(¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· October 2018 Mummies ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)

Hello Tri 2, holy sh*t!! Is this going to feel real soon? I cannot wait to have a bump, my belly has definitely swollen but not enough for my liking yet haha. Although probably a good thing since I'm hiding it for another 3 weeks.

Can you put me down for 12th October? I seem to have been missed on the last thread. Will be finding out what we are having, just waiting for gender scan to be confirmed (hopefully 25th!) :) xx
14 weeks today!! Finally feel like I belong in tri 2 now :) crikey, it’s going fast all of a sudden. Thinking about how much we’ve got to do/buy/organise in the next few months before this little one arrives, is sending me into panic mode, eeek.
But first, my mission today is to get a gender scan booked!! I’ve given up trying to discuss with OH, I’ll just book it and tell him to turn up lol. Xxx
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I’ve added you Lyndsey! :D

Ooh it’s lovely to see how many of us are going for the gender scan. It’s definitely more popular now than when I had my first baby. I kinda feel like I could imagine and bond with my baby quicker knowing the sex.
I kinda feel like the time until this point has gone really fast! :lol:
I think the majority of people do find out the sex nowadays. With my second I can see the benefits - do I keep all the boys bits or start selling them, however I just love the surprise at the end when the baby is born & they say it's a...
Most of my friends haven't found out. I've got 9ne friend who is desperate for me to find out this time!!!

My wedding anniversary is 15th October!! Lots of October brides!! October is going to be a busy month as my hubby's birthday is 1st, wedding anniversary 15th and baby is due 22nd!!

Only 5 more sleeps until my scan...how 'closed is the FB page? I really wanna join! My worry (mainly) is what if someone on here knows me :lol: :lol: :lol: or I work with them. Haha!

I've also been having extreme dreams that I'm having twins...we'll find out in 5 days xx
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twinkletoes220 I believe on the Facebook group you can only see the posts if you’re in the group. If you attempt to join you’ll see what others might see if they discovered it and it’s just the title. :)

Also, this is kinda exciting, I think I’m starting to feel some movements. It was around 15/16 weeks with my first. When I’ve been lying still I will sometimes feel possible flutters and even tiny pokes.
twinkletoes220 I believe on the Facebook group you can only see the posts if you’re in the group. If you attempt to join you’ll see what others might see if they discovered it and it’s just the title. :)

Also, this is kinda exciting, I think I’m starting to feel some movements. It was around 15/16 weeks with my first. When I’ve been lying still I will sometimes feel possible flutters and even tiny pokes.

I’ve been thinking I’ve been feeling some movements all this week. If I’m at home chilling on sofa or in bed then sometimes I feel what feels like ‘flutters’ but this is my first pregnancy so I don’t know what it feels like. Also sometimes it’s like at the side of my belly button or further over to the side so I don’t know if it’s too high up/ too far over to actually be the baby. I don’t think I’ve ever felt flutters before though when not pregnant. It also changes sides but is mostly on left hand side. I read something online though after googling it that said usually it’s lower down so I’m not sure
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Im here!! Can you put me down for 12th Oct as thats my ODD even though I think its the 10th as IVF but they wont listen haha.
Anyone getting weird pulling pains around belly button? Quite sensitive but not painful x
I think I'll wait a while to join the FB group. Mainly because I don't want it to get out until I've told work!! I don't want to risk it. I'm already in a closed /secret group with my July mummy friends, but we started it much further into the pregnancies and I wasn't worried about it getting out. I know I sound really paranoid, but things with work are so up in the air I just don't want to risk it!!

I love that there are so many of us on here too!!!

I'm starting to get a proper bump now, rather than just food baby bloat! It's quite noticeable already. I'm going to need to go shopping for clothes for work!! It's a job on my list for this week!!!
I requested to join the fb group a few days ago, but my request is still pending? Can it be seen or should I cancel and request again?
Hey I'll take a look. I've not had a notification..
Give me a hour for a break at work and I'll jump on a laptop incase my phone is being shit
Hello ladies! Not sure when I’m officially supposed to move over to tri 2, but I’m 13+4 so floating between the 2 at the moment. Lovely to see you all over here x
Im here!! Can you put me down for 12th Oct as thats my ODD even though I think its the 10th as IVF but they wont listen haha.
Anyone getting weird pulling pains around belly button? Quite sensitive but not painful x

Ohh then we are due date buddies, although the doc said my scan would make me 9th Oct but as soon as I said it was IVF she said that means they keep the original date as its more accurate..so going by that, I should still be 12th and you should still be 10th!

Got my gender scan booked for 26th evening ladies, how exciting! It still feels so long away since we are waiting til then to tell anyone we are expecting but I think come Thursday this week when I can say '2 weeks til we find out and spill' it'll feel way closer, so roll on Thursday! xx
Let's go let's go second tri! :dance: can't believe we've made it so far ladies.

3_for_me: People disagree over when 2nd trimester begins. I think most midwives say it starts at week 14, although some say it starts at week 13. I'm a maths teacher, I figure that the second trimester begins at just over 13 weeks and 2 days. 40/3=13.33, So 13 weeks + 0.33 of a week. In order to find out what 0.33 of a week is you take 7*0.33=2.33 to find out days. 13 weeks, 2 days and 0.33 (1/3rd) of 24 hours which is easy peasey 8 since 8*3=24.

In other words, in my nerdy brain, the 2nd tri starts at 13 weeks 2 days and 8 hours. Hope this helped :lol:
Well that means I'm completely and officially in tri2 now! :D
How exciting! We'll all be over here soon enough.

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