(¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· October 2018 Mummies ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)

Yay! So glad it went well. I'm 100% without a doubt saying girl too from that nub! x
such a clear picture isnt it!

i just want to run out and buy baby things now! Absolutley over the moon :love:
Yaaaaay Netty so so happy for you!! Eeeeek exciting! :-) Lovely pic too.

Glad you’re feeling a bit better CornishGirl and you got to hear the heartbeat. Hope your little one is better now too.

I’ve just got an appointment through for the ‘Birth after Caesarian Clinic’. I ended up having to have an emergency Caesarian last time after things went a bit wrong so will be interesting to see what they say. I’d like to try for a natural birth if possible but obviously don’t want to do anything that would put us at risk. Has anyone else been in this position? Xxx
13+2 today and I'm sick as a dog. I've felt great the past few days and before this I've only been physically sick once, why is this happening now all of a sudden? I can't actually move from the sofa and I'm meant to be flying out on a hen weekend in the morning!
Fab news netty!

Sorry kJ, that's rough. Maybe a tummy bug? Hope you're okay tomorrow x
Hi everyone, I haven’t been around much the last week or two. Hope you’re all doing ok and enjoying this fabulous weather!!
I can’t believe I’m 16 weeks tomorrow! It seems to have taken forever to get to this point, and now it’s flying by. I brought my first few baby bits today, only a few packs of muslins and dribble bibs from the Aldi baby event (definitely worth a look, there’s loads of good bits this time round but I’ve got most of it already from my first two). I now need to find a place to stash them....we only moved house in September and already running out of space, oops.
OH has gone from 100% wanting to know baby’s gender, to now wanting a surprise. I’m so undecided. I was convinced I wanted to find out too, but the idea of a surprise is tempting, but then in so desperate to get organised! Xxx
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Ah netty I’ve just come on to check up on you and I’m so pleased to see your update!! Exciting! Does it feel real now? Xx
Hi Jenni! Glad to hear all is well. I've been on a buying binge today too! I really need to not go mad as we're moving in a year so I need to stay on top of stuff

Ah thanks tootie yes it's very real now and I'm so excited!

So please for you Netty. 28th was my dad's birthday. I secretly hoped mine would be put back to then!!

Lola, not got a clue about VBAC, but hope they are able to give you lots of info about it. However, I do know it's possible and can happen.

Not really much to update other than I guess I'm officially in tri 2 now, which is so weird! Especially as it seems to be going so fast!! Xx
So what I initially thought was a bad bought of morning sickness actually turned out to be a severe case of Gastroenteritis! The sickness got progressively worse throughout the evening and I ended up being admitted to hospital as I was excessively throwing up every 15 mins and couldn’t keep any fluids down. I can take being really ill once in a while but really worried and hope that my little bean is okay :( also meant I missed my flight to my best friends hen party which I’m absolutely gutted about! My poor OH has done an all nighter in the hospital and then gone straight in to work. Feeling very sorry for myself today.
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Oh kJ that's so awful. Hope you're on the mend soon. These little beans are tough, so do try not to worry. You're also in the right place for all the help and care you need

Totally sucks that you're missing the hen - but silver lining is that this bug didn't hit you whilst you were there, as that could've been so much worse

Sending you hugs

Netty, fantastic scan pic :) glad all was OK.

KJ, so sorry you've been so ill, your friend will definitely understand but you will understandably be gutted to miss it.

I'm 15 weeks today, 6 days until gender scan and I am bricking it, I'm always so sure that something has/is going to go wrong. I'm not in a depressed sort of convinced state but just weird worried state that I wish would bugger off. I think I expected to have a big ol bump by now with being so slim but little one seems to be hiding which isn't helping my fears.
I want to spend the next week getting organised for telling certain people in cute ways but part of me doesn't want to be too prepared in case I don't then get to do them...sake!!
Ordered a helium balloon for the in-laws that says 'Keep calm you're going to be grandparents' and I swear I about burst into tears everytime I think about when they see it. And for my best friend we are going to write it down in a card and ask her little girl (6) to read it out, my best friend has been an absolute rock through the last few difficult years and I have kept her in the dark about when we were doing IVF so I know she is always wondering, we are both going to be such a wreck!!

Sorry for the essay! xx
So please for you Netty. 28th was my dad's birthday. I secretly hoped mine would be put back to then!!

ah this is my grandads birthday so i am so chuffed, also by coincidence i am pregnant at the same age and time as my mum had my brother ( 13 yrs between my brother and I ) so my due was initially my brothers birthday!

So what I initially thought was a bad bought of morning sickness actually turned out to be a severe case of Gastroenteritis! .

jeez what a nightmare hope you cover soon hun! sounds awful

Netty, fantastic scan pic :) glad all was OK.

I'm 15 weeks today, 6 days until gender scan and I am bricking it, I'm always so sure that something has/is going to go wrong. I'm not in a depressed sort of convinced state but just weird worried state that I wish would bugger off. I think I expected to have a big ol bump by now with being so slim but little one seems to be hiding which isn't helping my fears.
I want to spend the next week getting organised for telling certain people in cute ways but part of me doesn't want to be too prepared in case I don't then get to do them...sake!!
Ordered a helium balloon for the in-laws that says 'Keep calm you're going to be grandparents' and I swear I about burst into tears everytime I think about when they see it. And for my best friend we are going to write it down in a card and ask her little girl (6) to read it out, my best friend has been an absolute rock through the last few difficult years and I have kept her in the dark about when we were doing IVF so I know she is always wondering, we are both going to be such a wreck!!

Sorry for the essay! xx

Thanks so much i cant stop looking at it!

I understand your anxiety having lost several times previously and its so so hard to look forward. For me my recent scan has helped me LOADS as i know my risk is less than 1% for MC and i promised myself I would start enjoying it however i have a feeling as time passes between scans i may start to worry again :hugs: try to think of the positives here lovely and settle into the fact you ARE going to be a mama
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Netty, fantastic scan pic :) glad all was OK.

KJ, so sorry you've been so ill, your friend will definitely understand but you will understandably be gutted to miss it.

I'm 15 weeks today, 6 days until gender scan and I am bricking it, I'm always so sure that something has/is going to go wrong. I'm not in a depressed sort of convinced state but just weird worried state that I wish would bugger off. I think I expected to have a big ol bump by now with being so slim but little one seems to be hiding which isn't helping my fears.
I want to spend the next week getting organised for telling certain people in cute ways but part of me doesn't want to be too prepared in case I don't then get to do them...sake!!
Ordered a helium balloon for the in-laws that says 'Keep calm you're going to be grandparents' and I swear I about burst into tears everytime I think about when they see it. And for my best friend we are going to write it down in a card and ask her little girl (6) to read it out, my best friend has been an absolute rock through the last few difficult years and I have kept her in the dark about when we were doing IVF so I know she is always wondering, we are both going to be such a wreck!!

Sorry for the essay! xx

You will be fine!!! I had the same fears yestetday, croed again before going in but all was perfect AND we were told we're having a boy!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
So chuffed!! Honestly Lynsey you will be fine xx

And Netty- Huge congratulations!!! Xxxx
Thought I would show you all my bump eek

Haha Amazing Netty im so glad im not the only one with a juicy bump!
Do you feel a bit ridiculous telling people how far long you are though?
Hahah I Even lied and said 20 weeks yesterday haha! This is me


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Yes I do lulla! Awesome bump there!!! Phew I feel better about my bumpage now haha! I've not a clue why its so big but it's not even bloat because I've barely gained 5lb

I think I look pretty normal from the front?

I know, Ive actually lost 1lb... And its not just like that after Ive eaten, Its constant and rock hard right under my boobs! Well you can tell you have a bump in that picture because of the stripes!
Always wanted a bump so its not all bad, Ill just have to be 20 weeks pregnant for a long time hahah !

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