(¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· October 2018 Mummies ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)

thansk Sarahlou!

eek setting off for my scan soon! i'm fretting a bit but also excited to see her again :love:
Thanks CG. Everything looked good with our scan, and we found out it's a girl. Thrilled as this will be first granddaughter for my parents (they already have a grandson)

Netty hope all went well for you lovely x
Scan was great but she was awkward and we couldnt check her heart or face or lower limbs because she was all balled up face down !

So I am still worried tbh I just want to know her heart is formed properly !

Got a pic just before she moved onto her front little madam also could not confirm the sex again and you couldnt see anything

Ugh wont let me attach a picture for some reason

Yay netty that's brilliant news! :D Hopefully they can see what they need.
i hope so!

this is the last thing i really need to fret over now ( although I am sure i will find other things haha )

then i can go away on holiday for the week and enjoy it :pray:
Hi ladies, sorry I’ve been quiet. I’m feeling pretty down and am worrying over everything lately. Hopefully I’ll sort myself out and be a bit more active again. Hope you’re all well.
Hi ladies, sorry I’ve been quiet. I’m feeling pretty down and am worrying over everything lately. Hopefully I’ll sort myself out and be a bit more active again. Hope you’re all well.

Really sorry to hear that! :( Take what you need to make yourself better!
Look after you <3
Hi ladies, sorry I’ve been quiet. I’m feeling pretty down and am worrying over everything lately. Hopefully I’ll sort myself out and be a bit more active again. Hope you’re all well.

I'm quiet for the same reason. Have an appointment with my midwife tomorrow as I'm desperate for help. I've written down what I want to say.

I have managed to do something productive though. I have signed my little girl to start at nursery in October 2019. It's a very popular nursery so I wanted to get her on the list so once she's born I don't have to think about it. It's the same nursery my son goes to.
Hi ladies, sorry I’ve been quiet. I’m feeling pretty down and am worrying over everything lately. Hopefully I’ll sort myself out and be a bit more active again. Hope you’re all well.

I'm quiet for the same reason. Have an appointment with my midwife tomorrow as I'm desperate for help. I've written down what I want to say.

I have managed to do something productive though. I have signed my little girl to start at nursery in October 2019. It's a very popular nursery so I wanted to get her on the list so once she's born I don't have to think about it. It's the same nursery my son goes to.

That’s a great idea, I’ve not even thought that far ahead, I guess due to him being my first.
I really hope your mw appt went well Cornish!

So sorry for you ladies feeling down I have been there myself and it sucks

After a scary week in hospital last week I felt so low like I will never get to enjoy my pregnancy and felt so guilty for feeling that way

A week of rest has helped me no end as I have been away on my hols!

Also still barely any movement for me :( am I the only one ???

Also still barely any movement for me :( am I the only one ???

Nope not at all! 22+4 and I feel her once maybe a twice a day, only had about 4 strong kicks in total!
If I'm having a busy day I won't feel her at all!
I have to be chilling and REALLY thinking about it.
Anterior placentas blow hard!
When I say barely I mean like nothing

I have only once felt a poke and that is it :(

I think I am feeling like swishy feelings but nothing to write home about

I just dont know and it is getting really frustrating

I know that some women dont feel anything for ages past where I am with an anterior placenta gah I just really wanna feel her

They said mine is anterior but I can&#8217;t possibly agree. I felt things slightly later than the first but still definite kicks by 20 weeks. I&#8217;m just coming up to 25 weeks now and have a regular pattern, can see her moving from the outside and my husband has even felt.

I think mine might be anterior but high so some of the front is free to be kicked easily. The lower down kicks are the easiest to see and feel on the outside.
Ive had nothing even close to that and its really bothering me :( I do know my placenta is low however because they were checking how far away from my cervix it was last scan

I feel like i will never feel her move! I really thought by now id have felt something

I've not felt anything certain yet either netty - I think the things I thought were movement probably were just gas as I've not felt them again really. Am 23+5 now x

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