Normal after a erpc operation?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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So a lttle bit of background Plus tmi throughout - i had a erpc op last fiday (26th aug) after 8 weeks on continous bleeding after my mc 11 weeks ago. The bleeding almost completely stopped after the op with just pink colouring ofn the tissue . On monday i started getting small cramping feelings, heavier bleeding (light period) and some small pea sized clots. The cramping as eased of but niggly occasionally, and the bleeding is more of ewcm mixed with blood, using a pantyliner.

Then early this morning (cd9 today) the cramping got worse again, almost comparable to the ones I had when I mc'ed! I had to go to the loo at 4am because I could just feel it trickling out (tmi I know), I also saw in the bottom of the loo a clot thing about a golf ball in size but flat. Since then the bleeding has been quite heavy and more like a normal af bleed rather than stringy bloody cm. If that makes any sense? I really don't know what to do or if this is normal at all after a erpc? now it's the weekend I can't even phone the epu to ask them? Xx
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It was like that for me. Clots are normal too
Hi sorry to hear that. I am actually writing from hospital-had ERPC done this morning.Still here but hoping to leave soon. I only found out about missed misscarriage last week whilest on holiday(when back home to tell family,decided to hv just routine check up when hv been told there was no heartbeat). I should hv been 9weeks so it happened sometimes after my 6weeks scan according to the measurments. I did not hv any signs of misscarriage- bleeding, I was told to expect pain&bleeding like period for about week- but I will be calling some1 if otherwise. I am just thinking if what you are going through could be down to body getting rid off the thick lining? I could be wrong but even during period passing cloths is the "cleaning" process? Hope u feel better soon x
Honey I would say you need to get checked out. I don't want to alarm you but I believe it's better to be safe than sorry. From what I've read a real period shouldn't happen for at least 20 days following the op. It doesn't sound like it's your period to me. Either then have missed something and you body is doing it's job to expel it or you still bleeding quite a lot and this is causing clots to form maybe when your not up and about. That fact that you are saying it is also as painful as when you miscarried concerns me a little, especially as they bleeding and such had tapered off. I think they have messed you around incredibly and if I was you I would demand to be assessed properly. You really have been through the mill with this, almost 3 months of this is not right.

If your worried I'd go up to A&E, I did after having my daughter due to concerns with bleeding. It was actually my first AF but it was horrendous. A&E will take you seriously due to the bleeding. How much are you bleeding hun? If your filling a pad in an half an hour, even an hour I would go up there xxx
thank u ladies :hugs:

so sorry u for u loss chilligirl, there is a great support network on here so feel free to join in the chitchat we have going. Although it is tough these ladies on here have helped me through :hugs:

laura the bleeding isn't that heavy to fill the pad that quick, maybe a 3-4 hours before needing to change it. I just hate being a pain in the arse, hence the long drawn out process as I didnt pester the hospital that often and when i did i let them talk me into waiting longer. so i think i am just expecting them to say wait another week as u could bleed for 2 weeks post op.

I just thought that because i had the op after passing nearly everything at home 8 weeks previous the recovery would be easy after. instead i feel as though i have made it worse because the bleeding is heavier now. i am just going to see how it goes over the rest of the day and see how everything is tomorrow. xx
Hi Kanga
So sorry you are having such a rough time. Sounds awful for you.
Not sure if this helps - after my erpc i only had 4-5 days of very light bleeding. Think you should def seek help on monday if still bleeding or go to A&E if you are heavy/painful, might have a post-op infection? Paticularly if you have increased pain too i would go urgently.
Really hope things start going better for you soon.
Yeah I am really thinking something isn't quite right! Typical I try and get sorted out and I get stuck with another problem or so it seems! The pain comes and goes so not sure if it's worth hassling the a&e docs, what another few days of bleeding on top of the other 66days so far xx
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I had pain for almost 10 days, needed painkillers every day. The bleeding was coming and going, sometimes heavier sometimes only for an everyday pad. I didn't have clots, but doctor told me they were normal and that the general tendency after 14 days will be for the bleeding to get easier and then stop. So I was told : come back if bleeding more than 3 weeks or cramps more than 2 or fever or soacking a pad in 1 h or bad smell.
So sorry to hear your still having bleeding and pain Kanga, i was told after i had my ERPC on friday morning if i was getting heavy bleeding or really bad pains go straight to A&E, but lucky for me i've had no pains and no bleeding as yet. I hope your feeling better soon sweetie xx
I just wish there was a straight forward answer and recovery to this. I will probably phone the epau tomorrow and just see what they say. Thank u for posting ur experiences and I'm glad u are doing ok after ur op babystar xx
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Thanks kanga
Just hope your feeling better soon, i bet it's not nice feeling crappy all the time.
I'm waiting now to see if i get any bleeding or pains now.
Does anyone now how long your cervix stays open for after an ERPC? As the nurse told me that they have to open your cervix to remove the baby, but didnt say how long it stays open.
I think after 2 weeks u are allowed to bd again and the reason ur not really allowed to before is because the cervix is still open so the risk of infection is there, so guessing around 2 weeks. But u could always check urself ? I do, mine is still open slightly like a little slit but then I am still bleeding. Xx
Thanks kanga
Just want to get on:bd: with again as soon as possible so we can get on with TTC again.
Hi Kanga, hope you would feel better soon and get some proper help. As with my miscarriage I hardly have any bleeding but was in pain yesterday. I had to stay in hospital a bit longer because of low blood pressure but had a good night sleep in my bed last night. From the medical point of view I understand that my body dealt with pregnancy its way and probably for the best, however it does not stop me thinking no matter how much I dont want to be thinking about it. I have PCOS and ovulating problems so as my surgeon said the positive thing is that I was able to get pregnant- I just need to get to this stage and think positive! Again hope you feel better soon :)
you can DTD only after you completely stop bleeding.

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