(¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· October 2018 Mummies ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)

omg how frightening! so sorry you have been through this! and so pleased he is ok that looks terrible :hugs:
Thanks ladies. So scary, but it could have been much worse. All he was focused on was my tummy saying that’s all that matters, I’m fine. I was like, concentrate on yourself, I’m taking care of the baby. Makes me love him even more that even in that situation our baby is his first thought!
What on earth, Babywomble??? So shocked to hear (and see) this. Relieved your partner is ok, and that you are caring for each other so well. Really puts things into perspective. Lots of love xx
Omg BabyWomble! <3
I just popped on to say that&#8217;s awful but I&#8217;m so so happy he&#8217;s okay. That looks like such a bad accident. It&#8217;s literally my worst nightmare for that to happen. Look after yourself and your partner.

And netty spd is horrendous. I hope for you that it never becomes full blown spd.
If this is just mild I'm terrified to feel what it's like at full whack because I'm in a lot of pain! It's also deferring up my back and trapping a nerve on and off in my shoulder!

I&#8217;ve heard when it gets severe women can end up on crutches or in a wheelchair. At the severe end of the scale I believe they&#8217;ll even induce from 37 weeks for the sake of the mother. :(
I really don&#8217;t ever want to experience that.
What on earth, Babywomble??? So shocked to hear (and see) this. Relieved your partner is ok, and that you are caring for each other so well. Really puts things into perspective. Lots of love xx

It definitely does, he keeps asking me to use the Doppler at night so it’s definitely shook him up. Now it’s a case of him resting (well me forcing him to) and trying to comfort him through the nightmares he keeps having. I’m exhausted, but so so grateful, things could have been very different right now!
How awful for you both babywomble big hugs for all of you!

I used a doppler today and found the hb at 150 bpm and I am sooooo pleased. If you're in the Facebook group I have posted a video

Oh my gosh looks like an awful accident Babywomble. Glad he came out relatively unscathed. Hopefully he begins to move past the nightmares with time.

Cornishgirl - are you feeling regular movement now? Like set times? Or is it a wiggle here & there? I've had movements but nothing consistent. Can't remember when it settled into a pattern with my first!

20 week scan on Thursday- excited but scared again! My 2 yo has to go for a blood test on Wednesday morning so that's another one for the worry pile!

Hope everyone is progressing along nicely x
Popping in to say I&#8217;m having a girl :) I feel her move every day now. Even on the outside! Sorry I&#8217;ve been away so much. Crazy at home right now.

I’m a mess, at 7:30 my partner was involved in a car accident, that call from him was the scariest moment of my life. I literally left the house and ran round the corner to where he was and was met with him on the ground surrounded by fire engines, police cars and paramedics. Thankfully he walked away with bruising to his chest, arm and face and was discharged from a&e 3 hours later with advice on what to look for just in case they have missed something. I’m now frantically watching him to make sure he’s ok. I held it together until 30 mins ago when I burst into tears. Looking at these photos I don’t know how he walked away from the car. He’s so lucky and I’m so thankful to whoever was watching over him today. Our lives could have had a very different outcome. Everyone is worried about me more which is aggravating me as I wasn’t involved, but I do understand why. Just so hard as I want to be a supportive partner, but feel so stressed out and overwhelmed all at once!

How terrifying :hugs: keep a good eye on him. Fantastic that he’s doing ok.

Not to scare: I was sent home from a&e with a collapsed lung once.

Cornishgirl - are you feeling regular movement now? Like set times? Or is it a wiggle here & there? I've had movements but nothing consistent. Can't remember when it settled into a pattern with my first!

I feel movement every day but there’s no pattern yet. I get definite kicks and pokes though. If I could say a time I felt it most I’d say late morning before lunch. Completely different time to my son who was always evening. Saying that I can feel her now and it IS evening. :lol:

I didn’t feel her for around 48 hours at the start of the holiday but once I settled into the swing of things I started to feel her again but stronger. Before that it was more rolls but now it’s definite kicks. :D

I’m settled into holiday life now and having an amazing time. The stress of the start of the week is a distant memory.

Cornishgirl - are you feeling regular movement now? Like set times? Or is it a wiggle here & there? I've had movements but nothing consistent. Can't remember when it settled into a pattern with my first!

I feel movement every day but there&#8217;s no pattern yet. I get definite kicks and pokes though. If I could say a time I felt it most I&#8217;d say late morning before lunch. Completely different time to my son who was always evening. Saying that I can feel her now and it IS evening. :lol:

I didn&#8217;t feel her for around 48 hours at the start of the holiday but once I settled into the swing of things I started to feel her again but stronger. Before that it was more rolls but now it&#8217;s definite kicks. :D

I&#8217;m settled into holiday life now and having an amazing time. The stress of the start of the week is a distant memory.

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Brilliant I am glad that you are having a fab time. Freaking out as haven't felt baby as much these last couple days but I know some people haven't even started to feel baby by this point.
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Ahh I spoke too soon. Last night around 7pm my little toddler had been dancing and laughing but by 7:30pm he was suddenly lethargic, floppy and struggling to breathe. We took him to bed and found he had a high temperature. We gave calpol but not long after his temperature was still high. We gave ibuprofen too but his temperature remained high. He was gasping for breath.
I called 112 while my husband ran to the lobby of the hotel to wait for an ambulance. We were blue lighted to the only hospital on the island where they attempted a salbutamol inhaler with no luck. They did a chest x-ray and saw an area of potential new infection separate to his existing condition.

Our little boys temperature and breathing improved while we were there so they gave us advice and management for him and let us leave. We now have to wait until tomorrow to see if he will be allowed to fly home.

Fingers crossed we can.
Oh no that must have been so scary for you. Hope your little one is on the mend & you get home as soon as possible x
oh no CG i hope he is ok! how frightening especially when you are in another country!
Yay! We’ve been given the go ahead to fly home tomorrow! :D

And in celebration here is my last bumpie! :)
Hi ladies.

I've had a wee break from the site, as I had a bit of a health freak-out after some stuff I read elsewhere on the forum. Have seen gp and midwife, and all is fine, but agreed with mum and oh that I was probably fuelling my anxiety online, so a break was probably good.

Hope everyone's okay. Babywomble that must've been so scary, I hope you and oh are doing okay. Same to you CG, hope you get home safely and your little one gets better quickly. You're looking fab there in your bumpy pic

Sev, sending you hugs too, as I know you're going through a rough time. Congrats on your girl &#55357;&#56842;

Netty, hope your pains are easing.

Sounds like lots of movements are being felt? I had some little flutters at the weekend, but not sure if it was baby or not. None yesterday, which makes me think it wasn't, though I guess I'm more active and focused on other stuff at work.

I'm now telling more widely at work, only to find out that my gossipy cow boss has already told several people. I kinda thought she might, but hoped she might have a bit of professionalism and not. Just feeling a bit sad as there are some people that I wanted to tell personally, but had to hold back until my boss told her boss (which was timed politically).
so pleased you can come home CG, fab bump!

Mrsbunny you poor thing the internet is the devil isnt it! I hope you are feeling less anxious now xx

my hips are ok, not great though and i have to remember to move often and sit properly and keep my knees together when getting out the car/bed etc otherwsie it hurts like a motherf***R!
Nice to see you back MrsBunny! :)

Did you manage to buy a pregnancy pillow netty? I might have missed you saying.

We&#8217;ve touched down back in the UK now! :D :D :D
Got a 6 hour drive back from Manchester airport now. Then it&#8217;s only one week today to my 20 week scan!

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