Just saying hello

Still wouldnt get far as my car is the main reason im going by boat lol! How r u settling in to your new house?xxxx
I love it.
Got his room all ready, its just missing the key ingredient!
It is really nice to be able to start the nursery from scratch, rather than have to re-arrange existing rooms.
Sames but my other half has a wee son who's turning 6 this weekend :) I've had every emotion going this week! Hope all the fear passes lol! Xxxx
You'll be fine hun.
I was nervous but now I just can't wait to get him out - however it has to happen!
I have loadsa different nerves tho, bit panicy about when bubbas here and oh goes out and leaves me with the two kids haaha!!! It sounds really silly but hes like superman. On it before it happens type of fella lol...xxxx
Lucky you!
Mines more of a kid than my baby will be!
You never know, his kid might be a mini-superman and be a fab help!
Welcome to PF and tri 3!
You're moving back to N.I. before baby's born? Ur a brave woman :) When are you going back?
Hope alls going ok with your bump!
LOL well his mates call him peterpan cuz app hes the boy who never grows up....yeah i am indeedy will know on thursday when im headed back. Why am i brave lol? All my family and support are back there xxxx
Its just the whole moving thing. Maybe brave was the wrong word? We were told we might have had to move out of our place when we first told our landlord we were expecting (luckily, we dont), and I just couldnt imagine moving house when I find it hard to even move myself lol Mind you, the fact ur family nd support are over there probably makes it easier! A close friend of mine is Irish (from Co. Donegal) and she is currently living near me, but she's desperate to go back. Just can't get any work (shes a nurse)
Hope it all goes well for you tho!
LOL! God knows how ill be feeling by the time it comes to move...I just can't wait to get back, I miss my family and my friends far too much! All these people that move to different countries for years I dunno how they do it! Its defo the journey I'm not looking forward too (hopefully the oh does most of the actual move :P) the fact were taking both cars back means I've no way of getting out of driving tho haaha! I've only been over from september but that's long enough for me so I don't blame your mate at all! Everything over here is different to back home and for some reason I just can't adjust to it all xxxxx
Hey Catherine I'm also Catherine and due 20th of due lol. Xxx
Hey how are you getting on? Is that meant to be june lol? Xxx
LOL! God knows how ill be feeling by the time it comes to move...I just can't wait to get back, I miss my family and my friends far too much! All these people that move to different countries for years I dunno how they do it! Its defo the journey I'm not looking forward too (hopefully the oh does most of the actual move :P) the fact were taking both cars back means I've no way of getting out of driving tho haaha! I've only been over from september but that's long enough for me so I don't blame your mate at all! Everything over here is different to back home and for some reason I just can't adjust to it all xxxxx

Yeh, she says that too! She lived over here when she was young (hence how I know her), but she moved back over to Ireland with her family about 14 years ago, and now shes back here for work! Says everythings so different and is trying to get me to go back with her! So tempting, but all my family's here. Plus I couldnt put up with all ur wind and rain!
Anyway, good luck with the move, hope it goes well for you and doesn't tire you out too much! Make sure u take lots of breaks and stuff ;) xx
Thanks lol! Awk you get used to the weather lol! The emotions im feeling atm are unbelieveable...im like a yoyo! Hope it all goes smoothly! Xxxxx

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