Young mums

Personally i dont care what anybody thinks anymore. Ive found out since falling pregnant and moving to england who my true friends and family are. No-one else matters. I dont have a problem with our age difference so i dont c whybanyoje else should. I dont wanna sound big headed but im mature for my age and well my oh gets the nickname peterpan(the boy that never grows up)
Glad you have days where your not sick as ive ojly had a break of 6 days and the rest ive been sick lol. Just kinda got used to it. Im well excited that if baby hasnt arrived in 6 days they r going to start me eeeekkkks :) xxxx
My sister was 19 when she fell pregnant and to be honest it was a bit of a scandal (she is 8 years younger than me)

My Mum and brother (6 years older than her) took it the worst - my Dad was fine actually!

She is still with her OH and they've since had another baby too. We'd not be without any of them! My sister is an amazing Mum and at 32 I'll be looking to her for lots of advice when I have my LO!

Well my lo was planned and me and oh couldnt be happier. My mum was brilliant and my dad gave me 3 weeks of silent treatment. My oh parents didnt take it the best but we didnt let anything stop what we was right for us and well im soo excited about our wee family being completed this i said i dont think of yous being older any different so apologies if you thought i was having a go. Just wanted to meet people my age as not alot of my friends hve kids/ know what pregnancy is like xxx
Arww bet your well excited now then.
Hope it all goes well for youu. :)

Yeah me and my partner had planed are LO
I'm 19 & his 20 we are both grown up for are ages too
We are lucky to have are own place at are age to so we then
Deside we was ready. I think some people can be so judgemental
When they Donnt know anything about your life.
Lucky my family & oh family are both over the moon for us

Tbh it Donnt matter how old you are as long as your happy :)

Good luck to all the girlies with there pregnancys
& enjoy it :) x
Yesss lol! Can't wait! Well I'm currently living in england but were moving back to ni where we r both from. (Longgg story) I hope everythings going well for yous? Sounds like yous are pretty tuned in lol. I hate when people can be judgmental but hey there's two sides to every bita paper! Were/are you working? Xxxxx
:( unfortunately not working. I move to Kent to live with my oh
was doing a hair& beauty coures But now LO is on his way I'm going to
Be at home with him then go back into a coures or part time work when his
Bigger wbu x
I was doing hairdressing but i dropped it all to come live in goin to go back and complete my final year when i can :) i miss it soo much lol xxx
Yeah I miss it too I was going to do hair dressing after the 1st course. I'm thinking of trying a
Apprenticeship after bubbas born as there more flexible hours.
When are you move back x
I was doin one day in college and four in the salon. Was brilliant i loved it. Move back between the 20th july and the 10th august not sure what date yet xxxx
Hey ladies can I join :-)
I am 21 and expecting my 2nd :-) couldnt be happier as it took us 14months to concieve.
Hey natasha of course you can :) how are you coping? Aww long journey then hun?xxx
I am sick of people saying to me 'Oh you've got no trouble, you're young you should have loads of energy'...

Well someone neglected to tell my baby this!! Idiots!! x
Awww babyem! I know the feeling! I feel like I've been hit by a truck haaha! You haven't long left tho :) xxxxx
I know, I want her to hurry on up!!
People forget that you can have a hard time even though your young :( x
Bumphurst: I am finding it hard. Sickness all the time and tierd constantly. But I supose thats being pregnant for u. Baby zaps it all out lol. My DD doesnt know yet, we are waiting for a scan so I am trying to hide my suffering from her but its very hard.
Any other mums that are on there 2nd baby? How are u finding it with a LO?
My fiance has a son who is 6 we told him after the first scan too. He kept asking why I was being sick all the time and we just had to tell him I had a very upset tummy but I was ok lol. He's looking forward to it all and says he is excited :) I find that he's more understanding to why I can't do certain things but you can tell it does annoy him that I can't just jump to what he wants eg play wrestling/jumping on the trampoline etc. I find it very tiring and when I'm putting callum up to bed at half 8/9 I'm ready to go to bed and usually fall asleep with him lol! Try and relax when your lo is and get your oh to help as much as possible (thankfully mine has been a saint and I get shouted at for hoovering etc lol) babyem I feel like I've been hit by a truck at times, more so now in the last few weeks but it was the sickness that killed me the most throughout the whole pregnancy :L xxxx

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