.... and im pretty sure i started showing 10 minutes after my positive pregnancy test.

ive pooched right out! but i think thats more the fact that i was a little overweight before and now i dont care for trying to hold it in.... so i have convinced myself its all baby :D
I'm so relieved! I'm getting married in two weeks and told my mum today when we were adjusting wedding dress that I'm losing my waist already. I'm five weeks and my jeans are tight already. I'm starting to look lke a darts player! My mum laughed at me and said there's no way I'd be showing now.

Ha!!!! She is clearly wrong. Obviously once your body's done it before, it just clicks into pregnancy mode and lets it all hang out!!!!
how do you upload pics? I want someone to see whether im big for 8 weeks? Everyone says I'm huge!
this is what i do

go to http://photobucket.com/

you might have to sign up with them

then you upload your picture

and underneath the pic there are 2 codes...

i don't know which one it is

but copy it then come back to this site and go to new topic and paste it

click preview and it should show... if it has just submit

hope it made sense :wink:
Hey ladies well heres me at 4wks+2 (i shall post pictures each month)! :dance:

Yes i can see it now wow you have a nice little bump forming there already!! :D
wow, i didnt realise you could start showing so early on!! i cant wait till my bump starts to show! i'll definately be posting! x
me too, i dodnt realise you showed b4 12 weeks. i alrealy have a slight bump, more bloating but still! will post soon, im going to take a pic every wednessday now till the birth.
how did ur scan go? i cant beleive u were showing at 7 weeks, im 7 weeks on sunday, i thought that i just had a bit of extra flab or bloating but maybe it is a bit of a bump!
claire30 said:
here is me last week at 8 weeks i think i look huge and bloated i used to be a size 10 b4 now im entering into maternity clothes, i hate this inbetween time when people dont know if your pregnant or fat.

http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z314 ... 0_0763.jpg

oh my god! are you sure your only 8 weeks?! thats deffo a bump. im a size 8 - 10 normally and im no way that big yet! i thought i was for my weeks.
lovely bump coming along....i want one! :D
will have to post a pic in here too, i have some at home.
i want a bump :-(.. i can't really tell if i have one yet as i had a big of a pudgie belly to begin with... i do feel my jeans getting tighter though....
nice bump though!

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