very upset after MW appointment **with ickle bumpy pics**


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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MW again confirmed I am measuring small 5 weeks behind infact!She has now got a consultant on the case who is apparently head of care at the hosp to see me thursday. And what he says will go.Whats upset me, is all these extra scans Ive had they keep sending me back to MW and hospital say oh we will monitor it for a couple weeks go and see MW etc. my MW is extremly piss@d off at the hosp and says theres enough evidence here with scans and graphs of slow growth or none growth etc and that they should of took action last time. Then I think well a hosp cant be wrong....or can they!??!? MW now thinks Head of Care will be questioning why action hasnt been taken by hospital sooner too - I just feel to many opinions are floating in my care and just peed off that im getting pushed pillar to post to pass blame.!And i just dont know who or what to believe etc and its getting me in a right state I have not had a stress free week at all through this pregnancy.On a good note MW says im 2/5 engaged! :)Cant upload pics of bumpy at minute but will try at some pointxxxxxxx


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Aw babe sorry they r messing u around hopefully head of care will put ur mind at rest xxxx

Sorry to hear yo are getting messed around. Tell them you're not leaving that hospital until you get the answers you need! Good luck xxx
The more important is that u state clearly to ur mw that u need to know asap what will happen next and u don't want them to lose ur time with who's fault is etc... there is a maternity book which is there for notes. Anyway hope all goes well but let know the mw she must work and communicate with the hospital not against.
Oh gosh and I'm using the same hospital :/. Really hope they put your mind at rest, really not very fair. Try not to let it worry you though xxx
thankyou everyone :'( I said to her will he even scan me that day or if they are going to induce me what can i expect etc and she just says oh it depends on the day which i suppose it kind of does but she just left it again with me saying take my number and if they keep hold of you there and then let me know! so im left thinking ok so the left hand obviously dont speak to the right. Will just get everything ready for worst case scenaria. But again a cliff hanger I again have no idead of what will happen that day. just sick of being messed around cus if this ends up being something that could have been prevented or nipped in the bud earlier i will be doing some kungfu kicks on people and because my bump aint too big it wont get in the way hehehehheheh xxxxx I hate my hospital!
Oh gosh and I'm using the same hospital :/. Really hope they put your mind at rest, really not very fair. Try not to let it worry you though xxx

i wish i could change but no way i would go new cross hospital and all the others are too far or have stopped doing labours suites! :roll: seriously had nothing but trouble, they even regularly used to loose my bloods and make me do them all over again!!! xxx
lucyann is that how big you are at the minute or are you posting new pic x x x x

I measured small with my first through scans & was getting scanned constantly.

I had a bump but not a massive one.

I've seen people who have bumps the same as yours and go on to have 7lb babies, the baby just sits so far into their tummy.

I know its hard but try not to worry

Sorry to hear you are having such a stressful time :( don't let them carry on like that - demand the answers when you see them!! Xx
Sorry to hear that you're being messed about so much! Hope that you get the care you need and the communication gets a bit better!

My sister in law was in the same situation as you. Her fundal height wasn't changing at all and it was like the baby had stopped growing. She had to go for growth scans every week or two to check on the baby. She had him a week early and he weighed 7lb14oz, so a very good weight!

Hope all goes well for you xx
Hope you get everything sorted soon, the stress really won't be doing you any good. Def demand you get answers when you go, least then you know where you stand.
Thankyou everybody for ur kind words and advice hopefully get more news thursday too xxxx

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