
So much better after going swimming this evening! Have had a horrible constant pain in the side, which I think is possibly ligaments rather than labour (although no idea really) - just about managed the car journey with the seat bolt upright and propped up on a pillow, and when I came out of the baths I was like a changed woman! Was absolute bliss floating in the water taking the weight off... don't know why I haven't done that much more in tri 3. Has eased so much of the pain :)
Had a curry afterwards in case that actually works lol
Come on babe... gerrout!
Oh gesso yorkslass can't believe everything has settled for you. So thought baby was going to come before your due date! Glad your pain is easier though! Hope you meet him/her soon - I'm intrigued what you're having :)
I'm having an awkward b*****d, that's what I'm having! ;-)
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Take it you haven't given birth during the night then lol! Was routing for you! xx
Just popping in to see is there any progress! Being overdue is horrible, but the end is in sight. Xx

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Nothing yet... considering swimming again, just tried dog walking and the side pain has come back... grr...
What with feeling so good after swimming yesterday, I REALLY want to get a water birth now!
Hopefully the birthing pool will be available for you x
Thinking of you!!!! It's crazy how long it's been going on I was luck with my little boy 3 days early, 9 hours in labour altogether but scared this next one will laugh and think I had it too easy last times and give me hell really hoping your little one comes soon!!!
York lass I saw your comment about wanting a water birth.l so wanted to post a quick comment. Water births are amazing!!! I laboured in the pool for 6 hours and it was bliss. So relaxing and much more comfortable than being on a bed or anything. I couldn't deliver in the water as he got stuck but I wish I could have. Good luck!
Really hoping for use of a pool... has been my ideal all the way through, just worried they'll all be being used! They have 3 at lgi, but I've been so down about it all since they tried to turn us away to a different hospital when I had the long false labour last week. Think that might be what's stalling everything now really, just can't relax for the stress of that!
My plan with my son was a water birth but once it all kicked off there just wasn't time I definitely can't have one this time as I have strep b and will b on antibiotics through labour
Really hoping for use of a pool... has been my ideal all the way through, just worried they'll all be being used! They have 3 at lgi, but I've been so down about it all since they tried to turn us away to a different hospital when I had the long false labour last week. Think that might be what's stalling everything now really, just can't relax for the stress of that!

I was really worried about being able to use the pool as I also had my heart set on it (mind you our hospital here only has one!), but was later told that they're not actually used very much as you need to be classified as low risk AND pass the initial assessment once you're admitted. So - as long as you're healthy chances are you will get to use the pool unless the hospital is busy in general.

Also - I tried the pool and got out 30 mins later because I absolutely hated it when I was in actual labour. I guess you never know...fingers crossed baby will come soon!
I know I can't guarantee it or even know if it's be any good for me in the moment... trying to stay flexible about it all! Would love to have the option there though. At least, would like to be in my hospital of choice -that'd be good for a start lol
Water pools r fab!

Attempted one with my eldest but due to complications in labour i hD to get out the water & be transfered to consultant led.

With my DS2 i literally just made it to hospital in time!
I was 8cm in arrival, they had already started to fill pool for me luckily! I got into the water and he was born 7mins later! Lol x
If it comes to it, I'll just go to the local leisure centre instead haha
Oh flip clear he swimmers out first and get some baby goggles for the chlorine haha
Oh dear, I'm officially stalking you now for baby announcement news.
Hurry up Yorksbaby! :D x

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