1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!

hehe thanks - it's a Leeds University hoodie (it says Leeds university on the front - I bought it from the union shop) :)

my bump :) im actually getting one now :) yay
Okay - my 9 week picture shot (sorry it's dark).

Nobody can tell I'm pregnant - my belly is so tiny :rotfl:

Gezzzzzzzzzzzzzz Xena ya bumps getting big and your only 9 weeks im so jealous whens baby due ?

mines due Aug 5th 2007 and my bump aint that big well i dont think it is.
I'm due 2nd August.
My bump is abnormally large hun lol. TOO large if you ask me!
This is mine at nearly 5 weeks. I know most of it is fat but I definitely wasnt that big 5 weeks ago :P

ok, here is my bump at 12 weeks - didnt show first time round til nearly 5 months !

Heres my little bump I'm not sure how far gone i'am but i'll find out on Thursday I think i'm about 2 months give or take a few weeks. How far gone would you say I look?

Hi vickyleigh,

your tummy looks a lot like mine does at the mo. Were you very small before the pregnancy?

I was a size 8, but I'm sure that I'm getting a bump even though I'm only nearly 6 weeks gone. Do you think it's possible to show this early if you were small beforehand?

I'm going to start posting one tummy pic a week from this friday (my 6 week mark!). Prob won't notice much to start with, but it'll be good to look back on.



I think its diffrent for every person i mean im 11 weeks and i think ive got a bump coming .

My SIL was showing at 10 weeks and i knew someone who didnt show till they were about 20 weeks .
KJ I was also a size 8 before I got pregnant and i'm suprised how much i'm showing this early. I had my scan yesterday and i'll be 7 weeks on Sunday. I cant even fit into my jeans any more. It's funny though because this will be the only time in my life where I will actually look forward to being fat lol
Hi Vickyleigh,

that's good to know. At least I'm not the only one! Think we must be quite similar sizes.

By my rekoning I'm 6 weeks today, but the GP and midwife keep saying 8 because of my long cycles. ALthough I KNOW when I ovulated, but I'm still having a dating scan, but I'm sure I'm right!!

I'll post some piccies of my tummy asap and we can compare. Is this your first?

Yep this is my very first pregnancy, like I said in my other posts I didn't think I could have children so this baby is a little miracle! I will never forget the moment I found out I was pregnant. I did the test in a toilet in town and had to sit on the floor when it came out positive I have never been so shocked in all my life :D
here's my 12 week pics taken last night.
Excuse me looking like a miserable cow - I'm not, honestly, I'm just absolutely shattered. On Thursday I fell asleep in one of my exams at uni :oops: lol - not good! I've had such a terrible time sleeping lately.

My belly has gone a strange shape :? - it's like square or something!


This is my bump at 11 weeks (12 weeks as of tomorrow :))

This my tummy at 8 weeks 3 days! Think most of this is bloat :(


This is my little bump...can't really see very well in this pic...Feel like my waist line is vanishing..Am pretty sure most of my bump is bloat...but the bloat never seems to go away! :D xx
hi ladies. all coming along nicely.

at this stage, its proberly mainly water retention.

i noticed a bump forming around 13weeks. this is my first baby.


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