(¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· October 2018 Mummies ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)

Hello ladies,

I've not been on here for ages and I've just been catching up had about 12 pages to catch up with :lol:

I had an anterior placenta with my first baby and didn't feel him kicking until he was about 21 weeks (ish). So at the 12 week scan I asked where my placenta was. I think they don't tell you because if you Google anterior placenta then there are some horror stories as it can be quite dangerous depending on where it actually is, which they can't find out properly until 20week scan, so I guess that's why they leave it until then!! I'm a bit gutted that my placenta is anterior again and the sonographer said they'll have to make sure it hasn't slipped down when they do the 20week scan (or something along those lines) to ensure it's not covering my cervix!!

Everything seems to have cleared up in terms of nausea which is great!! Loads of people have started saying that I look lovely and then I tell them I'm pregnant and they're shocked!! One of my friends who I've not seen for a while said, wow you look super slim, have you lost more weight? My reply was no, I've gained weight and gained a baby :lol:

Hair dye you have to be careful with, especially with an all over colour, but I guess it's the whole they don't actually know what the risks are like alcohol consumption, so it's up to you! Any good hairdresser will advise you to get a patch test done first, but are happy to do it! I had my hair done throughout my first pregnancy, but had to have a patch test 48hrs before each session! I've not had it done yet this time, but I am in desperate need of it soon!!

I still haven't bought anything yet, but I defo feel that time is going really fast! Our plan is to get a going home outfit after the 20 weeks scan!!

I've had a bit of the run around with midwives and GPS rtf last week. I was experiencing some pain in my right side and was concerned it was to do with the large cyst they Found. So rang the midwife care team, who told me to ring the hospital, who said they'd ring back asap (it was 7.45am when I rang) I rang them at lunch and they'd only just seen my query and had to catch a consultant to have a look. They said there wasn't a lot they could do, but if it got worse to ring GP. So I rang GP who said that they can't do anything and then gave me the phone number of the antenatal clinic, who then gave me the number of the people I rang at 7.45 in the morning! So basically I spent the whole bleeding day trying to get someone to look at me, but they were all not 9nterested and told me to take paracetamol and wait until the pain got worse. The only person that actual sounded concerned was the woman who mistook my 14 weeks pregnant as 40 weeks pregnant!! But she then was like 'ring the Labour ward if you're in pain, as it's probably labour' that's when I realise that she misheard my 14 weeks.

It's so exciting to see everyone's gender reveals and how excited you all are. We've been telling grandparents (ours) this weekend and they are super excited and ask8ng when we will find out what we're having!! Dan's cousins have 4 kids between them and they've all found out what they were having whereas were the black sheep who haven't :lol:

I also got my screening test results back and they were both 1 in 100000 for downs and edwards!! Which is even lower than my first pregnancy! Could that be to do with my own health and weight?? As I'm now 3 years older but 3 stone lighter!! X
Does anyone suffer from hayfever? When I asked my midwife whether I could take anything for my symptoms she said although they all advise not to take while pregnant they say to take piraton however the pharmacy refused to sell me them saying I need a perscription and when I told him my midwife recommended them he was shocked and said no one would agree to sell them to me and I’d need to be perscribed them. Now I need to make a GP appointment when the midwife could have some sorted this out for me when I saw her :wall2:
Nice to read your update twinkletoes and interesting about the anterior placenta. I actually wasn’t aware there were risks associated with it.

No hay fever here BabyWomble fortunately but I have read pregnancy can make the symptoms worse. :( I hope you can get yourself something for it. :)

I fly to Malta on Tuesday for a week all inclusive holiday in a four star resort. Sounds amazing but I’m really worried about the flight and how my toddler will handle it. Wish me luck everyone!
You’ll be fine CG, it’ll do you good, just take lots of distractions for your toddler for the flight.
Have an amazing time in Malta. I'm longing for a holuday abroad this year but we'll have to settle for great yarmouth! X
Have a fabulous time ! You will be fine :) so jealous
Hi everyone! Hope you've been enjoying a sunny bank holiday weekend - been boiling here in Sheffield! I had my 16 week midwife appointment today - it was really boring :lol: it was literally blood pressure, urine sample and Co2 test. She wrote the results of my booking in appointment and 12 week scan (which I already knew) into my maternity notes. Didn't even weigh me or owt. Don't know what I was expecting from it, really, but I felt a little underwhelmed.

I have also been struck down with a heavy cold. I'm surviving on scanty pregnancy rations of two paracetamol before I go to sleep, a saline nasal spray and Olbas sniffing stick thing. I think hayfever has also kicked in too as my nose feels like it is about to fall off. Desperate for some Sudafed :(
Mine was similar a few weeks ago although she did listen to the heartbeat. Were you not offered that?

Loving the heat as long as I don’t need to walk too far but not the hayfever! My eyes won’t stop itching and the sneezing keeps giving me the sudden stitch like ligament pain. Had my hair cut this morning and my stylist kept looking at my tummy so I put her out of her misery. She said she thought I was but didn’t want to guess so now I’m paranoid that I just look fat lol
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Mine was similar a few weeks ago although she did listen to the heartbeat. Were you not offered that?

Loving the heat as long as I don’t need to walk too far but not the hayfever! My eyes won’t stop itching and the sneezing keeps giving me the sudden stitch like ligament pain. Had my hair cut this morning and my stylist kept looking at my tummy so I put her out of her misery. She said she thought I was but didn’t want to guess so now I’m paranoid that I just look fat lol

Hear you on the sneezing front. And more worryingly - I blew my nose really hard on Sunday and I wee'd myself (only a tiny, tiny drop) but I was very alarmed :lol: need to start doing some pelvic floor exercises ASAP. Sorry if TMI!!

Wasn't offered the option of listening to the heartbeat. She was running behind; even though I was on time for my appointment, the woman who had the slot after me arrived before me, so they saw her first??? Bit cheeky. And her appointment overran by quite a bit so I was waiting 30 mins to be seen. Put me in a bit of a bad mood, TBH. The reason I booked the first appointment of the day was because I needed to get into work straight afterwards. Anyways. Not long now until the 20 week scan - excited about that one :) x
Love the outfit shopping idea following on from 20 week scan Twinkletoes, I might steal that one! ;)

Have an AMAZING time in Malta Cornish, I'm not jealous at all...

RWW84, I have mine bang in the middle of the afternoon on Friday. When it was booked in all those weeks ago I had no idea what to expect and thought it would be quite fun to take a half day off work afterwards but I'm feeling less and less like this is a good idea following on from everyone's 16 week appointment stories...I might see if I can get an earlier or later slot.

16 weeks today! Here's my bump update taken this morning :)


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The 16 one isn’t very exciting. She spent most of mine copying the paperwork from my notes for her own record, although she was nice by listening for his heartbeat. No matter what time I book my surgery always run late, but they never put anyone ahead of me, well not that I know of, kinda disrespectful if you arrive before or on time for your appointment, but have to wait as they nudged someone up the list. I must admit with the pregnancy hormones I’m quick to voice my opinion so I’d have queried with reception :lol:
The 16 one isn’t very exciting. She spent most of mine copying the paperwork from my notes for her own record, although she was nice by listening for his heartbeat. No matter what time I book my surgery always run late, but they never put anyone ahead of me, well not that I know of, kinda disrespectful if you arrive before or on time for your appointment, but have to wait as they nudged someone up the list. I must admit with the pregnancy hormones I’m quick to voice my opinion so I’d have queried with reception :lol:

I felt really sorry for the guy on reception, he was very sweet and jovial and he kind of let it slip about the woman going in before me and then cringed when he saw my face. I didn't have the heart to have a go at him. Then by the time I actually got to see the midwife I just couldn't be arsed to make a fuss, but probably appeared quite curt and when she said 'sorry, I'm running late already' inwardly I was going 'not bloody surprised you are!'...but didn't actually voice it.

100% classic British passive aggressive nonsense from me :lol: at least I had the excuse of the cold for being dejected.

KJ1 - I wouldn't have an afternoon off work for the sake of the appointment, but if it means you aren't rushing around afterwards to try and get back to work then maybe keep the half day booked off. You could always use the time afterwards to treat yourself or do something fun. Guess it depends on how much annual leave you have left :) x
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Love the outfit shopping idea following on from 20 week scan Twinkletoes, I might steal that one! ;)

Have an AMAZING time in Malta Cornish, I'm not jealous at all...

RWW84, I have mine bang in the middle of the afternoon on Friday. When it was booked in all those weeks ago I had no idea what to expect and thought it would be quite fun to take a half day off work afterwards but I'm feeling less and less like this is a good idea following on from everyone's 16 week appointment stories...I might see if I can get an earlier or later slot.

16 weeks today! Here's my bump update taken this morning :)

Ah KJ1 your bump is lovely! Mine is a very different story at 16 weeks, still looks more like I've eaten a large sandwich than actually have a baby inside me. I also think it's going to be a pointy one, as it kinda tapers into a cone shape :lol: I will take a pic of it when it starts to look 'proper' x
Bumps are a strange one aren't they...it's really odd how they all look completely different to one another and appear at different times. I thought I wouldn't show at all until much later on but I'm so happy there's actually something (small) there! Can't wait to see a pic of yours too RWW84.

At what point do the little babes move on from growing to a standard size each week and start growing at their own rate? I'm just under 5'10 and my OH is 6'2.5 so think my little one is going to be a bit of a beast...!!!
My bump is starting to look massive. This is at 18 weeks...

And this is my all inclusive hotel in Malta...

However after a 6 hour drive, one of the hottest nights of the summer, a 3 hour flight and a 40 minute transfer to get here, I’ve not really felt baby move so that’s very much on my thoughts. I’m hoping it is just because I’ve been so occupied and not that the stress of traveling and the flight has done something.
You’ve been busy, I’m sure once you relax you’ll feel baby again. I’m longing to feel my boy, 17+3 and I swear all I feel is wind. lol
hey ladies hope you have all had a fab weekend?

I went away down south to a festival and i really struggled with the heat and my hips have been really hurting me! I am feeling a lot of pressure in them which i reckon is the start of SPD :roll: so i have been a bit blergh about it all as i am sick of being in pain!

on a more positive note my gender scan is just a week away now! eek!
I’m a mess, at 7:30 my partner was involved in a car accident, that call from him was the scariest moment of my life. I literally left the house and ran round the corner to where he was and was met with him on the ground surrounded by fire engines, police cars and paramedics. Thankfully he walked away with bruising to his chest, arm and face and was discharged from a&e 3 hours later with advice on what to look for just in case they have missed something. I’m now frantically watching him to make sure he’s ok. I held it together until 30 mins ago when I burst into tears. Looking at these photos I don’t know how he walked away from the car. He’s so lucky and I’m so thankful to whoever was watching over him today. Our lives could have had a very different outcome. Everyone is worried about me more which is aggravating me as I wasn’t involved, but I do understand why. Just so hard as I want to be a supportive partner, but feel so stressed out and overwhelmed all at once!


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Oh my Gosh BabyWomble, I'm SO glad to hear he's okay - that looks terrible! Lots of hugs, I'm sure the adrenaline is making you feel extra wobbly but feel better in the knowledge that he has come out relatively unscathed xxx

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