
The pain keeps coming on and off - I've spent half the day on all fours, now my knees are getting wrecked lol - wish I knew if it's doing any good...
The weird thing is that the baby all seems lumped into the right side of my belly, but the pain is all on the left of my back o_O does that even make sense? I can't really tell from the leg movements which way it is at all either...
Sounds like you're going through a tough time!! :( i hope things will move quickly now! Xx
That's exactly how it was with me....one side of my bump was soft and the other half was hard where the baby was. And pain all over my back. I had a long Labour as well, fingers crossed for you that it speeds up soon and things begin!! Xx
Aww Yorkslass it is hard!! I remember contracting for days and it being really frustrating, but you wait it will just kick off and you'll know about it when it hits! Good luck, will be keeping an eye out for you xxxx
Ugh, getting fed up and sore from being on hands and knees and on the ball all day - would give anything to just have a couch slouch for a bit! Wish this labour would start properly gah...
Hiya just the same as you've been having - contractions to the point you think this is it then completely tail off then ramp up again then vanish!! I feel your pain as it was so frustrating and confusing :( just try to get as much rest as you can but I know that's completely easier said than done!! Xx
Another night of pains on and off - left side and back again, and odd twitching pulling feelings in the bump... BUT I think baby might have turned a bit, as I was feeling some weird grinding sensations in the pelvis and the bump seems a bit more central rather than all on the right now, with less back pain today. Also had a tiny bit of a show this morning o.o
Think all the hands and knees positions and pains might have done something at last!
Sounds promising!

Wonder if you'll be the 1% (I think it is?) that's babies are born on their due date? :)
That'd be one punctual baby!
My mother reckons Wednesday or Thursday, and tends to be freakishly right about everything - I think witchcraft...
Fingers crossed for you that it isn't much longer. Have you got any dates to meet with the midwife again?
She did book me in for something, but I was so out of it the other day I forget what she said - she didn't write it down either! Will have to call... I remember she said the baby would probably have come by then anyway... would be nice to get some advice on which way the babe's facing now though, I have no idea how to tell!
How are you doing? I keep checking in in hope that you've had a super quick pain free labour and are holding your baby! X
Good luck Hun xxx hope it's really smooth and fast for u xxx
Another day of hands and knees - I really think baby might have turned into a better position now... lots of pressure down below and some more show. Hope it's soon - getting fed up of it all! Off to bed now with some twinges of pain around the bump, but I don't hold out much hope - was the same last night!
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Gosh your body is really messing you around isn't it! You poor thing, but just go with your mums predictions lol, I bet you're really fed up though! Is it your due date today? xx
Yep, officially due today lol
Another night of broken sleep - no contractions, but lots of pain in the left side of the bump, especially while trying to sleep on that side. I don't know if I've maybe pulled the ligaments on that side with all the exercises trying to turn the baby :-(
On the up side, had a bigger show at about 3am, no blood but definitely plug. So things surely MUST be happening!
Going to phone clinic too and find out when mw said she'd booked me in...
Keep us posted about what she said chick & happy due date! Hopefully baby starts to make their entrance soon for you. X
Happy due date, I really hope things start happening for you soon. It sounds like your having lots of signs so il keep everything crossed for you xx
Ahh happy due date! Yes I think it's all the right stuff happening but just bloody slowly and teasing you!! Xx

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