❤️ August Testing Thread ❤️

@RainbowMama hope you’re doing ok. After your odd cycle , and I know how over whelming it was for you with the due date. X x

Thank you for checking in. I am okay hunny, finally ovulated so I am now 2DPO. I ovulated the day after what should have been our due date.

We don’t know for sure, but I’m 99% sure the distress led to an anovulatory last cycle and a delayed ovulation this cycle.

I nearly missed my peak and after days without any baby dancing, gosh did we have a lot of catching up to do. :oops:
Thank you for checking in. I am okay hunny, finally ovulated so I am now 2DPO. I ovulated the day after what should have been our due date.

We don’t know for sure, but I’m 99% sure the distress led to an anovulatory last cycle and a delayed ovulation this cycle.

I nearly missed my peak and after days without any baby dancing, gosh did we have a lot of catching up to do. :oops:
Glad to hear from you! I’m so glad you seem to have figured everything out as best as you can. How did your HSG go?
It didn’t. I already knew I have a high lying and retroverted cervix, hence why I can’t check CP whilst TTC. She tried for a good solid 20 minutes poking and prodding and couldn’t find it.

How exactly am I supposed to go for smears?

She said the doctor may want to do a laparoscopy and hystereoscopy (I’ve had them done before, in 2011) but we’ll wait and see.

I started spotting again last night.
It didn’t. I already knew I have a high lying and retroverted cervix, hence why I can’t check CP whilst TTC. She tried for a good solid 20 minutes poking and prodding and couldn’t find it.

How exactly am I supposed to go for smears?

She said the doctor may want to do a laparoscopy and hystereoscopy (I’ve had them done before, in 2011) but we’ll wait and see.

I started spotting again last night.

oh no really??? After all the tension, and she couldn’t do it. That must have been a kind of terrible experience. I’m sorry. :( Yeah, if I was you I’d be wanting to wait on those other steps to….especially if I already had them done once before even though it was a while back. Think your ov spotting?
Oh no, I'm sorry Rainbow mama, what I nightmare! It's a shame they couldn't just inject the dye anyway as surely it'd be able to find it's way or how would the sperm be able to enter your cervix? Xx
Hey, how's everyone doing? I finished my first round of clomid last Sunday and had a really strong opk yesterday so I'm assuming I've ovulated today so thinking to start progesterone on Tuesday :think: xx
Hey, how's everyone doing? I finished my first round of clomid last Sunday and had a really strong opk yesterday so I'm assuming I've ovulated today so thinking to start progesterone on Tuesday :think: xx
Yay! Hoping we all get sticky BFPs this time around. It’s a busy week for me. Family wedding this weekend, and lots of errands to run, airport pick ups, and hostessing. Thought for sure I was about to ovulate. Been super nauseous consistently this week, cm is gaining and slippery, but I had a blank circle on my digi opk. I started temping around cd 5-7, and was on a good record, but somehow jumped out of bed this morning and remembered five minutes later. Oh well. Found a great fertility book too, which is an easy read. Not really anything knew, just nice not to be google lol. How’s everyone else?
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Hey, hope everyone’s doing ok. Think I’m out this month my LO has been ill so haven’t managed to DTD as much as would of liked. Fingers crossed for everyone :clover:
Hey all.
Hope you’re all doing well.
Sorry I’ve been quiet , school holidays are manic and I have lots of birthdays including two of my sons.. busy busy... luckily. Keep wishing time would hurry up just a little bit. Received the letter for dating scan - not until mid sept! I’d be 14/15 weeks approx by then! So I wasn’t best pleased. I rang the one midwife I’ve seen who said it’s probably just due to capacity and she can’t change it. :(
At the moment I don’t feel there’s any form of medical team around me , or anyone I can turn to to ask questions. I’m quite a complex high risk pregnancy, and Not due to see a consultant until sometime before the next midwife app on 20th sept. I am 10+ 4 so far.. (approx) we’re now looking at a private scan for Sunday, as I need to see all is ok, confirmation and some details for my work before mid sept really as my role will have to change.
That’s my update!

Hoping to see some bfps soon :) :)
Hey all.
Hope you’re all doing well.
Sorry I’ve been quiet , school holidays are manic and I have lots of birthdays including two of my sons.. busy busy... luckily. Keep wishing time would hurry up just a little bit. Received the letter for dating scan - not until mid sept! I’d be 14/15 weeks approx by then! So I wasn’t best pleased. I rang the one midwife I’ve seen who said it’s probably just due to capacity and she can’t change it. :(
At the moment I don’t feel there’s any form of medical team around me , or anyone I can turn to to ask questions. I’m quite a complex high risk pregnancy, and Not due to see a consultant until sometime before the next midwife app on 20th sept. I am 10+ 4 so far.. (approx) we’re now looking at a private scan for Sunday, as I need to see all is ok, confirmation and some details for my work before mid sept really as my role will have to change.
That’s my update!

Hoping to see some bfps soon :) :)
Yay for an update!! So glad you are still well. I’m so disgusted by your lack of medical help though!!!! Working on tracking my bbt and have no idea what I’m doing, but it’s been interesting. This month I’m most confident of my ovulation, so that is great!!! I ov yesterday. We managed to get yesterday and every other day twice before then. Lots going on this weekend with incoming friends and family for a wedding, so that will be a nice distraction! Anyone else have updates?
Ah Sugar, I'm so sorry, the midwifery service in your area really does sound rubbish and must be failing so many women! On my previous pregnancy I was picked up as having an incontinent cervix at my consultant appointment at 12 weeks and rushed in for emergency surgery at 13 weeks because they didn't think I'd be able to carry her as she got heavier so in your area it could have been too late! I hope your scan on Sunday is reassuring, please keep us updated :)
Fsb676 things are sounding really positive this month and it sounds like you've got things covered :wink: I really hope this is your month!
As for my update, I finished the clomid a week ago Sunday and then had a positive ovulation test on Saturday, although I was extremely dehydrated at my birthday cocktail party :doh:so not sure if that was completely reliable! But had some serious one sided pain on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday but thought I'd leave it a few days and started on the progesterone last night! I'm still not totally convinced that I've ovulated as I usually get really sore boobs after I have, but nothing this month, which has also been the case with previous pregnancies, so hopefully could be a good sign, who knows :think: But I thought best to start the progesterone just in case the clomid stops my uterus lining from growing thick enough, hopefully the progesterone will help with that! So basically my update is that I haven't got a clue what's going on :rotfl: xx
Ah Sugar, I'm so sorry, the midwifery service in your area really does sound rubbish and must be failing so many women! On my previous pregnancy I was picked up as having an incontinent cervix at my consultant appointment at 12 weeks and rushed in for emergency surgery at 13 weeks because they didn't think I'd be able to carry her as she got heavier so in your area it could have been too late! I hope your scan on Sunday is reassuring, please keep us updated :)
Fsb676 things are sounding really positive this month and it sounds like you've got things covered :wink: I really hope this is your month!
As for my update, I finished the clomid a week ago Sunday and then had a positive ovulation test on Saturday, although I was extremely dehydrated at my birthday cocktail party :doh:so not sure if that was completely reliable! But had some serious one sided pain on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday but thought I'd leave it a few days and started on the progesterone last night! I'm still not totally convinced that I've ovulated as I usually get really sore boobs after I have, but nothing this month, which has also been the case with previous pregnancies, so hopefully could be a good sign, who knows :think: But I thought best to start the progesterone just in case the clomid stops my uterus lining from growing thick enough, hopefully the progesterone will help with that! So basically my update is that I haven't got a clue what's going on :rotfl: xx
Hahaha love how you ended that update lol….I feel like that’s me…so in tune…and yet not….I try to I overanalyze everything and then decide I don’t know how to put the puzzle together again because I made too many options for myself lol….like today my temp wasn’t up as much as I thought it should be…idk
Yeah, this ttc thing is a bloody mystery! One of my thinkings in life tends to be that if you keep on doing the same thing you can expect the same outcome but that's just not the case at all with ttc is it, which I find to be a complete head f*&k xx
Hi Everyone! I’m new to this site and this is my first time posting. Not sure if I’m replying in the right spot! This is my third month trying to conceive & waiting to test until Monday (August 22nd!) I’m so nervous and excited!! It’s hard to wait.
Hi Everyone! I’m new to this site and this is my first time posting. Not sure if I’m replying in the right spot! This is my third month trying to conceive & waiting to test until Monday (August 22nd!) I’m so nervous and excited!! It’s hard to wait.

also we’re getting married on Saturday and a BFP would be the best wedding gift ever!!!! I’m trying to hold out until Monday & also hope AF doesn’t come when I’m wearing the white wedding gown
Ah, welcome Cat and massive congratulations on your wedding, how exciting :) and I really hope this is your month, how long have you been together and have you got any symptoms? Xx
How's everyone doing? I have absolutely nothing to report! Xx
Hello - well, we’ve been to our private scan today and have been left VERY disappointed. Like why is it so difficult to see your own baby.. :( we paid £70. My partner actually thinks it £40 as he’s forgot about the deposit, so I’ll leave it at that!
I was in pain from full bladder. Expecting good pics.. but the lady was very blunt, just said ‘lie down’ .. then move down , move over, and asked why were even there today had we had bleeding had we had a scan already... then proceeded , basically said there’s your baby. Got a heartbeat. Then plodded on doing some labelling and checking ovaries etc and i got a fabulous pic of my bladder, she didn’t even offer me an internal.. it was so fuzzy couldn’t barely see anything. Really really upset, we travelled hour and half for that too. I woke up feeling unwell but dragged myself out and wish I hadn’t now. she also put me back 11 days, which makes zero sense.
anyway. That’s my update. Guess there’s nothing to do now other than wait for nhs scan in September!
Sorry for my moan! Just done a covid test i feel that lousy ... :(

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