(¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· October 2018 Mummies ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)

BTW I will be having my gender scan 08/05 :dance:

I am starting to feel it's a girl. Anyone else have a feeling about gender?

BTW I will be having my gender scan 08/05 :dance:

I am starting to feel it's a girl. Anyone else have a feeling about gender?


Loving your maths explanation :lol: and that would make sense of why some people say 13 weeks and some 14! Glad you've got your gender scan booked too, so exciting :)

I'm having a boy, I'm sure of it! Should probably start being less sure in case my face gives away the shock when they tell me its a girl haha
Let's go let's go second tri! :dance: can't believe we've made it so far ladies.

3_for_me: People disagree over when 2nd trimester begins. I think most midwives say it starts at week 14, although some say it starts at week 13. I'm a maths teacher, I figure that the second trimester begins at just over 13 weeks and 2 days. 40/3=13.33, So 13 weeks + 0.33 of a week. In order to find out what 0.33 of a week is you take 7*0.33=2.33 to find out days. 13 weeks, 2 days and 0.33 (1/3rd) of 24 hours which is easy peasey 8 since 8*3=24.

In other words, in my nerdy brain, the 2nd tri starts at 13 weeks 2 days and 8 hours. Hope this helped :lol:

tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow lol
Heh, might be in 2nd tri now but still not 100% 'feeling pregnant'... I can't believe it. I'm sure my GP will call me up any day now and tell me they've made a terrible mistake. Even after the early scan, still don't entirely believe it yet. Feels like I'm living in a dream-like state.

Anyone else?

I completely agree. I still go through phases of not believing I’m pregnant and I have to remind myself I am. It’s a strange time. I even have a pretty obvious bump but I’m convinced people just think I’m eating too much!
Eeeek so excited to be able to post here :-) Had scan today and all is good. Please can I be added to front page? Due date is 16th Oct. Going to have a surprise on the gender. Hope all you ladies are doing OK. Here’s to happy and healthy Tri 2’s! Xxx
Has anyone else noticed their boobs becoming more painful in week 13? I’ve woken up feeling like they are full of lead and my nipple area feels like it’s on fire! I may have to give in and get measured for new bras as mine are too small now. God knows what they’ll be like producing milk if they are like this now lol
Has anyone else noticed their boobs becoming more painful in week 13? I’ve woken up feeling like they are full of lead and my nipple area feels like it’s on fire! I may have to give in and get measured for new bras as mine are too small now. God knows what they’ll be like producing milk if they are like this now lol

Not having painful boobs, but woke up with crusty colostrum on my nipples at 14 weeks. Doc says you start producing small amounts at colostrum around week 14, so maybe your body is getting prepared?

Had to buy new bras a week 8 :oooo: my girls really have grown.

My boobs suddenly seem sore again this week too. It had eased off for a couple of weeks but looks like I’ll be needing to buy new bras again aswell, I can’t stand bra shopping!!

I called my mw Monday morning after my 3.5yo threw himself onto my stomach. It was really sore, crampy and uncomfortable all day but seemed to ease off after a decent sleep. It’s still niggling a little now but wasn’t sure if it was just general stretching and aching that I was feeling. Well the mw finally rang me back this morning, said they’ve had problems with their answer machine so only just got my message! She asked me to go in this afternoon instead of my appointment on Friday, not sure there’s really much they can do at this stage but we’ll see what she says. Xxx
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Has anyone else noticed their boobs becoming more painful in week 13? I’ve woken up feeling like they are full of lead and my nipple area feels like it’s on fire! I may have to give in and get measured for new bras as mine are too small now. God knows what they’ll be like producing milk if they are like this now lol

Definitely! It's been some time in the last week that it's suddenly got VERY painful when my son latches on for a feed. I'm not going to let my discomfort ruin our breastfeeding relationship but he seems to be loosing interest in feeding so much now. Whether that's because he's getting older or because my milk is changing I'm not sure?

Also, I just found out that one of the nurses at work was expecting in October, but she went to her 12 week scan and it was a MMC. I'm absolutely devastated. I've been sat here excitedly talking about my pregnancy, although not directly to her, and her world is falling apart. I'm friends with her mother in law which is how I found out. I plan to never ever bring it up around her, and if she comes to me to say congratulations then I won't carry on the conversation. I'll just thank her. She won't know that I know. :( I really don't want to be her reminder of what she's lost, but I'm going to be every time she she's me. It's so heart breaking.

I know a few of you in this group have suffered from MC before. I've been very lucky and haven't, but any advice on how I can be the most sensitive person ever around this lovely lady would be much appreciated. <3
[FONT=&quot]That&#8217;s very kind of you to be so considerate, my first MC was an MMC in tri 2, my 12 week scan was delayed and when I went there was no heartbeat and I think the shock along with the grief doubles the pain of the loss that far on[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]For me personally I didn&#8217;t want anyone to act differently around me just because I had suffered, I remember a girl bringing in her baby and it was hard for me but I just left the room. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]I think just being yourself is the nicest thing you can do, seeing other pregnant women never made me bitter it just gave me hope[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]And here I am today![/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Poor girl, how sad [/FONT]L[FONT=&quot][/FONT]
It's even sadder because this is her 3rd. She's finally going for recurrent miscarriage testing. I have a feeling her mother in law only told me this so I can be sensitive around her and I do appreciate it.

Thank you for the advice. Strangely enough acting normal wasn't the first thing I'd think of to be sensitive towards someone in this situation, but actually now you say it, it makes sense. Acting differently would just highlight it. <3
losing once is hard enough but several times really breaks you down. i have had one tri2 loss and several CPs. All with my ex though.

which is why im bricking my 12 weeks scan despite having had 2 scans already!

i definitley think acting normally will help more than making it obvious

hope she gets her rainbow
Welcome to tri 2 lola!

I've been the same with not believing I'm pregnant, weird! I'm hoping that changes as soon as we've told people and that makes it feel more real.

Aww CG that's horrible for your colleague and very thoughtful of you to watch what you say around her. Everyone is different so it will be hard to know what the best way to act is. The same happened at work when I had my mmc, I found it very difficult to listen to pregnancy chat some days and was OK other days but for the girls sake I (hope I) remained level and chatted normally. It's at different stages that she might find it difficult, I was beside myself on the day we were having a kind-of leaving do for her mat leave and I was still not preg and desperately trying, and knowing I should have been leaving at that point too was hard to realise xx sending her some secret luck
Has anyone else noticed their boobs becoming more painful in week 13? I’ve woken up feeling like they are full of lead and my nipple area feels like it’s on fire! I may have to give in and get measured for new bras as mine are too small now. God knows what they’ll be like producing milk if they are like this now lol

Definitely! It's been some time in the last week that it's suddenly got VERY painful when my son latches on for a feed. I'm not going to let my discomfort ruin our breastfeeding relationship but he seems to be loosing interest in feeding so much now. Whether that's because he's getting older or because my milk is changing I'm not sure?

Also, I just found out that one of the nurses at work was expecting in October, but she went to her 12 week scan and it was a MMC. I'm absolutely devastated. I've been sat here excitedly talking about my pregnancy, although not directly to her, and her world is falling apart. I'm friends with her mother in law which is how I found out. I plan to never ever bring it up around her, and if she comes to me to say congratulations then I won't carry on the conversation. I'll just thank her. She won't know that I know. :( I really don't want to be her reminder of what she's lost, but I'm going to be every time she she's me. It's so heart breaking.

I know a few of you in this group have suffered from MC before. I've been very lucky and haven't, but any advice on how I can be the most sensitive person ever around this lovely lady would be much appreciated. <3

Oh, how sad. Lovely of you to be considerate!
Just received a letter from the hospital following my screening blood tests and it says no further action and to file in my notes so I&#8217;m assuming that means I&#8217;m low risk. Such a relief as my age was a concern.
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Went to midwife today, wanted some reassurance. Heartbeat 150 :) right where it should be, she said that at this point the chances of MC are almost none and chances of MMC are zero. Feeling really grateful and relieved right about now. So in love with my little baby.

That's a nice relief for both you girls! This week's gonna drag so hard for me waiting for my scan argh!

I'll start to feel more assured about it all after that I'm sure

Aww CG that's so sad but lovely of you to be so considerate. I had a mc in August. I didn't tell anyone as I didn't want people feeling sorry for me. Just try act as naturally as you can with her. I don't think she would talk to you about your pregnancy unless she felt comfortable doing so.

I can't remember but do they normally listen to the heart beat at 16 weeks? Got my 16 werk appt next Thursday & can't remember what to expect!

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