Ill be 30 on the 10th october....

Baby will be 3 motnh old by then, so that means i can get RATHER drunk on my birthday!!
altho if im breatfeeding ill be making sure i make plenty of bottles up before hand!!
geordie lass said:
Belated happy birthday to Moffa wow born on New years what time?
And a very belated Happy birthday Bee
Sophie your birthday is 2 days before mine Both Aquarius
Mine is Feb the 13th I'll be 29 only 1 year away from being 30 oh dear

aww thanks ;)
Bee said:
geordie lass said:
Belated happy birthday to Moffa wow born on New years what time?
And a very belated Happy birthday Bee
Sophie your birthday is 2 days before mine Both Aquarius
Mine is Feb the 13th I'll be 29 only 1 year away from being 30 oh dear

Hi I was born at 1.50pm or 2.10pm so not to near midnight
Daisy Rose
Another Aquarius Yeah
I know feel silly your names not daisy rose your children our Daisy and Rose :doh: :doh: I posted in you welcome thread lovely name daisy rose ohh how thick am i :rotfl:
Hi Geordie Lass,

That's ok, I thought you mean't my user name anyhow, ha ha. When I was asked to put in a user name I couldn't think of anything that sounded especially good so just combined Daisy and Rosie - they're most of my life anyway I guess! My name is quite boring!!!! Well I suppose it could be worse!!!

If I have another girl I'll probably call her either Lily or Poppy, and if it's a boy, well, to be honest I really don't know! My partner comes up with silly boys names and we can never agree on anything! How about you?
I shall be 25 on 18th October. Still a while to go until my birthday but the little one shall be 3 months old by then! :D
If any of the new ladies in TRI2 would like to post their birthday date
That would be brilliant
DaisyRose said:

I'm going to hit 34 on 16 Feb! Getting old!!!

your next fellow Aquarian only 3 more days :dance:

any one else like to add there birthday dates???
i LOVE a good birthday celebration :dance: :dance:

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