Long time coming, but we have a girlie called Rowan
Things started properly 3am Wednesday - contractions slowly increasing throughout the day. Had a long nap in the afternoon, and when I woke, felt like the baby's movements were reduced. Called in and the lgi agreed to check us out - of course, baby was moving fine by the time we got there! Lgi gave us the option to stay in and potter about there in labour and it was a good thong we did, as the hospital shut to admissions again shortly,after! All in all it was the birth I wanted - did it all on a tens machine and then after waters started to go at about 5cm, got referred to delivery and got a birthing pool! Labouring in the pool was fantastic - what a difference! The last part with the head coming down and all the pressure was very difficult though.
And then it went completely downhill from there! Got a 2nd degree tear from the head coming too fast, but that was only the start... Had a little skin to skin bonding as mw tried to get the placenta out, and we weren't having much luck with it. Next thing I know, there's a massive haemorrhage and about 7 docs rush in and I get taken off to theatre for a 2 hr operation, much to the horror of my partner who had to watch the whole thing with our babe in his arms. I know little of what happened and he won't tell me o.o
Apparently I lost 1.4 litres of blood (which according to partner, they put in a large bucket o.o)
Seems the placenta had broken up a bit and left membranes which had to be dealt with and caused all the bleeding.
So missed out on a lot of valuable skin to skin and initial feeding, still pretty weak and only just able to stand what with the epidural I suddenly had to have and all that... But we're gradually catching up. Persisting with trying to feed!