❤️ August Testing Thread ❤️

I'm the opposite Fsb676 I'm due af on Wednesday but must have ovulated early as I had implantation bleeding last Sunday, which means I'd be due on tomorrow :think: I've got no decent tests in the house so have done all the cheapies I can find and have only got a squinter of a line on a wondfo :doh:The FRERS aren't going to arrive until as late as 10pm tonight and I've now just read that it's not a good idea to save fmu as the HCG in it breaks down! So I think I'm just going to be strong and test in the morning, when hopefully I'll get a good line and can stop with all the crazy testing :pray: xx
That’s funny that we are opposite lol…..still no sign of af for me, and I resisted testing this morning. If I had some cheapies I would definitely test lol. Need to resist the urge to go get some today.

I heard the same thing about saving FMU. The crazy things we think of. Lol I’ve been in the same spot. Keep us posted on tomorrow! I think you are definitely in though. That frer didn’t look like and indent or evap to me!!
I’m out. :( I feel it coming on. Pretty sad, but aren’t we all. I guess I’ll cheer up in a week or so. <3 May I please her the last day of August?
I’m out. :( I feel it coming on. Pretty sad, but aren’t we all. I guess I’ll cheer up in a week or so. <3 May I please her the last day of August?
Oh no, I'm so sorry, I was really hoping this would be it for you and we could be bump buddies but I'm having waves of doubt in my own situation as well. Sending you loads of baby dust for next month and hopefully we'll still end up being bump buddies :pray: xx
@Unicorn @Fsb676 just catching up!

are you definitely out @Fsb676 ? I know what it’s like symptom spotting for either scenario, and they’re both so similar. So crap isn’t it. And I’ve managed to resist only by sheer Will power , and also trying to justify the spends for us. (With the current price costs of general life !) (uk!) and I just let it play out. Yea was Probably expecting the worst too.
Order some cheapies off Amazon to put your mind at rest? And help the urge. :)

@Unicorn how come you’re doubting? Your line was clear, we saw it. I hope it’s a definite for you. Fingers crossed.
Keep us posted both.

I will hopefully have a bigger update , whether it be positive or negative, by next week. :)
Oh no, I'm so sorry, I was really hoping this would be it for you and we could be bump buddies but I'm having waves of doubt in my own situation as well. Sending you loads of baby dust for next month and hopefully we'll still end up being bump buddies :pray: xx
Thank you <3
@Unicorn @Fsb676 just catching up!

are you definitely out @Fsb676 ? I know what it’s like symptom spotting for either scenario, and they’re both so similar. So crap isn’t it. And I’ve managed to resist only by sheer Will power , and also trying to justify the spends for us. (With the current price costs of general life !) (uk!) and I just let it play out. Yea was Probably expecting the worst too.
Order some cheapies off Amazon to put your mind at rest? And help the urge. :)

@Unicorn how come you’re doubting? Your line was clear, we saw it. I hope it’s a definite for you. Fingers crossed.
Keep us posted both.

I will hopefully have a bigger update , whether it be positive or negative, by next week. :)

No, I guess I’m not definitely out as I’m not spotting or started actual flow, but I feel it coming. It does feel the same as when I fell pregnant a year and a half ago, but then so does af. Thanks for the encouragement! Trying not to hold onto false hope.

Glad to hear you are still well, and will know more next week!
Just overthinking things really and as you said 'symptoms' are all so similar, although I am feeling a bit sicky, so that's a good sign ;) I just worry that nearly a week after implantation the line should be darker! Looking back on my charts from previous pregnancies I tested 4 days after implantation with my daughter and had a strong line, and that was in the afternoon as well! I just really hope that things have progressed tomorrow and it's not something and nothing like last time :pray: xx
Just overthinking things really and as you said 'symptoms' are all so similar, although I am feeling a bit sicky, so that's a good sign ;) I just worry that nearly a week after implantation the line should be darker! Looking back on my charts from previous pregnancies I tested 4 days after implantation with my daughter and had a strong line, and that was in the afternoon as well! I just really hope that things have progressed tomorrow and it's not something and nothing like last time :pray: xx
Awwww well keep us posted!!!
Only squinter of a line on a FRER this morning! I'm feeling really sad, I let myself believe this could actually be it this time :-( xx
I’m out. :( I feel it coming on. Pretty sad, but aren’t we all. I guess I’ll cheer up in a week or so. <3 May I please her the last day of August?

I have added you but fingers crossed she doesn’t actually show up. <3
@Unicorn easy for me to say, but try not to worry about the line.. is it definitely in colour? A line is a line. . I never even tested with a frer this time. So I’ve no clue what mine would’ve been. Hope this is it for you, maybe give it a few days and test again. :)
@Fsb676 you’re not out yet then. But I know how hard it is to compare and always expect the worst, as I always do. And I still do. Fingers crossed you caught and AF doesn’t show and you can test soon :)

officially 8 weeks (by dates , not confirmed!) ...... :)
Not sure how to feel , still anxious and just keen for a scan to check everything - hopefully this week.
Only squinter of a line on a FRER this morning! I'm feeling really sad, I let myself believe this could actually be it this time :-( xx
Awww I’m so sorry. This just makes me so sad. :( @Sugar10 does have a good point, though I know you also are probably afraid of false hope.
@Unicorn easy for me to say, but try not to worry about the line.. is it definitely in colour? A line is a line. . I never even tested with a frer this time. So I’ve no clue what mine would’ve been. Hope this is it for you, maybe give it a few days and test again. :)
@Fsb676 you’re not out yet then. But I know how hard it is to compare and always expect the worst, as I always do. And I still do. Fingers crossed you caught and AF doesn’t show and you can test soon :)

officially 8 weeks (by dates , not confirmed!) ...... :)
Not sure how to feel , still anxious and just keen for a scan to check everything - hopefully this week.

Thank you <3

Yay for you!!!!!! So thrilled!!!
Yay, such good news Sugar, I really think this is it for you :D Have you considered having a private scan? We've always had one at 7 weeks to confirm everything is ok and it was about £50 and definitely worth it in my opinion!?

No, I honestly think I'm out, the line was barely there this morning so definitely nowhere near what it should be for implanting 2 weeks ago or even for af being due Wednesday! I'd love to think that I could still be in with a chance but I really don't think that's the case, although I might start a thread to see if anyone has any similar experience with a positive outcome :think: xx
I’m officially definitely out now too….tmi, but I have brown discharge already….that’s 12dpo. If I had slight aches at 10-11dpo. Is that too early? Or does that seem normal?
Have you tested yet @Fsb676?
it could be either couldn’t it. :( it’s hard not to over think.

I’m very disappointed , the referral from my doctor to the EPU has been rejected!!! Honestly I hate our local hospital and system.
I’ve had multiple m/c since December , and they’re doing nothing! :(
I can’t afford a private one. Going to ring them myself today, as this is disgraceful. And doesn’t put much confidence in anything. I’m older, have a history of issues, but most importantly the fact of re-current m/c is the basic criteria for some early intervention.
Feel abit deflated today.

sorry for my moan!
Have you tested yet @Fsb676?
it could be either couldn’t it. :( it’s hard not to over think.

I’m very disappointed , the referral from my doctor to the EPU has been rejected!!! Honestly I hate our local hospital and system.
I’ve had multiple m/c since December , and they’re doing nothing! :(
I can’t afford a private one. Going to ring them myself today, as this is disgraceful. And doesn’t put much confidence in anything. I’m older, have a history of issues, but most importantly the fact of re-current m/c is the basic criteria for some early intervention.
Feel abit deflated today.

sorry for my moan!

It’s still there, so I am pretty sure it’s af. I keep having dreams that I’m pregnant, but when I wake up, I remember I’m not. Feeling deflated myself today. You’re situation though is absolutely ridiculous!!!! Do hope they get their act together. I’d be very cautious to actually use them, but at some point you start to run out of options…..guess they have that figured out, or they wouldn’t be able to treat you this way. :/
Ah sugar, I'm sorry, that's absolutely rubbish :( Did you manage to speak to them yourself today? Can you just claim you've had spotting or something? Our EPU has always seen me when I've been spotting in early pregnancy! Where are you? Xx
Any update Fsb676? I've started spotting this evening as well so expecting af to turn up tonight :( So I've chased up our fertility clinic appointment today and it should be in about a month! So I'm going to start with clomid on Wednesday and progesterone after I ovulate to see how we get on next month :pray: xx
Any update Fsb676? I've started spotting this evening as well so expecting af to turn up tonight :( So I've chased up our fertility clinic appointment today and it should be in about a month! So I'm going to start with clomid on Wednesday and progesterone after I ovulate to see how we get on next month :pray: xx

Not really much of an update. Just continue to spot, and expecting af full on tomorrow.

I’m just so heartbroken for you. :(

I wish my doctor would give me clomid. I’m on letrozole, but I have one month left and then they want me to do IUI and then ivf or just jump to ivf. Honestly, I just don’t have it in me right now. I just keep praying for it to happen naturally. :(

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