what are your opinions on sex?

something i am not getting any of right now!!LOL
TBH i have only had one one night stand and it was when i was drunk and really upset about something, i don't disagree with two consenting adults playing it safe to have some fun at all and wouldnt rule out having another one, but not if i was sober..i always was a bit funny about my body and its worse since i had Hayden, i get paranoid about wobbly bits and how i hate my body. so could never be confident enough to just strip..and i would have to be p*ssed to have the confidence unless it was with a partner i love and trust so i have been in relationships where i have made them wait a bit before doing the deed..i have to feel a bit of trust or something coz i don't want to rely on alcohol to help me get into it.
I definately think sex gets better as you get older, i must admit i was sort of quite upset at how young so many of you were when losing your virginity, dont ask me why i guess i was just brought up that way.
I think there are 2 kinds of sex, making love which is something special and really means so much and then there is proper shagging (skuse the phrase) now this is different, much more vigorous and adventurous, im a bit of a martini girl, any time any place any where :wink:
god i love it :D :D hot,quick and passionate though none of this long boring stuff :rotfl: :rotfl:
At the moment, I'm not really too fussed! Luckily I have a very understanding partner so I don't feel too bad about it!
I don't see sex as something to get upset about, at the end of the day, how on earth can there be a sex template? Some people are more sexually mature at say 14 than people 10 years older, some people are kinky,some aren't,some like it every night,others once a week. There's no right and wrong, and that's why I think people put WAY too much emphasis on sex. I mean,it's important, it's fun, and it's natural, but I do think society is over sexualised, in a bad way.

I think the age of consent should be lowered too. To 14, as long as it's with a guy/girl no more than 4 years older. At 14 lots of girls are perfectly able to take responsibility for their own bodies. I was quite insulted,actually, when I got the whole "your boyfriend must have corrupted you" crap. Excuse me, but I'm fairly confident, opinionated,sensible,and stubborn,and no one has ever pushed me into eff all, and no one ever will do. So why is it assumed I can't decide what to do with my body? Because I'm going to do it anyway. As are most teenagers.

I mean, I was,and still am in, a wonderful,loving relationship with someone I love deeply and feel very comfortable with. And even if I did decide to shag around, well as long as I am happy with that,don't feel pressurised,and do it safely, who am I hurting? No one.

People need to stop seeing sex as this whole big dirty issue. They need to start understanding that females who have passed puberty, whether they be 14 or 34, are sexual beings, and will find ways to express that. Which is 100% normal and natural. However, they need a full and sound knowledge of concraception, and they need to be raised to know their own self worth.

Sorry,that was a full on rant. Suffice to say I've had peole judging me again today :roll:
Cant beat it! :cheer: got to be atleast once a day, or just as much as physically possible :lol: ;)
Craig said:
Cant beat it! :cheer: got to be atleast once a day, or just as much as physically possible :lol: ;)

Do I know about this? ;)
I lost my virginity at 15 to my current partner and he is the only person I have ever slept wit and vice versa.

I have always been careful with contraceptives, up until obv. because we are trying to concieve.

I do enjoy sex, mostly the emotional side of it. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the physical side of it but I am only young and I think there is a learning curve with sex and hope it gets even better with experience.
Me likey!

I lost my virginity when I was 15 to the fella i'm still with...We have been together 4 years now. I wasn't his first but he was mine.

I remember we were babysitting for my friend and both of the kids were in bed and we pushed the 2 sofas together to make a sort of double bed...we kissed and stuff and I whipped a condom out of my pocket and said ''You wanna?'' :lol: The look on his face was like... :o .... :rotfl: he said ''You sure?'' ''Only if your SURE?!...'' and I thought aww how sweet...Diddn't take mush persuasion (sp?) though...It does now were always knackered from working though :evil:

Oh eta:.....Nearly forgot what I wanted to reply for...duh!

Always always ALWAYS used condoms too, we have used them all...you name it we have used them lol! I always thought getting them from family planning was so exiting to see what flavour comes next! haha :lol: (gosh i'm sad) But once I never took any to Spain with us because I had AF and thought it would last all week but it diddn't so I sent OH out to get some from the shop and it failed...Which might I add happened twice...both times in Spain and both times I came back and got positive tests (well not right away obviously lol) But even through my pregnancy with DD I always made him wear a condom...I hated the mess of sperm! :puke: But now I have to put up with it....for the time being! :puke:

Sorry for the long post i'm type happy tonight!
I probably have THE lowest sex drive...

I'm actually quite enjoying this single period; I don't have to shave my legs, explain my psoriasis or fake moan uncontrollably :rotfl: I also don't have to go near any smelly willies or run to the bathroom to rinse my mouth of man juice. Oh and no more plucking pubes from my teeth.

So all in all, I don't rate it :rotfl: xx

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