You never think it will happen to you....


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2011
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I'm devastated to be here. The last couple of days have felt like a dream.

So after having a bit of bleeding and passing some small clots since Saturday, we went to the EPU on Monday for an emergency scan. The lady at the EPU scanned me and there was no heartbeat. She said that it was unusual as baby measured around the size of the 11wk stage I am at, so it must have died very very recent. She got a second person to come in and confirm no heartbeat just to give us peace of mind and the second lady agreed.

I haven't had any bleeding since the weekend and I haven't had any pain at all apart from a few trapped wind feelings. I've been over and over it in my head, could they have made a mistake? was it something I did? I know I shouldn't be thinking these things but its so hard not to.

I have an ERPC booked for Monday, although I wish i could let things happen naturally I don't think I can go through all the waiting for it to happen and to see my baby at the end I don't think I could cope. The lady at the EPU suggested that due to baby size it could be quite traumatic to go through the natural process. Still nervous about surgery too though.

We have just booked a holiday to Mexico for October to cheer us both up.

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So sorry huney, sounds like hospital handled it very well but I know what you mean. I was in shock when it happened to me too. People have very different experiences, I hope yours is as comfortable as possible :hug: xx

I am so sorry to hear about your loss.

I too had a miscarriage in February this year, although slightly different as I didn't have any pains or bleeding everything felt fine. But unfortunately when we went for our 12 week scan there was no HB and they said sadly the baby had stopped growing at around 9 weeks. Me and my partner were absolutely devestated and it felt like the end of the world for us and even though you probably feel like that too right now it does get easier, although it's the last thing we wanted to hear at the time so I'm sorry but just thought I'd share everything with you!

I also had the surgery and it wasn't as scary as I thought, everyone on the ward were lovely and the nurse came and held my hand and talked to me while they put me to sleep (although I didn't feel a thing and can only remember her saying she liked my nails varnish and I was gone!)

I literally only bled for 4-5 days after the op and no more then a sanitary pad couldn't handle.

We too booked a holiday to cheer our selves up, we went begining of June and a few weeks after getting back found out I was pregnant again! Fingers crossed the same happens for you and your partner!!

Thinking of you and I'm here if you want to ask anything, personal experiences on this forum helped me trough my hard time xx
I am so sorry you are going through this x A holiday will do you a world of good, we had a holiday already booked and it was great for some one on one time and to just relax and heal. Thinking of you hun xx
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I have just posted on your other thread, but want to say sorry once again.

No woman should have to go through this and sadly far too many of us do.

I think the surgical route is best. I had a natural m/c at 8w and even then it was quite painful (not to mention I had to wait 20 days for it to actually occur)

At least by opting for surgery you are taking some control of a horrible situation.

Im so sorry for you loss honey! Take care of yourself!!! Booking the holiday is a good idea. Go and enjoy! Xxxx
I'm so very sorry for your loss hun *big hugs* xxx
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I'm so sorry for you loss timtam x

I hope that Tuesday goes as well as can be expected for you and by the time your feeling a bit more human you'll be off on your much deserved holiday x
Such an awful time for you & my heart goes out to you. Having suffered mc's myself, I know how heartbreaking they are.
You need to take time to grieve and look after yourself, it's great that you've booked a holiday, gives you something to look forward to. Xx
I am realy realy sorrynthisnhas happened to you Timtam :-( life is so unfair sometimes,I was devastated the day I had my bad scan I didn't know if I was coming or going I didn't go out the house for over a week I just couldn't face anyone and I spent that whole week crying but I came out the other side and u will too this place was a great support for me I dunno what I would have done without it, u take care of ur self and take time for herself xxx
So sorry for your loss xx

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Honey I know I've been texting you, but just wanted to say again how sorry I am. It's natural to question if they have made a mistake - I questioned everything as you just don't want to believe what you're hearing, I totally get that. Someone is trying to burst the happy bubble and it's natural to react with disbelief when it's something that is wanted, and a little person who is already loved, so very much.

Having your holiday to look forward to will help. Having our holiday to the Maldives booked kept me focused on something other than the grief and it helped alot. Spending time with oh away from everyone and everything will be good for you both I'm sure sweetie.

No one should have to go through this and I'm just so very sad and sorry that you're having to.

Love & hugs honey.xxxxx
So sorry timtam. Try not to worry about the erpc its not traumatic. The emotional side is though so take care of yourselves.
Thank you so much everyone for all your thoughts, really appreciate them.

Well I went in for a final scan yesterday as my mind just couldn't rest until I saw it for myself. I've wrote more on my other thread about it but I now feel more mentally ready for the op on Monday now.

Trying to have a relaxed and chilled weekend as I know Monday it still gonna be tough, but we'll get through it.

Thanks again everyone
Im so sorry for your loss, thinking of you xx
So sorry to hear about this timtam, my thoughts are with you :hug:
Sorry for your loss hun. I had a mmc last year and i didnt feel any pain and felt the same as you have described, i had an erpc done too and its not too bad considering...
Again im sorry for your loss and a holiday in Mexico sounds good. Hugs to you.

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