(¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· October 2018 Mummies ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)

Call me crazy but im 100% sure I've felt Baby already, like little bubbles.. a couple of times a day, and I know its where Baby is because I used my Doppler and it's in the right place and it's kicking all over..
This is my 7th pregnancy and I've got a stupidly antiverted uterus. So maybe that's it?
Bean we have a FB group, the link is on the front page :)
I have a massive bump already :) I have since 13 weeks. I don't think there are any rules on pregnacy. Hahah
Thanks, I am already on the Facebook page.
I’m sure I look about 6 months, haha!!
I’m not sure if I have felt anything yet, maybe some rolling feelings but I’ve got an anterior placenta so I’m not worrying yet. I think I was around 20 weeks in my last pregnancy!
Oh aha fss I should know that!
Excuse me..my Brain hasn't been in working order for a few weeks now
I'm 18+3 today (first baby) and still not felt any wiggles yet :-(
I know there's still a few weeks before it would be concerning, but it's not helping my anxiety, and just making me a bit sad - I'm ready to start hanging out with my little wiggle buddy!
Do you know what side your placenta is on Rosie? They say if it’s at the front you might not feel anything until 24 weeks.
No I have no clue where the placenta is so I know that could be it. I'd feel more reassured if I knew it was anterior and therefore the kicks might be delayed - but currently I'm a bit clueless. 20 week scan is on the 16th and I can't wait! I feel like I need more professional contact, it's all a bit daunting being 'left to it' and not knowing answers to questions like that...
Rosie, I’m 18+4 and haven’t felt anything yet. I do have an anterior placenta so it may be a while. I am tempted to hire a Doppler for reassurance. Has anyone else done this?
My scan is on the 16th too!!
When do you find out where your placenta is? They didn't say anything about it at my 12 week one. or does it have to be at your 20 week?
My fatigue has retuned today with full force! :( Im already in bed :(
I was told at my private scan, but apparently if you ask at the 12 week scan they can tell you as my midwife asked me if I’d been told.

In regard to the Doppler. I had stomach and back pain last night so used mine for reassurance and found baby’s heartbeat quite quickly. I usually only use it for fun as a way to bond with him, but last night it did put me at ease so I enjoy having mine.
Lulla Bell I wasn't told at my 12 week scan either, which is the only scan I've had - I feel like that should be something you're told as part of the appointment, rather than having to ask?! I wish I'd just paid for a scan at 16 weeks now, but it feels too late now with less than 2 weeks until my NHS one...
Check your notes. Sometimes sonographers put it on the scan report. But I think generally you have to know to ask. :(
At the 20 week scan it’s one of their main checks so it will definitely be on the report.
I was told at my 12 week scan with my first but not this time found. I'd be curious to know. Last time it was anterior but I think I've been feeling quickenings since about 15 weeks this time. I'm now 18 weeks so still no consistency when I feel them.

Been feeling so hormonal this week, start the day crying & end it shouting haha. I just feel a bit overwhelmed at the minute. My 2 year old is poorly & needs to have a blood test & I'm still worrying about the little bun baking. Got my 20 week scan on 17th so just counting down to that x
It should say in your notes Hun, they didn’t tell me I had an anterior placenta at the 12 week scan but when I took a read of the notes at home I saw it had been noted mine is low anterior.

Having looked back at my notes, I’ve seen that my risk for tri 21 is 1:2585 and tri 13/18 is 1:19769. I wasn’t worried at all at the time but having done a quick search it seems quite high for my age (28)...anyone knowledgable on this?


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It should say in your notes Hun, they didn’t tell me I had an anterior placenta at the 12 week scan but when I took a read of the notes at home I saw it had been noted mine is low anterior.

Having looked back at my notes, I’ve seen that my risk for tri 21 is 1:2585 and tri 13/18 is 1:19769. I wasn’t worried at all at the time but having done a quick search it seems quite high for my age (28)...anyone knowledgable on this?

Wow your notes are detailed. I didn't get half as much information! I'm 35 & my risk for all tris was 1:10000 this time but my first pregnancy it was actually higher at 1:6400 or something like that. What was your nt measurement as I think this has a quite big part in the final calculation. I'd still say your risk result is good. X
It should say in your notes Hun, they didn’t tell me I had an anterior placenta at the 12 week scan but when I took a read of the notes at home I saw it had been noted mine is low anterior.

Having looked back at my notes, I’ve seen that my risk for tri 21 is 1:2585 and tri 13/18 is 1:19769. I wasn’t worried at all at the time but having done a quick search it seems quite high for my age (28)...anyone knowledgable on this?

My notes are shockingly sparse compared to yours... I only have two measurements - the crown-rump length and nuchal translucency, not even a heart rate, and for all the fetal anatomy it just says 'not examined'. :shock:
And certainly no mention of the placenta.

I'm panicking a bit that I'm really not getting the care I should be, but as this is first baby I have nothing to compare it to, to be sure...
I was seriously impressed after my scan I must say - they were really thorough and absolutely lovely. We are at Kings College London and the fetal medicine centre is pretty state of the art so I was happy about that having not been too impressed with the state of the midwife centre!

Lucy, my nt was 1.50mm. I was only 11+3 at the time so they weren’t sure if I was far along enough to do the test but they seemed happy with what they were able to get. I have nothing to compare this to this being my first pregnancy so I just assumed all was okay but I’m panicking a little that my numbers are lower than they should be for a 28 year old. Do you know if they factor in the fathers age at all? My partner is 37 but not sure that really has much to do with it?
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I was seriously impressed after my scan I must say - they were really thorough and absolutely lovely. We are at Kings College London and the fetal medicine centre is pretty state of the art so I was happy about that having not been too impressed with the state of the midwife centre!

Lucy, my nt was 1.50mm. I was only 11+3 at the time so they weren’t sure if I was far along enough to do the test but they seemed happy with what they were able to get. I have nothing to compare this to this being my first pregnancy so I just assumed all was okay but I’m panicking a little that my numbers are lower than they should be for a 28 year old. Do you know if they factor in the fathers age at all? My partner is 37 but not sure that really has much to do with it?

NCT says:

eening test.

The combined Down's syndrome screening test

The nationally recommended Down’s syndrome screening process is the combined screening test which measures the nuchal translucency (see below) and two pregnancy hormones called Papp-A and HcG. This information is combined with the mother’s age and the gestation of the baby to give a result. It is performed between 11 and 13 weeks of pregnancy.

Depending on the screening test you are offered, a combination of the following tests for Down’s syndrome will be used along with your age and the gestation of the baby to calculate your result.

The*nuchal translucency scan*is an ultrasound scan which measures the pocket of fluid at the back of the baby’s neck. An increased amount of fluid may mean the baby has an increased chance of having Down’s syndrome. The measurement is combined with a blood test and your age to estimate your risk.

The level of*a number of different*hormones*may be measured in the blood test part of Down’s Syndrome screening.

will be given your Down’s syndrome screening result as a statistical chance, e.g. 1 in 1000. In most hospitals, if your result is higher than 1 in 150 this will often be reported to you using the terms ‘screen positive’ or ‘high risk’ and you will be offered a diagnostic test such as CVS or amniocentesis.

If your result is a lower chance than 1 in 150, it will most often be reported as ‘low risk’ and no further testing will be offered. This 1 in 150 figure is sometimes referred to as the ‘cut off’ number.

However, a risk of 1 in 100 is very different from a risk of 1 in 4, although both results are described as ‘screen positive’ or ‘high risk’. A 1 in 100 result means that you have a 1% risk of your baby having Down’s syndrome and a 99% chance that your baby will not have the condition. But with a risk of 1 in 4 you would have a 25% chance of your baby having Down’s.*

Hope this helps a bit x
Thanks Lucy, that’s really helpful. I like to look at things in percentage terms so it’s still only 0.04% of a chance which is very low. Still, you can’t help but worry and wonder why your risk factors are higher than they should be! X
Thanks Lucy, that’s really helpful. I like to look at things in percentage terms so it’s still only 0.04% of a chance which is very low. Still, you can’t help but worry and wonder why your risk factors are higher than they should be! X

I know it can be worry but 0.04% are pretty gpod odds to me. There is a lot of worry that comes with being pregnant & the bad news is it never goes away even after baby is here x

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