❤️ August Testing Thread ❤️

Oh no, that's rubbish, you really are getting a bad service all round, I'm so sorry! At least you know everything is ok with baby and don't worry about the dating, they're always wrong! I hope you're feeling better soon xx
I have covid :( (again!) yes I know the most important thing is the baby is fine. So sorry I don’t want to appear ungrateful as it’s a miracle it’s happening. . Sorry guys. :(
Could barely see it, was like all cloudy .. and unclear. And I don’t know what we could’ve done to make it better. She didn’t say. :(
Thankyou, I know I’m moaning unnecessarily just was really looking forward to this today , and I’ve googled ultrasounds and even at 9 there are some really good clear ones out there! So just abit deflated. 3.5 weeks until the next nhs one, need to tell my work this week.. nervous. They will be fab , it’s not that, it’s just what will happen as my role will change so I could be moved etc.
Oh no, please don't say sorry, you've got nothing at all to be sorry for, I can completely understand you being disappointed and it sounds like the woman did nothing to try and make it a nice experience for you! We have scans at 7 weeks and they're clear and a really reassuring experience so I'm really sorry this wasn't that for you! And I'm really sorry to hear you've got covid! How are you feeling? Will you contact your midwife about it tomorrow, I think the advice in pregnancy is just to make sure your temperature doesn't get too high isn't it? By taking paracetamol if you need to xx
I'm feeling pretty sure that I'm out this month! I've got no symptoms whatsoever whereas if we'd managed to fertilise an egg I would have expected implantation cramping and bleeding today, or tomorrow at the latest so we'll see! The only thing that's keeping me hopeful is that my boobs aren't sore, which they always are after ovulation unless I'm pregnant, although that could have something to do with the clomid this month and obviously doesn't guarantee successful implantation even if it is a symptom of egg fertilisation! I just hate the rollercoaster of thoughts at this time of month, please sush brain, what will be will be, there's nothing I can do about it at this stage of the game xx
BFN for me today. Even though I knew the chances were very slim this month still miserable to only get one line :sad:
BFN for me today. Even though I knew the chances were very slim this month still miserable to only get one line :sad:
Ah, I'm sorry, those single lines are really disappointing aren't they! I'm sure that's what I'll be getting when I test on Friday, despite all the drugs, I really do feel like I'm losing motivation for all of this :(
How many dpo are you? Is there any chance you're just testing too early? Xx
Hey guys
Hope you’re all ok, I’ve been a busy bee, since we last spoke ive lost a stone in weight and feel really optimistic that that will aid in getting pregnant. I’m CD2 today, feeling in pain urgh! But we go on holiday in 2 weeks time and I’m so excited to finally relax and switch off from life and work. We haven’t been trying since I last posted, just popped it on hold while I got a bit healthier so feeling really good now and eager to try again next month. I’ll hop on the september post when it’s up next month.

hope everyone is ok,
Sugar sorry you’ve been having a rough time. Often private scanning facilities don’t always have the best tech to scan and a lot of the ultrasound techs aren’t adequately trained, or they are and often than not that’s the general consensus of their personality im afraid, it’s like you have to be an arse to do the job, same at my work too!
Try not to feel too deflated, 3 weeks will fly by.

im hoping next month is my month :-)
@PinkFlamingo oh no, hope your just too early. Keep us posted.
@Unicorn glad you’ve had better experience than me, I’ve only had one early private one and that was ok tbh. Never had a bad experience. And now I’ve had two both nhs and private . Plus I’ve just received my doctors app, - a ‘phone call ‘ ! 19th sept. Im shocked as I am a high risk and to be not seeing anyone face to face is just alarming. Along with everything else. The system seems to have changed (for the worse!) in 5 years since I was last having a baby. :(

  • @Frankinstein12 glad youre feeling more positive and have made some changes and keeping busy, sometimes that’s all it takes! Also holiday should be fab and you won’t be thinking about trying and hopefully it’ll just happen!! :) fingers crossed for you!
Don’t know why it did that bullet point - or even how haha.
Oh no, I'm sorry Pink Flamingo, hopefully next month will be your month xx
So have you not seen a midwife at all Sugar and is that appointment on the 19th with your consultant? You'd think they'd be doing checks which obviously they can't over the phone! Why are you high risk of you don't mind me asking?
Welcome back Frankenstein and congratulations on the weight loss, that's really good going, I'm sure with that and your positivity you'll be getting your bfp in no time :) xx
Hello @angel babe .. :) good luck.
Aw no @Unicorn … how far dpo are you?

Well I have read the response from my review of the clinic I went to, (I wasn’t mean I kept it professional, but it has to be a personal opinion right?) and sometimes you calm down a day or two Later, which is maybe when I should’ve wrote it .. (oops) but basically they’ve said I was reassured all was well, but that they don’t let you hear HB until after 16 weeks. And everything was labelled and explained. I just said that it didn’t feel friendly and welcoming and that I left with unclear pictures.. but the hard part to digest was the ‘limitations’ they’ve said the poor quality was down to…basically seems like they’ve stated im obese. I am aware I have some tummy rolls , but I’m a size 12 (uk) which I didn’t think was huge ? Plus with some extra hormone bloat at the moment, but just find that abit insulting and no1 has ever mentioned this to Me about the scans sooner. Bur this is what I mean by lack of communication. Just feel sick, and don’t believe it’s down to my size tbh. I’ve had scans fine else where.
anyway. That’s my update and I promise no more moaning! I’ve accepted it now, moved on, my appointments properly start in sept. I’ve seen midwife once for booking so far .that’s it. Feels like it’s dragging. :(
I’ll be following you guys :) :)
Hello @angel babe .. :) good luck.
Aw no @Unicorn … how far dpo are you?

Well I have read the response from my review of the clinic I went to, (I wasn’t mean I kept it professional, but it has to be a personal opinion right?) and sometimes you calm down a day or two Later, which is maybe when I should’ve wrote it .. (oops) but basically they’ve said I was reassured all was well, but that they don’t let you hear HB until after 16 weeks. And everything was labelled and explained. I just said that it didn’t feel friendly and welcoming and that I left with unclear pictures.. but the hard part to digest was the ‘limitations’ they’ve said the poor quality was down to…basically seems like they’ve stated im obese. I am aware I have some tummy rolls , but I’m a size 12 (uk) which I didn’t think was huge ? Plus with some extra hormone bloat at the moment, but just find that abit insulting and no1 has ever mentioned this to Me about the scans sooner. Bur this is what I mean by lack of communication. Just feel sick, and don’t believe it’s down to my size tbh. I’ve had scans fine else where.
anyway. That’s my update and I promise no more moaning! I’ve accepted it now, moved on, my appointments properly start in sept. I’ve seen midwife once for booking so far .that’s it. Feels like it’s dragging. :(
I’ll be following you guys :) :)

Hey chick,
I’m a student midwife, and at my trust we don’t always listen in at 16 weeks as by NICE guidelines. Baby is so little at that point and it can be really difficult to find the fetal heart.
Did it say ‘body habitus’ on the scan?
It can be down to BMI however not always the case, if baby is in an awkward position and there is some body fat obstructing the view this is when this is put. It has to be documented on the scan especially for us as a midwife when we’re in clinic, it tells us if we need to refer for additional scans etc.

what I would suggest is at your next midwife appointment is to ask to be referred to the rainbow team. All it’ll offer you some continuity, a midwife available to contact who you’ll build a relationship with throughout and additional scans during your pregnancy.
Hope this helps x
Thanks for your reply @Frankinstein12 , I feel like I’ve just had a rough week as I have covid too so just had a bit of a moan. I’m fine with it all now. It was a private scan , not in clinic. So I’m sure the rest will be fine.
I haven’t met my actual midwife yet, I’ve seen one who covered for her once, and have spoken to her. My next appointments are mid September.
Sorry for the moan , feel it was in the wrong place too. And I’ve just over reacted with the week I’m having.

hope eveyone is ok. I’ll be following your journey on a September testing thread too :)
Sugar moan away, that's what we're here for :)
I hope Frankenstein's reply is reassuring, body fat obstructing view makes sense, although poor recording as surely stating obese if BMI doesn't support that is inaccurate!
I hope you're feeling better now.

I tested again this morning at 13dpo and definitely bfn so last night will be my last progesterone this month and af should be due tomorrow and then back on the clomid on cd2 :roll: xx
It's been really quiet on the forum lately, how is everyone? I took my last clomid yesterday so we're heading into baby dancing period and then back onto progesterone. Still chasing up the fertility clinic, although I don't think they'll do anything for us! Xx
I’m out looks like I’ll be going to September thread good luck ladies

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