(¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· October 2018 Mummies ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)

Really want to do a foot peel I have but no one seems to know if they’re safe to use during pregnancy, hate my feet at the moment, can hardly reach them now either! lol
I have my 20 week scan tomorrow. Slightly nervous for it, but also wondering if they are doing it too late. Isn't it supposed to take place between 18-20 weeks?
I'll be just over 20 weeks so if they need to re-scan for any reason they've not left themselves much time.

Wish me luck!
How many weeks are you now? Mine is next Tuesday and I’ll be 20+2. Although they say between 18 and 20 weeks I find my hospital only ever scan towards the end of the time period.
lot’s of luck for your scan.
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I’m 20+1.
Glad it’s not just me they’re leaving late! Really hope it goes well today.
Not been on here in ages!

Congrats on your baby girl, Netty. You must be so excited.

My scan is next Friday and I will be 19+4; I thought mine was happening a bit too early!! :lol:

Babywomble - why wouldn't a foot peel be safe if it just goes on the skin? Sure it couldn't do any harm, but I'm probably a bit lax with this sort of stuff so best not to take any advice from me hahaha xx
Thanks Sarahlou and CG for info on travel insurance - I've used Columbus before, as they're pretty good with preexisting conditions, so will look into them again

CG, I love Mousehole - my nan lives in St Just, so I spent all my childhood summers in the area.

Congrats to those who've had healthy scans. Good luck today CG, and next Fri RWW. Mine isn't until 11th Jun, so still a bit of a wait.

We've been in the Lakes since Thu, and have been walking our legs off. Has really helped us both relax, and also seems to counteract the uncomfortable bloating I've had recently. A few more days chilling here, then am off for a hen weekend in Liverpool :)

Ah my next scan is 11th June too MrsBunny! :yay:

I have just been on a hen do and my poor trotters have been so swollen since!

I have a lovely week away in Tenby at the end of June so I am looking forward to that :-)

RWW84 i am over the moon for my little girly, she has her name set already and i have bought about a thousand dresses :rofl:
Mousehole is my spiritual home. It’s where my soul lives! :lol:

Here’s my daughter. Confirmed again that it’s a girl and everything is perfectly healthy! :D <3
Hey ladies sorry I've not been online much, I'll have a read through tomorrow and catch up with everything.
Thank you everyone! :)

I'm having a super stressful day. I'm sure you're all sick of hearing about my sons chest problem. Anyway, last night he must have had a coughing fit and was sick in his sleep. He doesn't wake up when he does this. I woke up in the morning and checked on him via the baby monitor and saw it. I had to skip breakfast so I could get him up, strip everything and get him bathed before nursery. The nursery are aware he can cough until he's sick with this chest problem so they are brilliant with him at least.

Then I got to work and realised I had forgotten my lunch.

Then I got a message off my younger sister saying my dad had gone to the emergency doctor with heart problems. His potassium levels are through the roof and his heart isn't beating correctly.

Then I got a message off one of my older sisters asking me to phone her asap. Turns out her 1 year old has a sickness bug and isn't even keeping down water. She didn't know what to do so I told her to call 111.

Then one of my colleagues at work who I love told me she's been diagnosed with skin cancer. :(
Not been on here in ages!

Congrats on your baby girl, Netty. You must be so excited.

My scan is next Friday and I will be 19+4; I thought mine was happening a bit too early!! :lol:

Babywomble - why wouldn't a foot peel be safe if it just goes on the skin? Sure it couldn't do any harm, but I'm probably a bit lax with this sort of stuff so best not to take any advice from me hahaha xx

I think it’s the chemicals, I mentioned I had one to a beautician friend and she said she’s refuse to do one on any lady that’s pregnant so it’s made me wary.
Thank you everyone! :)

I'm having a super stressful day. I'm sure you're all sick of hearing about my sons chest problem. Anyway, last night he must have had a coughing fit and was sick in his sleep. He doesn't wake up when he does this. I woke up in the morning and checked on him via the baby monitor and saw it. I had to skip breakfast so I could get him up, strip everything and get him bathed before nursery. The nursery are aware he can cough until he's sick with this chest problem so they are brilliant with him at least.

Then I got to work and realised I had forgotten my lunch.

Then I got a message off my younger sister saying my dad had gone to the emergency doctor with heart problems. His potassium levels are through the roof and his heart isn't beating correctly.

Then I got a message off one of my older sisters asking me to phone her asap. Turns out her 1 year old has a sickness bug and isn't even keeping down water. She didn't know what to do so I told her to call 111.

Then one of my colleagues at work who I love told me she's been diagnosed with skin cancer. :(

Sorry you have had such a rough day. Puts things into perspective though. Felt like I've been so emotional lately, I am getting so overwhelmed by every little thing & am taking it out on my husband. He isn't taking it well & feels like I am criticising him. I just want him to be understanding & ask how he can help but instead he gets all defensive. Today he told me I was being ridiculous getting upset over something rather than just trying to comfort me. Then once things have calmed & I try to explain why I react the way I have he doesn't want to talk about it. I feel like nothing is ever resolved. I wish men could be pregnant so thfy may actually have an idea of how pregnancy affects us. Oops that turned into a rant!
Aww CG you are having a rough time of it. Hope you're okay.

You too lucylastic, I hate it when my oh gets all defensive too. He's not always the best at difficult conversations either. But on balance, I can see he's making an extra effort to look after me and be understanding of my crazy during pregnancy. Hope your oh is getting it right overall, and this is just a wee adjustment period
Not been on here in ages!

Congrats on your baby girl, Netty. You must be so excited.

My scan is next Friday and I will be 19+4; I thought mine was happening a bit too early!! :lol:

Babywomble - why wouldn't a foot peel be safe if it just goes on the skin? Sure it couldn't do any harm, but I'm probably a bit lax with this sort of stuff so best not to take any advice from me hahaha xx

I think it’s the chemicals, I mentioned I had one to a beautician friend and she said she’s refuse to do one on any lady that’s pregnant so it’s made me wary.

Sorry, I don't know anything about foot peels. Is this to freshen up and get rid of dry skin? An alternative could be a decent moisturiser. Boots do an intensive foot cream that works wonders on my feet
How is everyone doing? Hope you're enjoying the bank holiday sunshine.

I'm just back from the hen do, and am absolutely zonked. Two late nights in a row has really taken it out of me. The other hens were so lovely taking care of me, though, bartering for free entry to bars and fighting for a taxi for me when it was crazy busy and I wanted to head back.
I felt lots of wriggling from little bunny at 1am both nights. Don't know if that's when she/he usually goes bananas (I'm usually asleep well before then), or whether me being up late and in a noisy environment was a trigger. Looking forward to dinner, bath and early bed tonight. Glad we have tomorrow for recovery before work

Also, have finally relented and bought maternity trousers as jeans are officially too tight. I'm in comfort heaven - wish I'd bought them sooner. New Look had 20% off all maternity - well worth a look if the offer is still on

After all my stress I&#8217;ve been able to relax a bit this bank holiday weekend. I feel little bean every day now which is lovely and I&#8217;m getting very excited to meet her.

My dad is still having heart trouble so that&#8217;s very much at the back of my mind and we&#8217;re back and forth to the hospital for my toddlers breathing. The kicks from little bean are like a daily beacon. :)
This is the best bit of pregnancy. <3

Glad to hear you enjoyed the hen do. I&#8217;m starting to hit a wall of exhaustion now around 3pm so I couldn&#8217;t see myself being much fun at something like that! :lol:

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