(¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· October 2018 Mummies ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)

Hahaha I mean I haven't gotten any wider on my hips from the front....yet!

I'm desperate for some maternity jeans! Any suggestions? I tried h&m but as usual their sizes are an absolute joke. I want some nice ripped jeans

I just got some from Tesco for £12.50 over the bump ones. They're so comfy, I I'm going to get another pair I think :)
I’ve not posted in here for a couple of days. My husband went on Friday to stay at his parents an hour away to do a big job on our van (we have no drive). So I’ve been on my own all weekend looking after our still poorly but energetic toddler. I’ve been so emotional. My little boy is under peadiatrics for a chest problem and with this cold he currently has I just can’t stop worrying about him and listening to him breathe through the baby monitor. I’ve actually completely stopped thinking about this pregnancy because my mind is stuck on my son. I just can’t wait for the day he finally stops coughing. :(
And then tonight I cried watching Britain’s got talent on catch up. The final act was for a little girl who had been injured in the Manchester arena attack and the song they used was the last one they heard before the bomb. My heart literally just shattered. (Greater Manchester is where all my family are so it’s close to home)

I really need to take some time for myself and just think about me and baby so I can reset my mind back to thinking about both my children. <3
I hope you&#8217;re feeling better kj1 and lovely bumps ladies! :)
LOVE the tattoos!
P.s. I feel super fat after eating a tub of Ben & Jerry&#8217;s and Turnip (cat) has bloody just been sick on the floor! Grrrr
Aw cornishgirl hope he feels better soon! I've had hayfever all day so have just laid on the bed with the cats watching movies! I feel dreadful and all bunged up

Also used this time to order some really sweet baby things and make a list of what I want and need plus research some breast pumps and bottles :)

It's such an amazing feeling to finally settle into the fact I am pregnant! Not revealed it fully as yet but I am planning to on Tuesday when it's our anniversary :)

Cornishgirl I'm sure you and bump will reconnect soon absolutely hats off to you with a toddler because I've felt so rotten at times I literally have done nothing but lay around wallowing in it!!!!

I've been toying with the name Atticus for a boy....thoughts?

Ordered this eek


Sorry, I&#8217;ve not been active on here recently, a lot going on! Nice to see your bump Netty and Lulla Belle, makes me feel better about the size of mine. My brother and SIL hadn&#8217;t seen me for 2 weeks and said I look over 20 weeks pregnant with a boob job :oooo:

The past two days I&#8217;ve felt pretty good, had more energy so managed to do more, although I suddenly became emotional early evening last night. I was 15 weeks exactly yesterday and have my first proper midwife appointment this Thursday so I think it&#8217;s all been on my mind. I still worry, just not as much and now I&#8217;m on the countdown to my gender scan on the 30th!!!

I have bought a few bigger bits, no clothes yet though, waiting until after the scan then I want to buy a coming home outfit for the hospital bag and plain vests and socks etc. I keep being told not to buy too much just in case as it can be bad luck, but I also don&#8217;t want to be rushing later. Hard to know what to do for the best.

KJ, I hope you&#8217;re feeling better x


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ah nice bump babywomble! My MW friend said i'll most likely stay thid way until 20 weeks plus then pop some more haha! Its nice to see the bump though i am settling into it.
Thank you Gem, I'm sure all will be fine but cant help but worry, urgh. Ahh a boy, that's fantastic, congrats :) I hope this has made your anxiety cool off for a bit honey (well, forever, ideally!) xx

Aww look at those lovely bumps ladies, stop making me jealous, I don't know where this little one is hiding!! Does being tall mean they have more room in there somewhere? lol

CG, I hope your little boy starts to get better very soon, sounds rough for both of you and a worrying time when you could do without it xx
Aw lyndsey I'm sure you'll pop out soon? Mine is also some chub don't get me wrong haha!!

Just got my bloods back for downs syndrome and Edwards and I have 1:3400 for DS and 1:50'000 for Edwards. Very pleased with that. Extremely low risk. My nt measurement was also low at just 1.1mm

I thought my midwife would listen in to the baby's heartbeat at the 16 week appointment?! :-(

I'm actually come away from mine today (at 16+6) a bit down - I felt like she rushed the appointment - literally just tested my urine, told me the signs of pre-eclampsia and sent me on my way.

I'm generally quite anxious and now being quite far on from the 12 week scan, but still with 3 weeks until the 20 week scan, not feeling kicks yet, and hardly any bump at all, I'd have liked the reassurance... Humph :-(
Rosie I am feeling deflated over my mw too. I've tried to contact her coming up to 10 times over the last two weeks and the number just rings off or no one ever gets back to me

When I went for my 12 week scan apparently I should have had lots of notes to bring but I had nothing and mw hadn't even let them know any of the info she took from me when I was about 8 weeks. Im looking to change tbh

Re the heartbeat I believe it isn't standard practice to listen to it due to the fact they may not find it and this can cause more worry? I think it's discretionary between mw networks.

Sorry you feel so let down. I've booked a gender scan at 16 weeks.to reassure myself and also they say there they will listen but are clear not to worry if it can't be picked up as it's not always easy

Thanks guys, feeling slightly more human today. It's taken me a good 3 days to come out the other side :( I'm really worried about my little bean...I'm probably being overly paranoid but I'm thinking of booking a private scan as my 20 week scan isn't until mid June!!!

WriterGem - A BOY! YAYYAYAYAYAAYAY!!!!! Massive congrats.

CornishGirl - Sorry your little one is feeling so under the weather. Wishing him a speedy recovery so you can get some Mummy Duty respite!

RosiePosie90 - I've always wondered what the point in the 16 week appointment is to be honest...hope you're not feeling too disheartened. I don't think you usually start feeling the first movements until 16-20 weeks so try not to worry too much. I have an anterior placenta so it will probably be even later for me...I feel like I've been robbed!

Some great bump pics ladies, I'll upload mine tomorrow AM when I do my 14 week pic update but I don't think it has changed much since two/three weeks ago, just got a lot 'harder'.
Rosie I am feeling deflated over my mw too. I've tried to contact her coming up to 10 times over the last two weeks and the number just rings off or no one ever gets back to me

When I went for my 12 week scan apparently I should have had lots of notes to bring but I had nothing and mw hadn't even let them know any of the info she took from me when I was about 8 weeks. Im looking to change tbh

Re the heartbeat I believe it isn't standard practice to listen to it due to the fact they may not find it and this can cause more worry? I think it's discretionary between mw networks.

Sorry you feel so let down. I've booked a gender scan at 16 weeks.to reassure myself and also they say there they will listen but are clear not to worry if it can't be picked up as it's not always easy

Oh no your midwife doesn't sound good at all - you want to feel supported, and reassured that if you had a pressing question you'd be able to make contact! I got given my orange notes when I was booked in at the 9-ish week appointment and was told to take them to every appointment following this, although the 12 week scan didn't actually ask to see them.

It's really tricky - I'm a nurse and I'm aware of how healthcare works, and how pressed for time you can be, but at the same time this is my first baby and pregnancy feels so out of my control and anxiety-inducing, I want to have a good midwife who will help me through this.

That makes sense that you wouldn't necessarily listen in to the heartbeat - I'm just not sure the 16 week appointment was very worthwhile...?
Glad to hear you're over the worst of it kj. Am sure bean will be fine, but totally get it if you feel like a scan would put your mind at rest.

Some lovely bump pics ladies. I'm definitely a lot heavier than before bfp, but it seems to have been pretty evenly spread across my whole body, so I don't have an obvious bump yet. I def look far gone on an evening, but its bloat, as its usually gone by morning.

That little outfit is super cute netty. I'm going to check out that website

Re: Midwife, I'm yet to actually meet mine. The one that did my booking appt said it wasn't going to be her, because they divide people up based on their gp surgery at the 16w appt. I also have to see a consultant on 30th apr to decide if I'm consultant or midwife led - based on me having had some abdo surgery when I was a baby.

Hope everyone's doing okay ( or at least recovering CG)

RosiePosie90 - I've always wondered what the point in the 16 week appointment is to be honest...hope you're not feeling too disheartened. I don't think you usually start feeling the first movements until 16-20 weeks so try not to worry too much. I have an anterior placenta so it will probably be even later for me...I feel like I've been robbed!

I'm just going to keep looking forward to the 20 week scan, it's not so long away now, hopefully that'll keep me feeling positive!

Oh no, I hope you won't end up feeling the kicks too late! I can see how disheartening that would be!
I had my 16 week appt last week & she did do the heartbeat but was very clear that they cannot always find it. I think she was probably more relieved than me to find it after the amount of anxiety I had at my booking & 12 week scan. I have to say my midwife has been fantastic so far, she linked me to some early loss charities following my previous miscarriage & she even came to the 12 week scan to reassure me. It's such a shame noteveryone gets the same experience.

Lovely to see some bumps starting to pop. Mine seems bigger quicker this time round, still trying to hide it at work. I definitely didn't show as much first time round & got to 20 weeks before it popped.
My community midwife did listen to the heart at 16 weeks but not for very long. I also asked her if she could email the home birth team so I could talk to them and she called back later to tell me to go to this public group. I was initially really upset because I wanted to talk through my personal issues and not go to an information evening. I was sad so posted on a local group that I felt a bit shut out and amazingly a home birth midwife in my area saw it, looked me up and called me personally! I was flabbergasted. She&#8217;s set up a meeting for me now.
My tiny lil’ bump at 14 weeks today <3


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