(¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· October 2018 Mummies ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)

Hi all I’m having some serious nipple pain!! Just in one nipple but it’s like in the centre and if I’m not wearing a bra and my top brushes against it it’s like an awful searing pain. Had it for two days now, still hurts when wearing a bra but is better. I looked at the nipple as felt as though maybe I’d hurt it somehow and right in the middle it’s kinda looks like a scab but at the same time a bit different. Touching there absolutely kills but I have no idea why. I don’t know if I’ve somehow hurt it but surely I would know if I’d hurt it that badly?! It’s just started in the middle of the day a couple of days ago! Just wondering if anyone else has had this and for some sympathy! My boobs have been really itchy and have been slightly sore where they’ve gotten a bit bigger but this is a whole different type of pain! Yesterday it was so bad it was staring to make me feel a bit funny and just went to bed and felt sorry for myself!
Hi all I’m having some serious nipple pain!! Just in one nipple but it’s like in the centre and if I’m not wearing a bra and my top brushes against it it’s like an awful searing pain. Had it for two days now, still hurts when wearing a bra but is better. I looked at the nipple as felt as though maybe I’d hurt it somehow and right in the middle it’s kinda looks like a scab but at the same time a bit different. Touching there absolutely kills but I have no idea why. I don’t know if I’ve somehow hurt it but surely I would know if I’d hurt it that badly?! It’s just started in the middle of the day a couple of days ago! Just wondering if anyone else has had this and for some sympathy! My boobs have been really itchy and have been slightly sore where they’ve gotten a bit bigger but this is a whole different type of pain! Yesterday it was so bad it was staring to make me feel a bit funny and just went to bed and felt sorry for myself!

That's weird - I had exactly the same when I got into bed last night - it was like it was on fire. Its okay now I've woken up, so you've def got my sympathy for having this for several days

I've got trouble with headaches. Its an awful one that feels like I've got a knife through the top of my head. Its in the same spot I always get a hormone headache just before I get my period (hoping this in not a bad sign). Considering asking pharmacist for what is safest tablet to take, but before I do, any recommendations for drug-free relief?
The only thing you can really take is paracetamol. I had a really painful shoulder last week and the pharmacist just said I could take paracetamol, which barely touched the sides!!x
MrsBunny I also have had a migraine since last night. I think paracetamol is all we can take. I also have something called 4head which you rub on your head and it makes it a bit tingly that sometimes helps. You can get it in most pharmacies.
Ugh I've woken up with the worst headache ever. I slept like poop because I need to pee all the time. So I try not to drink much at night but then I wake up thirsty as hell.
And to top it all off I feel the sickest ever this morning on top of being absolutely starving
Just don't know what to do with myself. Can't bear the drive to work just get so going to see it wears off after some toast and a nap

Hi ladies. Headaches sound like a common symptom, I had the worst headache I've ever had on Sunday and it lasted the whole day. I wanted to kill hubby for just looking at me! So crap that we cant do much about it, paracetamol really didn't help mine. I hope you all feel better v soon.

I was sick so bad this morning, just glad I had a strong feeling that I shouldn't get in the car to head to work while my belly was churny. As soon as its up in the morning I feel better then come about 4pm I seem to need to eat constantly to not feel sick. 14 weeks tomorrow and hoping this levels out, mostly the evening thing, last night I decided to have a big bowl of fatty ice cream to help and I don't want to get in the habit of that haha, well I do but not the weight that will pile on! x
Had my scan today and they've put me back 3 days! So I'm now due 25th October. So I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow officially. My boobs have grown loads and I've had to buy new bras!! I only bought 2 as I'm sure they'll grow again!! My bump comes and goes in waves. It depends on what time of day it is to be honest!!

I can never figure out how to post pictures on here, otherwise I would do!!x

Glad your scan went well :) hopefully the boob growth is welcomed rather than not. I'm like lola and hardly had any so quite welcome the growth lol, although mine seem to be kind of getting bigger by getting fuller close to my body rather than protruding out...I'm sure this is what everyone remembers from the puberty I seem to have missed :lol: looking forward to summer when I can show off my bump and new cleavage! x
Hi ladies. Headaches sound like a common symptom, I had the worst headache I've ever had on Sunday and it lasted the whole day. I wanted to kill hubby for just looking at me! So crap that we cant do much about it, paracetamol really didn't help mine. I hope you all feel better v soon.

I was sick so bad this morning, just glad I had a strong feeling that I shouldn't get in the car to head to work while my belly was churny. As soon as its up in the morning I feel better then come about 4pm I seem to need to eat constantly to not feel sick. 14 weeks tomorrow and hoping this levels out, mostly the evening thing, last night I decided to have a big bowl of fatty ice cream to help and I don't want to get in the habit of that haha, well I do but not the weight that will pile on! x

I’m the same, around 4pm I feel so sick, OH noticed this more than me as he’s been off work. I could eat and eat until I sleep! I feel as though I’m going to be huge :oooo:
Hey all still had an awful headache today. Woke up when hubby did for work then went back to sleep until about 12. I’m on nights tonight and tomorrow and then off for a week so just gonna try and get through my last two shifts. Just hoping headache isn’t too bad at work and doesn’t turn into a migraine. Every time I feel like I can enjoy pregnancy another symptom turns up! I’m trying not to moan too much as some people would love to be pregnant but pregnancy isn’t a walk in the park!!
I’ve had some pretty major headaches in the past weeks but have been able to control them with paracetamol luckily.

Little bean has been kicking up a storm this afternoon. I’ve really felt it. It’s hard to describe at this stage but it’s definite movement. :D
Had my scan today and they've put me back 3 days! So I'm now due 25th October. So I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow officially. My boobs have grown loads and I've had to buy new bras!! I only bought 2 as I'm sure they'll grow again!! My bump comes and goes in waves. It depends on what time of day it is to be honest!!

I can never figure out how to post pictures on here, otherwise I would do!!x

Congratulations Twinkletoes :-) :-) xxx
Had my scan today and they've put me back 3 days! So I'm now due 25th October. So I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow officially. My boobs have grown loads and I've had to buy new bras!! I only bought 2 as I'm sure they'll grow again!! My bump comes and goes in waves. It depends on what time of day it is to be honest!!

I can never figure out how to post pictures on here, otherwise I would do!!x

Glad your scan went well :) hopefully the boob growth is welcomed rather than not. I'm like lola and hardly had any so quite welcome the growth lol, although mine seem to be kind of getting bigger by getting fuller close to my body rather than protruding out...I'm sure this is what everyone remembers from the puberty I seem to have missed :lol: looking forward to summer when I can show off my bump and new cleavage! x

Haha this made me smile! I know exactly what you mean :lol: xxx
Eurgh it’s crazy how many aches and pains and symptoms these little babas can cause even from so early on isn’t it! Hope those of you suffering get some relief from it soon. I’ve had so many more issues this pregnancy than with my first. Everyone keeps joking saying this baby’s going to be a little tinker and up all night etc. Ha ha hope not! Will all be worth it though when we’ve got them in our arms! :-) xxx
Hey girls! Been absent lately as some of you know was suffering pretty bad with anxiety. Flew back to the UK and ended up in A&E with a panic attack but they were incredible and told me anxiety wont hurt the baby. They did all bloods etc and im fine just obv suffering the attacks. That was Tue and since then I've been great, so much better having all friends and family to keep me occupied. So hopefully ive got through the worst now. Going to cone back in July and stay until the baby is born sp I dont have to deliver abroad. Hope everyone is doing well. Bump is definitely showing but still small in comparison to some. Lynsey I reckon similar to yours xx
Hey girls! Been absent lately as some of you know was suffering pretty bad with anxiety. Flew back to the UK and ended up in A&E with a panic attack but they were incredible and told me anxiety wont hurt the baby. They did all bloods etc and im fine just obv suffering the attacks. That was Tue and since then I've been great, so much better having all friends and family to keep me occupied. So hopefully ive got through the worst now. Going to cone back in July and stay until the baby is born sp I dont have to deliver abroad. Hope everyone is doing well. Bump is definitely showing but still small in comparison to some. Lynsey I reckon similar to yours xx

Aww glad you’re ok, tlc is what you need x

I’ve just booked my gender scan for the 30th April, they said 16 weeks so I booked at 16+1 :lol: so excited!
Hi ladies, hope you are all feeling well & the horrible pregnancy symptoms are starting to subside! When is everyone telling work colleagues etc? We've told family & friends (if I have seen them) but been keeping it quiet at work. It's getting so hard though as bump is starting to pop & keep worrying going to say something without thinking!

Got my 16 week appt on Thursday- excited but scared for the baby hesrtbeat!
Hi ladies, hope you are all feeling well & the horrible pregnancy symptoms are starting to subside! When is everyone telling work colleagues etc? We've told family & friends (if I have seen them) but been keeping it quiet at work. It's getting so hard though as bump is starting to pop & keep worrying going to say something without thinking!

Got my 16 week appt on Thursday- excited but scared for the baby hesrtbeat!

I told work already but I work in NICU and some baby’s you can’t look after if pregnant so it just made it easier. We also told close friends and family and then announced it properly after 12 weeks scan
Hi ladies, hope you are all feeling well & the horrible pregnancy symptoms are starting to subside! When is everyone telling work colleagues etc? We've told family & friends (if I have seen them) but been keeping it quiet at work. It's getting so hard though as bump is starting to pop & keep worrying going to say something without thinking!

Got my 16 week appt on Thursday- excited but scared for the baby hesrtbeat!

I told work already but I work in NICU and some baby’s you can’t look after if pregnant so it just made it easier. We also told close friends and family and then announced it properly after 12 weeks scan

I am excited to tell people but just scared at the same time. We had a loss at 10 weeks last year so I've been very anxious. My midwife referred me to a specialist midwife but still haven't contacted her as hate the thought of wasting people's time. I almost feel like telling people is going to make something go wrong! Silly really x
Aww Writergem really hope you’re OK. Glad you’ve had time being looked after by your friends and family. Hope things carry on improving for you now.

I ended up having to tell work as GP signed me off for a few weeks. She wrote pregnancy related cardiac issue on my sick note so had to tell them really. So it’s all out in the open with everyone now which makes it seem more real! I was scared about telling people too Lucylastic, I think it’s hard not to be paranoid and superstitious about everything after experiencing a loss. Just taking one day at a time though!

First baby purchase just arrived in the post. Let myself buy a babygro after last scan. It’s so cute :-) xxx
Hi ladies, hope you are all feeling well & the horrible pregnancy symptoms are starting to subside! When is everyone telling work colleagues etc? We've told family & friends (if I have seen them) but been keeping it quiet at work. It's getting so hard though as bump is starting to pop & keep worrying going to say something without thinking!

Got my 16 week appt on Thursday- excited but scared for the baby hesrtbeat!

I told work already but I work in NICU and some baby’s you can’t look after if pregnant so it just made it easier. We also told close friends and family and then announced it properly after 12 weeks scan

I am excited to tell people but just scared at the same time. We had a loss at 10 weeks last year so I've been very anxious. My midwife referred me to a specialist midwife but still haven't contacted her as hate the thought of wasting people's time. I almost feel like telling people is going to make something go wrong! Silly really x

No not silly that makes sense. Maybe after thursday you will feel better about telling everyone. I also have an appointment on tuesday with midwife. I will be exactly 17 weeks then

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