Your Worst And Best Of 2008?

Best: Marrying my darling Marc & conceiving Bean
Worst: Getting my probation extended just before we went away to get married and spending the entire honeymoon worrying if I'd have a job to come back to

I still have my job and I'm betting after telling my boss I'm preggers he wishes he'd found a legitimate reason t oget rid of me seeing how the extended probation was due to a mouthy colleague with nothing better to do.
Worst- I *thought* at the begining of the year getting pregnant after DH had the snip was the most cruel turn of fate ever, however I grew to love the little imp inside me and even put up with the horrendous MS and blackouts pregnancy afforded me.

-Esme!! Couldnt begin to gush enough how that little imp has lit up our lives!
-Gettin a loooong overdue insurance pay out was timely to give us enough money for me to relax on mat leave
-And finally my understanding DH, DS and work whilst I was soooo ill during pregnancy I really didnt get out of bed much during the 9 months due to depression, sickness and being unable to stand without blacking out so was a poop wife, mum and especially employee (prob had more time off than at work last year :oops: )
Best: getting engaged to the man i love
My nephew Nev being born in April and watching him grow and being a big part of his life

Worst: not getting a BFP
watching all my friends have babies (its good news but i feel so hurt and useless too...and jealous)
being diagnoses with severe clinical depression in august.
having no money

Heres to 2009, a better year for everyone x x
Best: Well I havent had any great things happen to me this year to be honest. Actually thats not true my relationship has become even better this year :)
Worst: Not getting pregnant.

Im reserving all my good things for 2009 though, turning 30, getting married, hopefully getting pregnant! :pray:
Worst - Moving back to this crappy country, i bloody hate living back in the UK.

Best - Marrying the love of my life.
best: having Lottie
Worst : united winning the league and european cup :puke: :puke:
can we have a few of each lol

worst : being hospitalised at 31 weeks and not know what was gonna happen with my baby or me and spending a month in that place !
getting pnd and not admitting it soon enough
i think my relationship with my father is now over for good
brian loosing his hearing
loosing my job , then working as a temp and i loved it but that ended xmas eve too so im now unemployed and skint with no savings left :wall:

best : having the most amazing prem baby ever we were so luck to have such few issues, and i love him soooo much his amazing allbeit trying at times !
getting a car ive always wanted ( even tho she's also caused us problems with breaking down :wall: )
spending so much time with brian , its been great while he was off sick but his back at working now :(
finally meeting debbiem :wave:
meeting some amazing people and finding out who my real friends were (not many lol )

i had to really think of best things other then leland :wall:
Worst - My uncle died in April and at the end of June I caught a mild version of pneumonia (didn't feel bloody mild) and I was house bound for 2 weeks :(

Best - getting married to my darling and having a fairy-tale wedding and our wonderful honeymoon in the Maldives :D
Best...Having Logan and booking our wedding

Worst...Feeling rubbish thanks to the PND of DOOM!
My best was most definitely growing and giving birth to Ruby; my worst nearly splitting up with OH in the first part of the year.

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