worst...having my missed miscarriage in april
best...getting my bfp in september
and im looking forward to this yearr ..cnt waait to see my baby and find out wat im avin on the 12th jan
Best - my little boy arriving into the world, and my daughter growing more mature every day - she really does light up my world
Worst - my husband going to Afghanistan, coming home for 21/2 days, then going to Iraq.... I was a bit of a wreck to say the least
Here's to 2009, although I know DH will be going away early on in the New Year, I am trying not to think about that and am concentrating on the good things things like the fact that I am going to take a bath and TTCing in September
Best:- getting engaged in march, and having Isla in december
2009 will be great as I'll be seeing my little girl grow, but will also be very shit as my OH will be in stupid Afganistan for 6 months of it although we are hoping to marry in April all being well, so yay!
Best: Having Izzie I love her soooo much and she's really made our little family complete (although i would love another baby...im working on it )
Worst: Deciding once and for all to stop all contact with my father and cut him out of my life for good. Although, that could actually be a good thing...
Worst: everything that's connected to my ex, the whole divorce process, moving house TWICE, and dealing with all the sh*t whilst trying to remain sane.
Best: The fact that I remained sane (almost) and me and my kids are moving on with our lives
Best - Being pregnant and growing up with it
- realising how much my mum means to me and stopping all the drugs, smoking, drinking etc
Worst - Getting pregnant
- treating my mum like shit throughout the year and not being able to go back and change it
- another thing that happened but I cant really say but it wasnt great =/
- Finding out my auntys cancer has come back and its spread to her back
Worst moment: You know i've had my down days but nothing I could consider 'bad', i've had a lot to deal with in past few years and this is one year where nothing seems to have gone wrong
Best moment(s);
Jack's first birthday
Our first family holiday
Getting engaged
A lovely Christmas
*Spending time with my beautiful daughter - watching her learn to sit up, crawl, talk (so many words now!), toddle and walk and just grow into such a happy smiley little girl with an amazing personality!
*Finding out I was pregnant again in September 2008, its been a hard few months since then, but I am really happy to be having another baby
*DD's 1st birthday
*Money being a constant struggle
*DD self weaning from the breast in July 2008, I know I should have been prepared and this was a natural progression but I found this really difficult at the time due to not expecting it.
*Going back to work in August 2008 to a job I hated (but left to go to a new job 8 weeks later )
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