I don't see sex as something to get upset about, at the end of the day, how on earth can there be a sex template? Some people are more sexually mature at say 14 than people 10 years older, some people are kinky,some aren't,some like it every night,others once a week. There's no right and wrong, and that's why I think people put WAY too much emphasis on sex. I mean,it's important, it's fun, and it's natural, but I do think society is over sexualised, in a bad way.
I think the age of consent should be lowered too. To 14, as long as it's with a guy/girl no more than 4 years older. At 14 lots of girls are perfectly able to take responsibility for their own bodies. I was quite insulted,actually, when I got the whole "your boyfriend must have corrupted you" crap. Excuse me, but I'm fairly confident, opinionated,sensible,and stubborn,and no one has ever pushed me into eff all, and no one ever will do. So why is it assumed I can't decide what to do with my body? Because I'm going to do it anyway. As are most teenagers.
I mean, I was,and still am in, a wonderful,loving relationship with someone I love deeply and feel very comfortable with. And even if I did decide to shag around, well as long as I am happy with that,don't feel pressurised,and do it safely, who am I hurting? No one.
People need to stop seeing sex as this whole big dirty issue. They need to start understanding that females who have passed puberty, whether they be 14 or 34, are sexual beings, and will find ways to express that. Which is 100% normal and natural. However, they need a full and sound knowledge of concraception, and they need to be raised to know their own self worth.
Sorry,that was a full on rant. Suffice to say I've had peole judging me again today