(¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· October 2018 Mummies ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)

Hi all, I'm exactly 13 weeks today so not quite ready to join the second trimester thread yet, but just wanted to drop in and say hi!

At my nuchal scan I had my due date put back a couple of days to 22 Oct - Cornishgirl, would you mind updating this in the intro post when you have a mo?
I hope you start to feel better soon Writergem. That sounds like just what you didn't need. :(

I told my manager at work straight away. I was only 4 weeks but I'm friends with her and she's been super excited! :)

All done for you RWW84!

My symptoms have eased massively this week. I now don't need to eat constantly to not feel nauseous and I can go longer without needing to pee. The thing I have though that reminds me I'm pregnant is the massively painful joints in my knees and my aching back. I think I'm stuck with these symptoms until the end now haha
Wish I was that lucky, still feeling sick if I don’t eat, but not as much as I was. Hits badly from 4pm. Earlier I sneezed and got a stabbing pain right under my bump that hurt for 10 seconds and made me wince. Must admit although I feel like a whale I am loving my bump. OH says I sleep with my hand on it now and if he tries to rub it I remove his hand in my sleep and put my own back on it. Oopsie. I’m already protective :shakehead:
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Thanks CornishGirl! Ooh I should probably also state that we will be finding out what we're having. I'm an extremely nosey and impatient person...waiting 20 weeks to find out is bad enough, let alone 40 :) I initially was convinced I was having a boy, now I'm thinking girl. My scan is on 1st June.
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Babywomble that's so cute (the hand thing, not the sickness - I'm with you on that, 5pm is my worst)

My scan today moved me forward a day, so officially due 24 Oct now.

Sorry you're so achy CG. Make sure you're not on your feet too much, and take care of yourself xx
Sooooooooooooo Can I join here at 13 weeks? My app says 13 weeks haha! Im confused
Sooooooooooooo Can I join here at 13 weeks? My app says 13 weeks haha! Im confused
Yeah! I joined at 13 weeks, go for it!

I fell asleep at 8pm and woke at 6am, I feel so much better! Hopefully I won’t feel as sick today! Trying to come up with boy names as the ladies on the nub theory group have made me doubt my instinct that this one is a girl. Was set on my girl name. Argh lol
Yes! Join us Lulla! :D

I've been having a stressful evening/morning. My little toddler suddenly became very ill last night. His temperature shot up over 40, he was shaking, lethargic and floppy. We gave calpol and it reduced his temperature by a degree before it started going up again. We then had to give ibuprofen too but that worked. This morning his temperature was back up at 40 so my husband has stayed off with him and took him to the doctors. Apparently he has a viral throat infection that is exasperating a chronic lung condition he already has (possibly asthma).
Anyway, we were told we've been doing the right thing using both calpol and ibuprofen. Hopefully he'll be on the mend soon. So sad seeing him poorly. :(

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Aw cornishgirl so sorry for your little man! Hope he's on the mend soon.

I'm really having a hard time sucking up my anxiety over my 12 week scan. It was at this scan I lost my first pregnancy ( well I was about 14 weeks due to delays scanning me) and I am just terrified it's going to happen again. I'm flitting between being super positive and on the brink of tears.
My boss has been so great about it even though he's probably super awkward that I'm so upset ( I am not a Cryer ever I am the bluntest most unemotionial northern girl ever!)
Sorry to be a downer in here I'm just so frightened and it's driving me up the wall
Sticky dust please and a kick up the bum needed! All my symptoms are still here so fx! Then I'll officially be tri2 from Thursday yay

Don't worry netty! :)

This is what we are all here for. We all had anxieties running up to the 12 week scan but you definitely have more reason to feel like that. When I'm really bad I try not to think past the current day.

Lots and lots of sticky dust for you! :) <3
Thanks lovely, i just keeping telling myself one day at a time! and poking my boobs to make sure they hurt :rofl:
Netty, baby will be fine and so will you. My anxiety leading up to mine and just before was through the roof, my heart felt as though it would beat through my chest. I think everyone must fear it, but you more than most so I understand.
thanks Babywomble! almost makes the £200 i spent on private scans seem worthless as it hasn't helped me a massive deal!

roll on tri2! i want to buy cute stuff and enjoy this :-)
Not long to go netty, I'm sure all will be OK, I felt similar leading up to mine. I do the continuous boob poking too! Im convinced all will be OK for you on Thursday, i know it doesn't help with not worrying, I wish we could just get on with enjoying being pregnant! X
Thanks hun. Cheering myself up with a. Huge bowl of fruit and raspberry sorbet!!!

13 weeks today! I&#8217;m too impatient, can I join you all here now too please?!

Netty, you&#8217;re making my mouth water! I&#8217;ve become obsessed with virgin pina coladas - half coconut milk, half pineapple juice and bobs your uncle :)
Waaa kj1 a pina colada is my favourite drink ever and I'm at a hen do in may looking forward to trying a Virgin one ( I love a drink and for me to say this is absolutely unheard of....Virgin cocktail used to be a dirty word in my book)

I might have to sample my own before then!!!!

Aww CG sorry your little one is poorly. Hope he's back on top form soon. Gorgeous little chap

Netty, we're all rooting for you. The scans along the way have kept you sane, so I'm sure were worth it. Plus you'll forget about the spend soon enough (when baby makes life so much more expensive!). I will be thinking of you the next couple of days, and sending you healthy baby wishes.

I'm 12+6 today, so nearly here officially! Have told my immediate boss previously, but big changes happening in the company, so we're thinking about best timing to tell more widely. Though today I definitely feel I'm getting a bump that I cant blame on bloat, so I think time is limited before the cat is out of the bag
Oh man, you're both making my mouth water! I'm nearly home from the gym, and my hubby will have chilli waiting for me, though, so I cant complain &#55357;&#56842;
Thanks so much Mrs Bunny!

You've been to the gym :shock: you absolute maniac / trooper :rofl:

I've come home and gotten under a blanket!


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